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Founding a New Realm

Started by Celestine, April 07, 2011, 11:58:54 PM

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Quote from: Artemesia on April 10, 2011, 06:40:43 PM
It is amazing how no one learned from Ordenstaat that (Rettle/Twain)ville is a pretty sub-optimal place for a realm. It requires nearly constant babysitting from its neighbors, while their neighbors face similar problems.

Sometimes I wonder if certain parts of Dwilight weren't intended never to be secured by human civilization.

I suspect one of the big problems (among many) is the fact that there is no townsland around the city. This means less gold -and more importantly- it cannot support palisades.

In that case, Balance's Retreat should be an awesome location. Unfortunately without really high initial capital that area wouldn't provide nearly enough income or food to sustain any army to make use of the potentially high level walls that can be built there.

For R/Tville, the opposite seems to be the case in terms of defense as Bael said. Food is no problem, as R/Tville don't really consume much in terms of cities, being pretty small in comparison to most Dwi cities. The surroundings are woodlands or rurals, but those provide relatively low income compared to most other areas, much like BR area.

On the other hand, travel is pretty quick in that area. That also means monsters move faster though.


Quote from: Bael on April 10, 2011, 07:05:25 PM
I suspect one of the big problems (among many) is the fact that there is no townsland around the city. This means less gold -and more importantly- it cannot support palisades.
Walls are useful when getting the realm up and running, but at some stage your army has to be able to face the rogues on open ground, or you will spend all your time waiting for rogues to leave your rurals so you can try to repair them again.


Fortifications allow you to survive long enough to be that strong. The amazing ring of fortifications around Astrum was crucial to getting the realm up and running. An insane number of our regions can be fortified.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


And my region was sadly not one of those :( no fortification for mountain regions  :P


Mountain regions can have a palisade.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Oww. Never-mind I thought Chrysantalys Mines was always a mountain region. It is a badland regoin.


That region fools everyone. Half of them expect it to be a townsland, the other half a mountain region.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on April 11, 2011, 10:17:40 PM
Fortifications allow you to survive long enough to be that strong. ...

Well said. The crucial importance of the townsland is that it provides a (relatively) safe region to recruit scouts from, and gives you one region that will be providing food for the city at least. And more food = more peasants = more production = more gold (& more recruits from centers perhaps).


What about Darfix?  Seems like a good city to start a realm...


Colonizing Darfi failed once already. Does that city even produce enough gold?


Quote from: Tony J on April 21, 2011, 04:00:21 AM
Colonizing Darfi failed once already. Does that city even produce enough gold?

Not anymore :P the city had a decent population when it was colonised, too bad the surrounding rurals didn't


Quote from: Celestine on April 21, 2011, 03:53:23 AMWhat about Darfix?  Seems like a good city to start a realm...

I would advise against that, unless you get permission from Sanguis Astroism, and specifically Astrum. Astrum would probably take a very dim view of any realm being formed in Darfix that wasn't officially endorsed by it.

Unfortunately, this is true of just about any city on Dwilight. If you are going to forma realm anywhere, you are either going to have to get official sponsorship from one of the existing realms, or be prepared for a nasty fight. Maybe both. :p

Just from a standpoint of desirability, Darfix would be a powerhouse realm if it could ever get started. The major problem, aside from securing rights to the city, is that it is absolutely swarmed by endless mobs of monsters. You would need a huge army, lots of gold, and a lot of food to keep you alive until your regions grow. And you will almost certainly need military help from the parent realm, because you won't have any recruits in any RCs you build. And then drafting into them will slow your pop growth...

Starting a new realm from the wild-lands on Dwilight is a monumental undertaking.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

From what I've heard the first colonization Niselur got sabotaged by some cheaters, in addition to the natural difficulties.


I hadn't heard about rampant cheating in Niselur. I do know that the banker had all the food in his region, then went inactive, causing massive starvation across the realm. The attendant starvation, loss of revenue and recruits, and the massive monster spawns really killed them.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.