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New Religion: PLEASE HELP ME :)

Started by Shenron, April 01, 2011, 12:35:07 PM

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Not much in the current system allows for very effective intra-religion conflict though, which is one of the few things I do find lacking in the current system (Yeah, I'm not always status quo). Especially if a hated figure in a religion whom no one likes is a priest. I think there was even an extensive thread on the Dlist, initiated in response to dustole's character, in fact, about how a priest can't be kicked out of a religion.


Quote from: dustole on April 12, 2011, 07:20:02 PM

Hahaha!   True that, true that.    I know of several that hate my character.   I think that is part of what makes SA so much fun.  SA's biggest threat is SA itself.

Yup, guilty on my part ;D

And yes definitely its the inter SA conflicts that make things exiting. Despite the efforts of the "free-realms" its OOC fact that a religion as large as SA is not really under any serious external threat, and so while it might alarm my character these wars add little in terms of the "danger-element" as a player. Inter-SA conflict however really shakes thing up as if anything will destroy SA it will be schisms.

One thing this war has done is swing things very much in favour of Allison. Almost overnight she is back to being a recognised member of the good standing in the Church and she has the war she always dreamed of. Plus her main opponents amongst the Elders are gradually leaving office; Varchilde and Medugnatos have already left and Constantine will probably leave after the war is over (he was actually considering resignation after Varchilde left but once the war broke out he considers it "irresponsible" to "abandon the Church at its time of need"). Add this to the fact that the strong pro-war sentiment in which Allison thrives means that most of the new Consuls will probably end up as her allies I think its safe to say post-war SA is going to be quite different from pre-war SA. One interesting factor will be the Prophet, as no one really knows what his views are and whether he will act on them (although naturally Constantine is convinced Mathurin would agree with him and is merely not acting in order to avoid schism).

In short interesting times are ahead for SA politics  8)


Quote from: Artemesia on April 12, 2011, 11:55:55 PM
Not much in the current system allows for very effective intra-religion conflict though, which is one of the few things I do find lacking in the current system (Yeah, I'm not always status quo). Especially if a hated figure in a religion whom no one likes is a priest. I think there was even an extensive thread on the Dlist, initiated in response to dustole's character, in fact, about how a priest can't be kicked out of a religion.

Agreed. There needs to be ways for Elders to reprimand troublesome priests while at the same time those priests with large noble followings should have some way to react against the Elders and "break-away" from the main body (the currant "found a new religion" system is simply not feasible in cases of religious schism where the peasant populations would still adhere to the old faith and all temples would have to be rebuilt from scratch)


Quote from: Hossenfeffer on April 09, 2011, 07:15:28 PM
It would be great to see another religion SA could actually be friends with; that would make for some much more interesting dynamics and interaction than 'everyone outside SA hates it'.

It would be very interesting, but I think the problem is that SA is (understandably) entirely Bloodstars focused to the extent that we are agnostic as to the existence of other gods. Unless another religion holds the Bloodstars in high-esteem its hard to consider them variants as all our theology is entirely dependant on the Stars.

Its like the situation with Triunism; we have very similar beliefs (three way split between passion, logic and balance; the need for enlightenment; the significance of the number three ect.) however because they consider the Bloodstars to be empty bastions once belonging to their logic/order deity we can't consider them variants as all of our shared beliefs are only important in SA if they are directly linked with the Bloodstars.


Quote from: Meneldur on April 13, 2011, 12:41:19 AM
Its like the situation with Triunism; we have very similar beliefs (three way split between passion, logic and balance; the need for enlightenment; the significance of the number three ect.) however because they consider the Bloodstars to be empty bastions once belonging to their logic/order deity we can't consider them variants as all of our shared beliefs are only important in SA if they are directly linked with the Bloodstars.

Very astute, good sir.

We, however, are content to think of you as slightly uncouth folks who generally have it right, but just haven't caught on to the details yet. The only difference is that some of us see you as "A bit uncivilized, but quite likeable," while other see you as "Savage barbarians and threats to civilization."

And, yes, rural, provincial Terran regards Toprak as barbarous and uncivilized. Or maybe I should say, Chesney sees it that way. Chesney's local nobility are a wee bit proud of their city.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Vellos on April 13, 2011, 03:08:33 AM
Very astute, good sir.

We, however, are content to think of you as slightly uncouth folks who generally have it right, but just haven't caught on to the details yet. The only difference is that some of us see you as "A bit uncivilized, but quite likeable," while other see you as "Savage barbarians and threats to civilization."

And, yes, rural, provincial Terran regards Toprak as barbarous and uncivilized. Or maybe I should say, Chesney sees it that way. Chesney's local nobility are a wee bit proud of their city.

Good to hear that we are so loved down South  :P

Apart from those few in the Elders Council that hold personal views regarding Triunism, it really is not talked about up North. It is sad to think that two of the most similar religions of Dwilight should end up as enemies rather than friends.... it would be nice to see us presenting a united front.

Constantine essentially considers you as nobles who feel the pull of the Stars but are unable to ascertain the source of the influence and so created an elaborate mythology to explain it. Perhaps once the war is under control (once Averoth is destroyed things will be much easier) Constantine can set about convincing others that you are just misguided Star worshippers, and so hopefully try and pave the way for better relations.



Theological, relations are pretty good.

Securing better material relations has been a long-term objective for Hireshmont, Labell, and Vigilans for a while now. I would personally love to see Triunism integrated into the SA fold, but... we'll see.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner