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Family Support

Started by Jon Snow, January 03, 2013, 07:47:45 AM

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Jon Snow

Can anyone explain just how this works? I have exactly 1500 family wealth, and two nobles. Both of them have sent the gold pretty equally. The problem is that only one has the option to ask for family support. Why is that? The one who can't ask has more H/P and I'm pretty sure may have sent a bit more than the other one.

Draco Tanos

How much gold do they have?  If you have too much in gold (and I think bonds are included now) you can't ask for family support.

Jon Snow

One of them has 0 gold right now, and the other one has 69. You were right, it was because the other one had too much gold. I dropped it down below 100 by sending some home, and now family support showed up. Thanks for the help!

Draco Tanos

Always glad to help when I can!