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And a new realm lives!

Started by Woelfy, January 09, 2013, 11:04:32 PM

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The cold hard truth is, Pike, that Sevastian holds the crown and the power in Swordfell. I've been maneuvering him back into a place of power since the debacle with Allison-Malus and Sun Hall.

I might not be the judge, but I can damn well choose how my character views law and what he does to uphold them. He was born and bred Lurian, if you honestly think that'd change in two months, you are being silly. Being Lurian is a big thing, to all of the characters who claim it. His duchy has /always/ been promised sovereign rule, and I'm not about to relinquish that because another character is upset.

Also, the referendums are comical.

Swordfell is Sevastian's, thanks to the crap Bowie put him through. I was quite clear that pushing him too far would lead to the exact opposite of the desired result. It's not my fault people don't listen.

It reminds me of the story about the two wolves living inside everyone, one good and one evil, the one that wins is the one that gets fed. So far, people have been shoving food at the evil wolf in Sevastian. Not a smart move if people really do want unification.


Quote from: Daycryn on January 11, 2013, 05:03:31 PM
ikr? In SA discussion it was like "he maybe hates SA, and has ties with Allison, and maybe the Moot" and people were like "OH MY GOD. THE MOOT?"


It's like someone tells you that they commit arson, murder, and jaywalking and you say "NOT JAYWALKING!?"


We inspire fear, even in the heart of our allies, and even when we are fighting their dreaded enemies. Damn we are awesome.
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Quote from: Woelfy on January 11, 2013, 11:13:35 AM
His ties with Allison and the 'Moot are also extremely suspect.

*Spews juice from mouth.

I what!? Ties with Allison Kabrinski (she wanted to kill me)? The MOOT (except as an observer)? Hahahhahahahahaaaaahahahhahahahahhaha......hhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!

Oh brother! Please, please, bring that up IC. PLEASE!

Swordfell for the Fellish! (not Sevastian!)
Ironsides Family, mainly East Continent and Dwilight. I dip my toe into Atamara here and there


How did Allison troll Malus. 
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Quote from: Ironsides on January 11, 2013, 07:20:08 PM
*Spews juice from mouth.

I what!? Ties with Allison Kabrinski (she wanted to kill me)? The MOOT (except as an observer)? Hahahhahahahahaaaaahahahhahahahahhaha......hhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!

Oh brother! Please, please, bring that up IC. PLEASE!

Swordfell for the Fellish! (not Sevastian!)

It has already been brought up to the people that matter. Sevastian is doing some crazy politicking to do some crazy stuff right now. Sorry mate. It's what he does.

I will unfortunately repeat myself, in that Sevastian is first and foremost, and has been in every communication:


Born in Pian en Luries; a knight, a lord, a vice-marshal, a marshal, a general, and a betrayed king of Solaria; a Duke of the Empire under Fulco (short lived and rebellious as he may have been); and a recognized Lurian Duchy with autonomous power within Morek/Swordfell.

You agreed to it.

Sevastian was willing to just follow the plan and move along with how Bowie wanted things, until Bowie started acting like a child and causing dissent within 6 hours of secession. Sevastian has been pushed and pushed and pushed, and now he's planting his feet and setting his roots.


Quote from: Ironsides on January 11, 2013, 07:20:08 PM
*Spews juice from mouth.

I what!? Ties with Allison Kabrinski (she wanted to kill me)? The MOOT (except as an observer)? Hahahhahahahahaaaaahahahhahahahahhaha......hhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!

Oh brother! Please, please, bring that up IC. PLEASE!

Swordfell for the Fellish! (not Sevastian!)

When Hireshmont heard Bowie Ironsides as being associated with the Moot, he just about pooped himself.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Woelfy on January 11, 2013, 07:38:43 PM he's planting his feet and setting his roots.

Otherwise defined as USURPATION! Boo! Hsss! Hss! You set yourself up for a hard fall. I never minded you being the Duke of BR and what not, but now you will lose all of that. So sorry, I tried not to let you tie that noose! Swing!

Quote from: Vellos on January 11, 2013, 07:54:26 PM
When Hireshmont heard Bowie Ironsides as being associated with the Moot, he just about pooped himself.

I know, eh! Bowie as a scoundrel, sure everyone knows that, but all of a sudden he's the octopus behind every conspiracy and secret society. Not too long ago a noble in the Morek Empire was caught doing some kind of back deal with D'Hara and apparently belonged to a secret society. Automatically Bowie was associated with it and suspected. It was hilarious!
Ironsides Family, mainly East Continent and Dwilight. I dip my toe into Atamara here and there


Quote from: Daycryn on January 11, 2013, 05:03:31 PM
ikr? In SA discussion it was like "he maybe hates SA, and has ties with Allison, and maybe the Moot" and people were like "OH MY GOD. THE MOOT?"
I must have missed something. I don't remember any such reaction. As far as I know, no one in SA really gives a crap about the moot now that Allison is gone.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


A Morekian doing a secret deal with D'Hara? How come I wasn't aware of that, sounds something I'd be involved in.

And Swordfell looks like a fun place to be, right now. :P
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Quote from: Ironsides on January 11, 2013, 08:02:12 PM
Otherwise defined as USURPATION! Boo! Hsss! Hss! You set yourself up for a hard fall. I never minded you being the Duke of BR and what not, but now you will lose all of that. So sorry, I tried not to let you tie that noose! Swing!

You made a public announcement that you would have Sevastian's duchy stripped from him, and his lordship. Don't even play like you haven't been the aggressor in this.

You shafted yourself in this one mate.


Yea, eesh. You don't tell a duke you'll take everything from him. You just DO it before he realizes what's going on.

Being a power hungry ruler 101, eesh!
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Quote from: Chénier on January 11, 2013, 08:07:27 PM
Yea, eesh. You don't tell a duke you'll take everything from him. You just DO it before he realizes what's going on.

Being a power hungry ruler 101, eesh!

Precisely. For a change, we agree Chénier.

Being a Lurian Astroist is an interesting position I find my chracter in, particularly with his strengthened love of Morek.


Quote from: Woelfy on January 11, 2013, 08:09:43 PM
Precisely. For a change, we agree Chénier.

Being a Lurian Astroist is an interesting position I find my chracter in, particularly with his strengthened love of Morek.

A Luria Astroist vs a Morekian non-astroist. Nice.  8)

Bowie isn't the most reliable guy around, but he always creates interesting stuff.
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Quote from: Woelfy on January 11, 2013, 08:06:23 PM
Don't even play like you haven't been the aggressor in this.

Aggressor? I asked you to resign, you refused. Hm, what to do what to do. I argued with you, you told me to sit down and wait (me, the guy rightfully chosen by the community to be ruler). Hm, what to do what to do. I ordered you, you disobeyed! Hm, what to do what to do. So I denounced you from the realm and branded you our enemy.

We should call this, The People of Swordfell Versus Sevastian the Brown!
Ironsides Family, mainly East Continent and Dwilight. I dip my toe into Atamara here and there