
Is the proposed Empire a good way to restart the Colonies while holding to player driven content?

Lukon has won...lets do the player driven reset...
7 (19.4%)
It seems a good way to draw more players to the Colonies
7 (19.4%)
The Hendrix family and Lukon are the sons of monkeyless goats!!!!!!!
7 (19.4%)
Go home Lukon...your drunk
9 (25%)
The Colonies have been boring & this will provide a solid change with no threats to realm distruction.
6 (16.7%)

Total Members Voted: 19

Author Topic: Empire of the Colonies  (Read 19596 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Empire of the Colonies
« Topic Start: January 08, 2013, 08:49:56 PM »
I have known that Lukon was too big, or too strong or what ever, for a long time.  It really came about when we had Portion and then the priests finally fell.  Up until that point my plots and plans were on the fly with changes taking place every day.  Alebad was a great enemy for a long time.

Now I am not going to say my playing style is best.  Not going to say I am not at fault for the slow down of the Colonies.  But I will say that I have played my characters as intended...most of the time.  I had to change how ruthless Valast was after a while.  The Valast of the early history would not have worked to rebuild OT after they were nearly wiped out by Giblot...would not have tried to found MT in Alebad...and would not have attempted to give Wetham to the Assassins.  I played up the actions as Valast growing older.  But it was to try and keep things moving in the Colonies.

It is the same thing now with Valakyrie.  Rakaarox (James) had been talking to me for a long time about how Lukon will need to be broken up at some point... but how to do that without 1. major break in character...I could not find a way to justify it.  Valakyrie's story is hers and I just help move things along... or 2. Leave the players in Lukon as sitting ducks out in the cold.  They have worked harder than I have to get Lukon where it is.

So enters the balance of how to provide the needs of the Colonies, Players, Character.

Enter the plan of Empire.  Valakyrie will become the first Empress and the historical references of the creation... With all the realms returning to city states it will make sure the players in Lukon are not left weak in a sea of enemies... the break up of Lukon will provide new positions of power for those formerly of Lukon, so their characters are taken care of... and the entire thing will bring more action, skills, intrigue, politics... and players I hope... to the Colonies.


The Assassins have not been destroyed, if you guys look a bit closer.  No more that MT has.  Both have a chance to survive the Empire building process... MT has already made an effort to do so.

As to why the Assassins were attacked... that has more to do with the plotting with MT and others against Lukon and Oritolon.  So Lukon had planned for a while to simply replace the leadership of the Assassins with Lullaby and Aramon Abjur (Jr)... However... Lullaby auto paused and Aramon (jr) had less a line to power in the realm.  I continued to bluff a bit about it all and my bluff was called...so Lukon did what it does when its bluff is called.  Now the future is still not decided on the Dark Citadel.  It is my hope that it returns to what it was at the beginning of the Colonies...full of infiltrators.  Yet this time with a little regulation on the use of infiltrators... enforced by the Empire.  (in other words all people with bounties are fair game... however any infiltrator captured can still be punished by the realm that captured him/her... yet any ban placed on an infiltrator should have a set fine which can be paid to the realm in order to have the ban lifted... all so that we create a fair environment for infiltrators without just letting them run wild.)


Now the idea of OT and Oritolon joining up to fight Lukon.  That idea set sail a long long time ago.  While Lukon has upheld its oath to Oritolon for 9 years now...the two realms have drifted far apart.  Lukon and Oritolon nobles do not have the spark of friendship they once did....and it is only held together by the "old guard"....who are few and far between.  So I could see the chance for a fight there although Lukon would still have the moral high ground at least in my opinion  ;)

At the same time, OT and Lukon have drifted closer together.  It was Lukon who defended OT when they were down to one region... and then we helped them to defeat Giblot to end that blood feud that has raged from the start of colonies.  Perhaps they would ignore that...or perhaps they look forward to the Empire so that they can have all different sorts of BBQ again...

Lets say both did choose to fight.  I think the map of the Colonies shows who has the defensive advantage.  Although all 4 realms against Lukon, you would have the advantage during the initial attacks.