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Started by Indirik, January 08, 2013, 04:12:43 PM

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As soon as Tsumiki gets back to the capital, she will open judge and banker to elections. I imagine lifting Onamont's ban will be one of the first things that the new judge does.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


That and probably opening the realm's laws up to a debate, most likely. Especially regarding dueling.



Pff... appoint somebody. It's a monarchy isn't it?
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Yep. But Tsumiki's platform included elected judges and bankers. Not sure if it will be quarterly or monthly.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Vellos on February 01, 2013, 01:13:11 AM

Pff... appoint somebody. It's a monarchy isn't it?

Thinking more on a OOC level, even if the realm is a monarchy I think it is good to have judge and banker elections.

This gives opportunity to everyone on the realm to be part of the council, instead of having the same nobles on the same position controlling the realm for years.

Unless off course there is a retirement feature that makes a char step down when he reaches a certain age to prevent rulers with +150 years.
Stryfe Family: Tristan - Heorot/ Scherzer - Nothoi / Finan - Caelum / Arya - Farronite Republic


Quote from: Indirik on February 01, 2013, 01:21:50 AM
Yep. But Tsumiki's platform included elected judges and bankers. Not sure if it will be quarterly or monthly.

Well, elections are a chance for people to make derogatory comments... which means more chances for Onamont to get offended.

I guess I can live with that.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


You could always do both: appoint a judge to lift Vellos' ban, while a referendum runs for the next judge. Whoever gets elected automatically replaces whoever was appointed.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Yes, It is a Monarchy and I think people are forgetting that fact.
Michael (BT) - Marcus (BT) - Antonious (EC) - Claudius (EC)


Pfft... We know it's a monarchy. Victus is the one that forgot, and tried to run it as a tyrannical dictatorship. A Monarch rules with the consent and support of his nobility. He does not have carte blanche to treat his nobles like !@#$. The nobles that joined the realm expected to be participants in the creation of a new realm, not spectators. Now, maybe he would have changed a bit, and allowed the nobility to have some say in how the realm was run. But maybe not. We know, OOC, that Victus was intent on disenfranchising at least one lord, possibly more.

There are quite a few players in this game that are not content to sit back and allow a realm council to run pell-mell over their rights. There just happened to be several of them that all went to Caelum. As a result of his decisions and policies, Victus lost the support of his nobility. There were 16 nobles in the realm. Only 2 spoke up in defense of Victus. One was the disgraced ex-judge, and one was the general. One duke was outright threatening secession and rebellion over the ruler's actions, and the other made no public statement either way. The banker was disgruntled over the ruler's actions, but didn't feel that she could say anything so long as Victus was still in office.

Victus was in a very dicey situation from the start. He had no clear mandate to rule from his nobility. None of them had any personal loyalty to him, and not a single one actually chose him to be the ruler. The nobles came from widely varied backgrounds, and there were obvious religious differences and tensions from the start. He should have been walking softly for the first several months, instead of strutting around with the biggest stick he could find. Two of the rulers that signed the treaty are followers of Hemaism (one had already been treated to Victus' hostile attitude and was doubtless predisposed to believe the worst of him), and it was pretty clear that a third didn't give a damn about what the realm did since they couldn't be bothered to appoint the lords the treaty granted them. So it was obvious that the only one that would care was the ruler of Old Grehk. As soon as Victus started lying about what was going on, it was obvious that he'd lost. Old Grehk was never going to take hostile action against Caelum, or it risked war with both Sint and Nothoi. Then we decided to elect a Riombaran ruler, and sealed the deal.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Draco Tanos

Nice to see you're as delusional as always.  Do you always believe OOC what you make yourself believe IC?


it's all true, whether you believe it or not.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Turner on February 01, 2013, 02:54:05 AM
Yes, It is a Monarchy and I think people are forgetting that fact.

How so?

Personally I don't think anyone's forgotten anything. Victus went in one direction with his leadership style, and in the process he precipitated a crisis that almost fractured the realm. The reaction naturally has been for the pendulum to swing the other way. Caelum had a bad experience with an authoritarian Monarch, so now they've placed a much more liberal Monarch on the throne. Lucian certainly didn't care whether the other council positions were elected or not, he just wanted a more reasonable Monarch. One who might demand less and listen more. Tsumiki seemed like the best candidate in that regard.

It's unfortunate that there seem to be some bad OOC feelings over this. Honestly though, Victus clearly made mistakes. If he hadn't, he wouldn't have gotten himself thrown out of office.


Quote from: Draco Tanos on February 01, 2013, 03:39:38 AM
Nice to see you're as delusional as always.  Do you always believe OOC what you make yourself believe IC?

You seem to be taking this personally.

What is your version of events? I'm honestly curious to hear.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Turner on February 01, 2013, 02:54:05 AM
Yes, It is a Monarchy and I think people are forgetting that fact.

A monarchy is not an excuse for a player that was selected to be the ruler to "play alone" or with just a few selected friends.

In the end, I don't care if it is a monarchy, republic, tyranny, what matters is that everyone in the realm is having fun.

Just look at the French Revolution, you had a monarch that did not wanted to play with others...what did they do? off with his head...
Stryfe Family: Tristan - Heorot/ Scherzer - Nothoi / Finan - Caelum / Arya - Farronite Republic


My honest opinion is we had a new realm half destroyed, with no OC 'friendships', and with not much to do but kill monsters... a bit boring! (As some players said!)

So some players chose to throw down the ruler for fun, not for a serious OC reason, but because they were bored. (as this is not a SMA island, nothing bad about it). I don't think there were a OC real reason to do it... but because it was the fun thing to do.

Of course We can make all kind of OC reasons, more or less coherent, but IMHO are only 'alibis'.

The problem in this 'matter' is because there is two ways to play (or RP) this game:
1-You make whatever you want with your characters, and then, you look for an OC reason for it. (or not)
2-You make your characters to do the things you think your medieval-noble would do. Not matter you would want him to do other things.

I think both are right, (and both have their good and bad points) but sometimes they don't mix too well.