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Started by Indirik, January 08, 2013, 04:12:43 PM

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Quote from: Eirikr on January 15, 2013, 03:31:01 AM
Does it work any differently than normal travel without a unit? Kuvio's not above anything.
You travel 12 hours a turn; no next destination, delay travel, or canceling traveling and you use 20% provisions a day. Also you pay to embark and you will have full hours most the time but you have nothing to use them on.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Provisions only matter if you have a unit, though.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on January 15, 2013, 04:23:24 AM
Provisions only matter if you have a unit, though.
Yes, I forgot that he mentioned he was unitless.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Indirik on January 15, 2013, 04:23:24 AM
Provisions only matter if you have a unit, though.

BAM! The question I was going to ask!

First murderous pirate in BM? Sounds good to me! Now to advertise...


As I suspected, with this mix of people, the realm could not possibly be boring.  :P

I wonder if we'll have a Swordfell-style meltdown.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I certainly hope not. Though I do wonder if Edmundus will start to act like a tyrant now there are protests and threats of a duel against him.

Draco Tanos

He already has Victus's consent to banish the disloyal nobles if he deems it necessary. 

It's a shame, I was looking forward to playing with Vellos a bit.  Indirik I knew would need to be booted eventually.


You call *this* disloyal? Pfft...
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Noldorin on January 11, 2013, 10:16:55 AM
Thalmarkin accepted him just as we accept close to anyone who swears us loyalty. Fingolfin (and I think rest of Thalmarkin) has decided that what matters in Thalmarkin is what you do in Thalmarkin, or for Thalmarkin. What your past deeds were or where you come from couldnt bother him less (except for a few cases, most of which has been Thalmarkin-related :p ). We do have some problems with traitors of humanity though (where Annaej became a little problem since I accepted her and defended her without really knowing what she did in the south. Still not entirely sure, but at least that problem solved itself :) )...

For the colony there has been hell to find cadidates indeed... OG stole the only two willing to go there, so now I have been forced to search the whole world for candidates. Seems Thal is just too awesome, combined with making a too good deal for Thal in the colony. :p

I thought this post might suddenly be relevant again. ;)

Oh hi Tanos!  ;D

Gustav Kuriga

Henzo is quiet during all of this. What could he be up to?

Draco Tanos

Quote from: Lorgan on January 19, 2013, 09:01:19 PM
I thought this post might suddenly be relevant again. ;)

Oh hi Tanos!  ;D
You mean the guy who already tried to stab Thalmarkin nobles?  Yeah, that'd go over real well.  Especially if he has to travel through OG to get there.  And he best hope he doesn't get captured by us.  As I've said before:  We'll execute assassins.


Nah, I'm just saying in general, if you're gonna throw out people... Thalmarkin is just around the corner. It's the one with the crappier badlands. :)

Anyway, what's going on, still Hemaism vs CoH?

Draco Tanos

Nope.  Created three duchies, one to give as a reward to whatever noble proves themself the best (as well as historical reasons) in battle and in service to the realm.  Apparently it's all due to religious reasons!  Even though one lord is CoH, another pagan, and the third is Daishi...

Basically Velos, Strife, and Indirik complaining for the sake of complaining. :P


Quote from: Draco Tanos on January 20, 2013, 01:07:11 AM
Basically Velos, Strife, and Indirik complaining for the sake of complaining. :P


You just woefully misunderstand my character. He literally doesn't even know the other characters.

He's a bastard who was systematically hunted by his family across a continent and driven into hiding, then fought his way back into the nobility through monsters and undead. As a nobleman he had the pleasure of getting his ass handed to him in a war, then having his career prospects stymied by his family's meddling's again. So he fled to a new realm in Beluaterra where his family had no connections.

A person whose entire life's preoccupation is demonstrating that he is noble, honorable, and worthy of dignity– and you're surprised he pitched a fit when your character basically said, "Yeah, treaties and agreements don't matter because I'm the Grand Prince lolololol!" and then a judge (Onamont has few pleasant feelings toward judges, given his time spent as an adventurer) comes up and calls him twice an oathbreaker because he refused to accept that agreements didn't matter?

Psh, yeah. He's complaining just to complain.

It's frustrating for me because I really wanted to play in a different group of players– unfortunately it looks like I found a group of players that really dislikes dissent.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Victus violated the treaty by creating an extra duchy, and holding it himself. Then when asked why, he said something about "easier administration and defense", then said that the "damnable treaty" that formed the realm was poorly written, had lots of spelling errors, and didn't apply to us, because we aren't signatories to it. The judge told everyone to calm down and discuss things reasonably and not start accusing people of treason, then proceeded to call everyone who didn't agree with the new duchy situation an oathbreaker, specifically Onamont Vellos. Onamont demanded an apology, then the judge did it again. Onamont demanded a duel. The judge wrote a smarmy letter about how realm law stated that you had to get the judge's permission to issue a duel challenge, so in order to challenge him to a duel you had to first ask him for permission to challenge him before you could challenge him. So neener neener! Then he proceeded to fine both Ralina (for no good reason) and Onamont (for issuing a duel, which Onamont has not done) fines, despite the fact that neither of us have broken any realm laws.

Victus keeps claiming that the treaty means nothing and we don't have to follow it, since we didn't sign it, despite the fact that his only mandate to rule is derived directly from the treaty itself. Which he despises. There have been calls for the entire government to step down and hold new elections.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.