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Founding a New Realm

Started by Celestine, April 07, 2011, 11:58:54 PM

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Secession and colonization.


How does colonization work?  Is there a minimum amount of nobles necessary?

I'm assuming you can't just run out into the boonies of dwilight and start your own realm as easy as pie...


Colonisation is similar to TOing any region, only you don't need to be adjacent to a region of your realm. First collect some nobles, recruit up. Head to a city, start a colonisation take over (CTO), pray, then you have a new realm with one city :) You will generally need a few nobles for the CTO to work, there will be a minimum size for the unit that starts the CTO as well as a minimum required friendly troops.

On Dwilight, starting a realm takes ALOT of planning. You will more then likely need the support of a realm close to where you want to set up, so that they can help defend against the monster and undead hordes while you build up. You will need gold to jump start the economy, you will need food to last until the economy is going well, and you will need several nobles to form the core of your defence as provide the man power you will need to claim and hold more regions.

Lastly, you need to know the politics of the area. Many places you could colonise are "claimed" by various groups and realms, so you need to be aware of that.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Monsters and Undead will haunt you over and over. If you are thinking about founding a new realm you should ask bigger realms.

I am pretty sure you will be having a horrible time with monsters until you finish your walls. Even then it will be difficult to defend against waves of monsters.


Could you not recruit two or three adventurers with your colonisation force to keep the monsters down while you establish your colony?

You could, but monsters move around, and it can sometimes get out of hand, even if those adventurers never get wounded and keep hunting monsters in rounds. Unless you can secure a buffer region at least every adjacent region to every region you own, there will be some ugly monster attacks.

Hm, my FOL is a bit rusty...but having said that, even if you do secure every adjacent region as per the condition, still being attacked by monsters doesn't make the statement false right? Heh, sorry, just aimlessly pondering that, you know, just in case someone says "I was still attacked by monsters!", I can go, "That doesn't make anything I actually stated false", with the indifferent shrug.


Quote from: Velax on April 08, 2011, 09:42:28 AM
Could you not recruit two or three adventurers with your colonisation force to keep the monsters down while you establish your colony?

Nah, that's just a small part of the problem. Just looking at yesterday's scout reports, there are around 6000-6500 CS of Rogue Forces in the Marrocidens, and I haven't even seen a Scout Report of Rettlewood yet. While Adventurers sounds like a very good idea actually, you will need a lot of organized effort to slow down things in those rogue regions and three won't be enough if you do a Colony without any support. It takes a while to build up your regions with population.


I think when you manage to stabilize your realm, less monsters will attack your realm in a huge wave.
They will bully your tiny realm until they either destroy your realm or you manage to build a wall to show them they do not belong to your castle :)

Even larger realms can still feel the annoyance of monsters in their frontier regions. But by that point they're just annoyances, not real threats. With the very long list of realms on Dwilight, combined with the one noble per family rule, right now the smaller realms have very few nobles than would be desirable for survival. Either all of Dwilight becomes dilute in nobility (unlikely), or those small realms all eventually disappear. But if Ordenstaat has taught us anything, it's that people would still stick to a dying realm with one region that has about 1 population with no food and no income for a long time.


Quote from: Artemesia on April 08, 2011, 06:04:36 PM
Even larger realms can still feel the annoyance of monsters in their frontier regions. But by that point they're just annoyances, not real threats. With the very long list of realms on Dwilight, combined with the one noble per family rule, right now the smaller realms have very few nobles than would be desirable for survival. Either all of Dwilight becomes dilute in nobility (unlikely), or those small realms all eventually disappear. But if Ordenstaat has taught us anything, it's that people would still stick to a dying realm with one region that has about 1 population with no food and no income for a long time.

Would love more nobles in Dwilight... Come and join the fun!
To be True, you must first be Loyal.
Count Ramiel Avis, Marshal of the Crusaders of the Path from Pian en Luries


Granted, the planning and founding of Barca was a lot more fun than actually living in Barca.

It is amazing how no one learned from Ordenstaat that (Rettle/Twain)ville is a pretty sub-optimal place for a realm. It requires nearly constant babysitting from its neighbors, while their neighbors face similar problems.

Sometimes I wonder if certain parts of Dwilight weren't intended never to be secured by human civilization.


And Humanity is stubborn enough to keep trying to prove you wrong ;)

Me? I am not in any way involved in what happens to those woods. After having an income worth less than some knight with a 10% income in a rural region, even though I was Banker and Duke, I decided I'd have nothing to do with it.