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Allow Judges to post bounties in realm regions.

Started by House Talratheon, February 13, 2013, 06:03:52 AM

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House Talratheon

Title: Allow Judges to post bounties in realm regions.

Summary: give judges the option to post bounties for monsters and undead in regions within the realm other than their own.

Details: Simple, give judges the option in command to post undead and monster bounties for adventurers to partake of.

- Allows judges not only to Hold Court, but to also use personal funding to post bounties.
- Allows Lords a degree of saving gold, as well as knowing a Judge can both hold court and post bounties in their absence.

Possible Exploits:
- None come to mind.


Why the Judge? What prevents a region lord from posting bounties?
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


I don't see any pparticular reason why the judge should have this ability. Maybe the region's steward.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

House Talratheon

From a singular point of view, I think since the judge is the representative of the realms justice that he/she should be allowed to post bounties in regions of said realm at attract adventurers to prevent large monster and undead incursions. While region lords also hold this ability like holding court, why not allow a realm judge the same ability to post bounties while it does offer significant change it also does not apply significant downfall.


Posting bounties is not a particularly difficult, time consuming, onerous, or critical task. If it doesn't get done, then it doesn't get done, and nothing particularly bad will happen. A region lord doesn't need to be in his region to do it. He doesn't even have to be in his realm, or can even do it while traveling. (I just did it, to make sure.) If he doesn't do it, it's his own region that gets stomped.

Given all that, and the fact that bounties don't really have anything to do with justice or law, I personally don't really see anything that would justify the judge being able to do it.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on February 14, 2013, 12:33:38 AM

Given all that, and the fact that bounties don't really have anything to do with justice or law, I personally don't really see anything that would justify the judge being able to do it.

True, but a bounty on undead or monsters encourages adventurers to keep the area clean which in turn maintains law and order.  I like the idea and would even support bureaucrats having this ability.
