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caravan trades

Started by fodder, April 08, 2011, 04:58:07 PM

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this is interesting...

there's a manual offer of buy 1gold/100 bushels
supposed to be an automatic one for buy 20 gold/100 bushels

caravans with min price of 1/100 got there and sold the food for 1/100.

going to try and replicate it after next harvest.  has anyone seen it before? (bt)

or for that matter, what is supposed to happen?


Yeah I *think* I have been caught several times with this as well, with some angry Lords in the process. But I never got around actually properly testing it to see if it was the game or me doing something wrong, sorry. It only sounds natural that a Caravan will attempt to sell for the highest possible price, going no lower then what is set by the Lord when he sent it away.


Hmm, why wouldn't the warehouse/caravan offer commissioners haggle the price to as low as the caravan is willing to sell at?  The trade system is not all that awesome right now, there are improvements in the works, but they've been in the works for a while. ;)
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


I will fully admit this just how it's constructed in my head, but I get the idea that the one sending the Caravan should be getting the better deal as he's the one looking around the market of the target region for the best offers, within the boundaries given by the Lord.


ok... put it this way.

you have 2 thresholds... 1/100 and 20/100

what happens if someone sends out 20/100? or 19/100?

if there's only 1 threshold, then it'll be sold at 20/100 even if the caravan is set to sell at 1/100 (or above).. at least that is the case for manual offers.


In my mind, caravans should attempt to sell for the highest price they can find, and the sending lord should be able to set a minimum amount of profit or price per bushel or something.


Quote from: egamma on April 09, 2011, 05:20:01 PM
In my mind, caravans should attempt to sell for the highest price they can find, and the sending lord should be able to set a minimum amount of profit or price per bushel or something.

That is how it works as far as my experience goes. I set the caravan to sell for ATLEAST x gold and load it with y bushels. It has never sold food under that X amount.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


but the point is, when you have manual and auto offers, it would appear it'll use up the manual ones first, regardless of price.

It gets a bit weird when running several manual offers. It seems like I can only cancel the last order. So right now there are 100 bushels left at 1, about 700 at 40, and about 700 at 40. It would be nice to be able to cancel some, like the 1/100 one.


Quote from: Artemesia on April 10, 2011, 03:19:42 PM
It gets a bit weird when running several manual offers. It seems like I can only cancel the last order. So right now there are 100 bushels left at 1, about 700 at 40, and about 700 at 40. It would be nice to be able to cancel some, like the 1/100 one.

Can't you cancel them all, then recreate the one you want?


in general, if there's only manual offers, there's no need to remove the cheap ones. because they'll only be used if all the other ones expire...

why bother removing them?

First of all, I can only cancel the most recent offer. There is no link for the others. Secondly, maybe I just want the gold to recycle for a more serious buy offer.


does it comes back in terms of cash in hand? (forgot now.. haven't done it in ages) or goes back as part of the taxes?

Cash on hand, 40% penalty.


Quote from: Artemesia on April 10, 2011, 08:27:56 PM
Cash on hand, 40% penalty.

What?  I don't remember that.  Care to explain the penalty more?
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.