Author Topic: The Future of Atamara (Post-Great Atamaran War)  (Read 112964 times)


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Re: The Future of Atamara (Post-Great Atamaran War)
« Reply #135: February 07, 2013, 05:30:22 PM »
Sure we did, but in the end is the own player's fault.

Sorry to jump in this late, have been busy lately and kicked my boss out his own notebook to comment. But i have to say it once and to everyone to read, the Empire is strong because their opponents sympathize with them and in the end betray their own Realms.

Numbers are simple and they do not lie, CE doesn't have the players to take over the continent, but then they use the same realm they fight and form a new realm, and the worst part is that this new puppet realm is made by those who were fighting them, and they keep repeating it over and over. I have seen it in all continents, realm’s secessions side with the enemy to stay on power, but they become a puppet afterwards.

Look to Minas Ithil and now Eston, they got secession who quickly fought against them, HELL!…. the same realm fighting themselves! To weaken a strong Empire is easy; history has proved it, if the enemy wants to conquer and form a puppet realm, let them use their own nobles.

Take Strombran for example, how many Carelians you think joined Strombran……NONE! The Empire had to send 15 of their nobles south to take care of this land; that is the way to get an Empire weak. You can’t conquer Atamara with just 150 characters (CE+Tara+Tallerium).

For Atamara is already too late, many players love to join the winning side, instead of letting them enjoy the victory and land while you arm yourself. Every realm on atamara

Well i must depart to work, see you around.