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Feudal Hierarchy - Respect/Deference

Started by Dante Silverfire, January 14, 2013, 02:05:12 AM

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Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Penchant on January 14, 2013, 06:21:55 AM
My thoughts on realm council are what you said except General resides above marshal which you excluded but he has authority or everyone except ruler as far as military goes especially in times of war. And banker would more of equal to marshal and above dukes in food crises, both real wide or when it only pertains to a single region, though you have a bit more authority when it is one of the duke's regions as he cares more and will thus allow more authority.

Well military has its own hierarchy. I was trying to refer to feudal hierarchy. I consider them separate for the most part.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


For lost titles, it usually depend on if I plan on (wish for) the person to get his title back. For example, if we lost a bunch of regions due to starvation or takeovers, and I intend to help the ex-lord get back his region, I'm likely to still refer to him as "lord bob". For royal status, the title used varies from realm to realm. Some have used "prince", others use "royal". In Enweil, where the ruler is "Supreme Chancellor", I have usually called ex-rulers simply "Chancellor", though this has confused a few on occasion.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Draco Tanos on January 14, 2013, 02:24:46 AM
Former Dukes and Lords in general are generally continued to be called Lord by my characters.  Unless they don't like them, then they're just Sir or Dame.

And if his character really dislikes you he calls you by your first name.

Draco Tanos

Gregor's lucky he gets that much.  Backstabbing, politicking, habitual liar that he is. =p


My take on the respect vis-a-vis hieracrhy is simple: Rank matters less than your actual influence. Don't insult people you can't handle, no matter their station.

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Sacha on January 15, 2013, 01:04:09 PM
My take on the respect vis-a-vis hieracrhy is simple: Rank matters less than your actual influence. Don't insult people you can't handle, no matter their station.

That's an interesting take. I've seen a few people in the last week or so treat my Dwilight character with respect far above his feudal ranking of lord even though they were dukes. (Placed him at least on an equal level, if not above them to the point of flattery)
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


Quote from: Sacha on January 15, 2013, 01:04:09 PM
My take on the respect vis-a-vis hieracrhy is simple: Rank matters less than your actual influence. Don't insult people you can't handle, no matter their station.



Quote from: Sacha on January 15, 2013, 01:04:09 PM
My take on the respect vis-a-vis hieracrhy is simple: Rank matters less than your actual influence. Don't insult people you can't handle, no matter their station.

^ perfectly spoken.

My characters, all of them, try to use titles as a form of respect and announcement of plain fact.

If my character (me really), can remember someone's former highest held title, and is neutral towards or positively inclined towards them, then my character tends to use it. I've been that way since I started playing.

On one character, if I use just the first name of an individual, it is normally out of scorn and distaste. The other character is just the opposite, he uses the first names of those he is closest with.

And oddly, as different as they are in approach and goals, they are both rather instigatory and precise with their usages of titles.... I wonder why that is.... ::)


Quote from: Draco Tanos on January 15, 2013, 01:20:13 AM
Gregor's lucky he gets that much.  Backstabbing, politicking, habitual liar that he is. =p

I'll give you the backstabbing and politicking but he almost never lies. =)


Personally, I'm way too forgetful to keep past titles except in very few circumstances. Usually, if I remember dealing with someone when they were a higher rank, I still afford them the respect, but not the title itself. It also depends on the kind of title it was; if someone can acquire it easily or is easily removed, I'm less likely to grant them the respect after they've lost it. (For example, someone who is only a Marshal and loses that title is still essentially a Knight. I am unlikely to know the reason why he lost the title, but if he has no others, it's not likely a nice reason.

My rule is simple: If in doubt, check the Message page and pick the most relevant.

As for religion, my characters generally treat holy men with respect because they've dedicated their lives to their gods... but I completely ignore their authority if they're not of my faith. My realm? My laws. My region? My religion. I eagerly await the day a high-ranking member of a religion steps into Coria trying to convince us to do something Ravendon doesn't agree with.

I will note, however, that I always get confused with personal messages and befriended characters. Generally, I'll keep up titles for respect unless I'm really trying to appeal to their nature or emotion. Yet somehow, saying "Merlin" without a title feels weird. I think it's an OOC concept of the "real" legend.


Sacha hit the nail on the head, but as far as neutrality goes address varies widely based on positions and how the person is being addressed. Emperors are always "your Imperial Majesty", Kings "your majesty", Princes and Royals "Your Highness", Dukes are Duke X in a general address or "your grace" directly, Ambassadors and most government offices are "his excellency" in a general address or "your excellency" directly. As for courtesy titles it depends on if my character wishes to be courteous. Religious titles are tricky. Prophets/heads of religions I belong to are "your holiness" or "holy father". High ranking religious officials I tend to address like a catholic cardinal as "your eminence". Religious figures who are the rough equivelant of Bishops I address as "your grace".
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


This is mostly a BM contrivance since historically we didn't have many (or usually any) ex-Kings around. Ex-lords and ex-Dukes did occasionally pop up and they would keep their titles unless they had purposefully abdicated but Sacha has the right of it - in BM we have loads of ex-officials and it's tough to have any kind of blanket rule.


I was looking this up before when wondering how to refer to Jenred, the king before Velax. As long as he's paused (in-game, he's in a coma), referring to him as "King Jenred" seems fine, as that's the way history refers to dead Kings. King Edward I is still King Edward I, even though he died more than 700 years ago and isn't King right now. But when he comes back, I can't really call him King Jenred any more, as he's isn't the King. But Lord Jenred or Sir Jenred doesn't seem to accord him the respect he would deserve from having built Arcaea up from almost nothing.


So give him another honorific and be done with it :P

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Velax on January 29, 2013, 05:48:26 PM
I was looking this up before when wondering how to refer to Jenred, the king before Velax. As long as he's paused (in-game, he's in a coma), referring to him as "King Jenred" seems fine, as that's the way history refers to dead Kings. King Edward I is still King Edward I, even though he died more than 700 years ago and isn't King right now. But when he comes back, I can't really call him King Jenred any more, as he's isn't the King. But Lord Jenred or Sir Jenred doesn't seem to accord him the respect he would deserve from having built Arcaea up from almost nothing.

I think King Jenred would be just fine. Or, simply as "His Majesty" perhaps "Your Highness"

It depends honestly. If I was trying to insult Jenred I'd simply call him Sir Jenred or Lord Jenred. If I wanted to show him the respect he deserves I'd show him deference even as the reigning monarch of Arcaea.

Alternatively, if you really want to show him respect, you can grant him a new title such as "Lord Arcaea." That would certainly be a bit flattering. If your character stands by your statement here, then it would also fit quite well I think.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."