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Decreasing Population

Started by Zoso, January 24, 2013, 02:12:57 PM

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I have a region in Atamara that appears to be losing population without any indication.  Here is a sample region status update which has been consistent for the last few weeks:

Low population and drained manpower causes lowered productivity.
Some people consider the tax rate as too high.
Todays harvest could not cover the consumption. 2 bushels were taken from the granary.
Population is growing through 10 new births.
In summary, production remains unchanged. It is now busy.
In summary, peasant morale has dropped a little. It is now joyful.
In summary, loyalty to your realm remains unchanged. It is now worshipful.

A short while ago, the population was growing with these messages.  It increased to nearly 2800 of a max 3200.  Now, it has slowly dwindled to 2350 despite the region update always reporting growth through births.  If I am not mistaken, I should be receiving a note if people are leaving for other surrounding regions.  Is this normal?


I haven't seen those immigration/emigration notes for quite a while, they might not show up anymore.


If there is no message, then check for other reasons. Everything that "uses up" people also reduces the population. Recruitment, or police actions that kill people, looting, etc. etc.


Do you get the status reports for other regions in your realm? Check to see if the regions around you are gettin immigrants.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I also had this happen to me, on Dwilight. My region would increase to around 5,500 population (out of a maximum 6,300) and then rapidly diminish back down to about 5,000, before starting the cycle again. Recently the population crashed further than usual, and is now 4,500~. There is no report of this population loss in the region reports, so I can only guess as to the cause.

As far as possible explanations go, here's what I will rule out:

Recruitment: there are only 2 recruitment centres and I don't see how they could drain 500+ population in such short periods of time, with such intermittency.

Police action/looting/monsters/undead/starvation: none of that happened.

The only thing that I can think of that could cause the population loss is emigration. While I don't get any notices of emigration, all of the regions surrounding mine are depopulated, so it would be plausible that my region's population is spreading to those lands without notifying me.


look in surrounding regions and see how low their pop is. it's most likely migration.. but you don't always get the message for whatever reason.

now.. if they all have higher %pop (not #pop) than you.....


Thanks for the replies.  I'll check with the neighbouring regions.