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And a new realm lives!

Started by Woelfy, January 09, 2013, 11:04:32 PM

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Quote from: Solari on January 11, 2013, 03:12:40 AM
And yet Machiavel had quite a bit riding on his ascendancy. Not exactly picking the winning horses, is he?  ;)

The same could be said of Malus picking Fulco over Sevastian ;)

Quote from: Dishman on January 11, 2013, 03:33:47 AM
I spent days trying to start a war with my EC character. Insulted Queen/Judge/General of a foreign realm (at the same time some other of my fellow countrymen were bounty hunting their nobles). Nothing happens. I try to make everyone get along in Swordfell....BAM. A war brews.

I wonder if I'll get a chance to ambush a king this time.  ;D

Hahaha, EC is a pain to get things moving in unless you are already established.  Dwilight on the other hand is a powder keg, well Central and Lower Toprak are.

Ambush Sevastian all you want, he's rather used to it. Just be prepared for shenanigans in return!


Quote from: Woelfy on January 11, 2013, 03:55:01 AM
The same could be said of Malus picking Fulco over Sevastian ;)

How dare you! He didn't pick Fulco. He was trolled by Allison!


Quote from: Solari on January 11, 2013, 03:57:04 AM
How dare you! He didn't pick Fulco. He was trolled by Allison!

Hahaha, and now trolled by Woelfy.


Quote from: Woelfy on January 11, 2013, 03:06:27 AM

Silly thing is, no one is really in any position to do anything to Sevastian except for Abbigal. And even then, the secession of Flowrestown wouldn't be a terrible thing.

I am trying to figure out if I should be insulted for being called silly? or having it being inferred.   Though it  will be a long battle Abbigial does not plan on leaving Swordfell willingly.


Quote from: Pike on January 11, 2013, 05:27:00 AM
I am trying to figure out if I should be insulted for being called silly? or having it being inferred.   Though it  will be a long battle Abbigial does not plan on leaving Swordfell willingly.
He was implying that the fact that all but one person can't do anything to Sevastion and that even the one person can't do much, not that the one person was silly IMO.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Penchant on January 11, 2013, 06:02:57 AM
He was implying that the fact that all but one person can't do anything to Sevastion and that even the one person can't do much, not that the one person was silly IMO.

Precisely, it was in no way a reflection upon Abbigal, whom as a player I adore, but as a character (Sevastian) feel rather indifferent towards.

And it makes me glad to hear you won't just give up easily. I do hope you are prepared to watch Bowie get banned for his threats against a Duke of the realm though. Lurian law is... Harsh, at best. And the Divides fall under Lurian Law.

God I love my character.


Yay hullabaloo! First drama I get to see / experience.

Looking forward to seeing how the rest plays out, seeing everything so far has been quite entertaining.


I find it interesting that you are wanting to impose Lurian laws against Bowie.  How is it that laws from a different group of people will be allowed to trump laws of the realm.  How is it that the Court of Stone has laws that are different from the rest of the realm.  How is it that I do not think anyone else knows that these laws are in effect in Swordfell?

Things are turning out to be interesting to be the least. Right now I think Sevastian is quickly becoming the biggest threat to Swordfell as he seems determined to divide the realm.  Do not know if this is on purpose or not but we shall see.  I can see where Bowie could be a possible threat to Swordfell as well but as of yet he is not in position to nor has he done anything to go against swordfell other then wanting Sevatian so step down right away.


Quote from: Pike on January 11, 2013, 10:45:20 AM
A. I find it interesting that you are wanting to impose Lurian laws against Bowie.  How is it that laws from a different group of people will be allowed to trump laws of the realm.

B.  I can see where Bowie could be a possible threat to Swordfell as well but as of yet he is not in position to nor has he done anything to go against swordfell other then wanting Sevatian so step down right away.

A. Sevastian is Lurian. It has been overly stated a million times that his identity is everything and within his domain (his duchy fully, and his region overly) Lurian law and rights are to be upheld.

B. Bowie threatened a Duke of the Realm, after previously having promised said duke semi-autonomous power. He has ordered a disruption of the plan laid out by the Fellish Assembly of Morek. His ties with Allison and the 'Moot are also extremely suspect.


The 'moot's at war against SA's enemies, I hardly see links with it as suspicious.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Woelfy on January 11, 2013, 11:13:35 AM
A. Sevastian is Lurian. It has been overly stated a million times that his identity is everything and within his domain (his duchy fully, and his region overly) Lurian law and rights are to be upheld.

B. Bowie threatened a Duke of the Realm, after previously having promised said duke semi-autonomous power. He has ordered a disruption of the plan laid out by the Fellish Assembly of Morek. His ties with Allison and the 'Moot are also extremely suspect.

A)As Sevastian is not the Judge though he does not control the Laws of Swordfell.  So once again how can Lurian rights and laws trump the laws of Swordfell. Lurian Laws where not written into the laws of Swordfell and since I know little about them I do not know how they compare to the laws of Swordfell.

B)Sevastian has refused to step down at the request and order of the ruler elect.(not going to argue again if it was rignt or wrong to be be asked) In the end a request and order of the ruler should be listened to.  Sevastian has caused the Judge to step down.(once again not going to argue if said person was right for the job).  Sevastian is determine to divide the realm based on the two duchies instead of bringing them together under one realm.  This is evident by the fact that he has told Abigial that is she does not like the way things are going she can leave and the way he talk about his regions and his duchy being his own personal claim and under his power.  As far as Sevastian is concerned  Swordfell would be better off if was just him and his own Duchy an un-taken over regions that he lays claim to.  Overall With the exception of returning Abbigal's duchy to her and creating the realm Sevastian has done little to bring the realm together.


If Swordfell was just BR and the Divides it'd fold faster than shirts at a chinese laundry service.


Quote from: Chénier on January 11, 2013, 12:38:09 PM
The 'moot's at war against SA's enemies, I hardly see links with it as suspicious.

ikr? In SA discussion it was like "he maybe hates SA, and has ties with Allison, and maybe the Moot" and people were like "OH MY GOD. THE MOOT?"


It's like someone tells you that they commit arson, murder, and jaywalking and you say "NOT JAYWALKING!?"
Lokenth, Warrior of Arcaea, former Adventurer
Adamir, Lord of Luria Nova


Quote from: Daycryn on January 11, 2013, 05:03:31 PM
ikr? In SA discussion it was like "he maybe hates SA, and has ties with Allison, and maybe the Moot" and people were like "OH MY GOD. THE MOOT?"

Because it implies there may be more to Swordfells formation than meets the eye.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Daycryn on January 11, 2013, 05:03:31 PM
ikr? In SA discussion it was like "he maybe hates SA, and has ties with Allison, and maybe the Moot" and people were like "OH MY GOD. THE MOOT?"


It's like someone tells you that they commit arson, murder, and jaywalking and you say "NOT JAYWALKING!?"

We live lives in beautiful lies...