Author Topic: What makes a D'haran?  (Read 153068 times)


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Re: What makes a D'haran?
« Reply #315: May 25, 2013, 04:49:18 AM »
Wasn't Ulfang chairman for a while? Or did I completely imagine that?

Also, Rynn is very seriously considering shutting down the MC. What's the point if know one uses it?

I believe Turin succeeded Ismail, then Tratumal (?), then Rebec. Between Ismail and Rebec the turnover was pretty high and the Chairmanship kinda turned into a holding pen for new lords.

I can understand Rynn's temptation to shut down the MC. When Ismail was Chairman it was like pulling teeth to get a response on anything. Even the Dragon Restoration only got like 3 knights to speak up of... 8 or 10 or so? The Second Census also showed lower knight participation. However, with the influx of new knights (ex-lords and otherwise), the MC could find fresh purpose.

Ismail drew some flak for using the Chairmanship and tangentially the MC to push his agenda, but hell, why not? Rebec could totally turn it into a legislative hammer if he wanted to. It might be a nice institution to keep around in case some ambitious knight comes along that really wants to shake things up and rattle the House of Lords a bit.

As an afterthought, maybe there could be some routine procedure every several months or so to get knights to renew the MC's mandate. For example: If less than 1/3 of the knights sign off on another term for the MC, it would be adjourned. It could be reconvened when the knights find a new cause to rally behind. Maybe this would be a better third option next to 'get rid of it' and 'let the quiet kids club continue uselessly.'
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 04:57:50 AM by Tandaros »