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Nivemus vs. Perdan

Started by Uzamaki, February 17, 2013, 06:56:43 PM

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I bet I could predict most of Perdan's moves without even being on the island. Sirion should be happy the enemy command is made up of one trick ponies xD


Quote from: Uzamaki on February 21, 2013, 12:47:09 AM
I expect Perdan is going to come with a much bigger force next time, and we will probably then actually have some battle worth talking about.
An alliance was forged   
The realms of Armonía and Perdan have joined into an alliance.

Just wait for us, the North shall tremble!

Eduardo Almighty

I wonder what kind of army we will send back defeated to the far west. A long journey just to be decimated... and for Westmoor (argh!!!). A lot of courage... or a lot of cowardice in not choosing closer enemies, as well as OI, completely helpless at the slightest threat: "Yes, you can pass, but please... don't burn my defenseless realm!"

Apparently the only merit of Perdan is its neighbors: too weak and fearful. After all, I don't believe this crap of an alliance of "human realms" to fight for a handful of miserables shepherds is really close to something worthy. The next war will surely be for something even more stupid, since we have seen an obvious decline in inventive reasons that lead some governments to war.

Haradrim (a handful of commoners... purley NPCs) and kidnapped kings are certainly among the "best ones".
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on February 21, 2013, 03:28:53 PM
After all, I don't believe this crap of an alliance of "human realms" to fight for a handful of miserables shepherds is really close to something worthy. The next war will surely be for something even more stupid, since we have seen an obvious decline in inventive reasons that lead some governments to war.

Haradrim (a handful of commoners... purley NPCs) and kidnapped kings are certainly among the "best ones".

It's a power grab, and like all power grabs it's based on a flimsy pretext. It's pure RP, sure, but the pretext itself is just flavour anyway. This one tastes right to me.
After all it's a roleplaying game.

Eduardo Almighty

Flavour, but it's pure RP... I like when even the RPs have a little more of game mechanics. It's a question of personal preference. I prefer to fight for nobles, lands, honor, glory and not becuase of commoners. But I really don't care to fight anyway :)
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


Quote from: Sonya on February 21, 2013, 03:06:05 PM
An alliance was forged   
The realms of Armonía and Perdan have joined into an alliance.

Just wait for us, the North shall tremble!
Sonya is coming? Run, the cavalry is coming...

On serious note, I have always wanted to feel the cavalry lance. Is the lance heavy?
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)

Eduardo Almighty

QuoteThe knightly lance weighed between 3-4 kilogrammes, turned or carved from solid wood, with a steel tip called a cronel. Lances from the 15th century onwards were normally made with a distinct taper in the shaft, so most of the weight was centred in the user's hand and supported by the lance rest, a hook-like protusion on the knight's breastplate designed to support the weight. A rare intact surviving example of the jousting lance (a renaissance era lance from italy) is to be found in the Wallace Collection of London, under the catalogue number #A1022. despite a length of 3.48 metres, it weighs only 3.1 kilogrammes.

Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


You want a reason?  A real RP reason? 
Oroya. The White Tree. Being the heir to the kingdom of Old Rancagua and having that taken away from you.

Eduardo Almighty

Sounds better than some fictional commoners asking for help.
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


Quote from: Gloria on February 21, 2013, 05:31:34 PM
You want a reason?  A real RP reason? 
Oroya. The White Tree. Being the heir to the kingdom of Old Rancagua and having that taken away from you.

Except he wasn't?  ???

T Strike

If I were Atanamir I'd just come clean... I'd be like "ruler of nivemus i want your land.. give it to me or die." I've told a lot of people that same thing but its the truth...
Westmoor: Cross... Coria: Yenom... Caelum: Gawain... Astrum: Ekirt


Quote from: Uzamaki on February 21, 2013, 07:26:49 PM
Except he wasn't?  ???

AFAIK, he totally was Prince of Old Rancagua when he was born...


Quote from: Gloria on February 22, 2013, 05:46:07 AM
AFAIK, he totally was Prince of Old Rancagua when he was born...

Gloria, let it be, some people don't know the history, nor do they care.
Heck, a guy spammed in the ruler channel and was talking about Atanamir being King of Old Rancagua. Couldn't be more odd.
The RP of Old Rancagua has been raped, and people pick the best out of it when they need it - and well, when you pick things from others' RP (Haradrim, being heir, etc) don't be surprised when it backfires. They maybe had other plans than you have. Cause some people have this RP for longer than you play BM.
And that's why then people don't understand the RPs, why things happen, and why more things will happen in the future.
First lesson in BM should be to learn history, this way you might be able to predict the future.


Quote from: Atanamir on February 22, 2013, 08:50:38 AM
Gloria, let it be, some people don't know the history, nor do they care.
Heck, a guy spammed in the ruler channel and was talking about Atanamir being King of Old Rancagua. Couldn't be more odd.
The RP of Old Rancagua has been raped, and people pick the best out of it when they need it - and well, when you pick things from others' RP (Haradrim) don't be surprised when it backfires. They maybe had other plans than you have. Cause some people have this RP for longer than you play BM.
And that's why then people don't understand the RPs, why things happen, and why more things will happen in the future.
First lesson in BM should be to learn history, this way you can might be able to predict the future.

Atanamir was never a part of Old Rancagua though. By the time his career started, the realm was dead. So what was he the prince of?

As I said before, I don't consider it a backfire. I loved that you picked this reason, because it has solidified the Tribes as a part of Nivemus, whereas before, they were hardly talked about. And also, I continue to point out, if you put it in the region description, you should expect people to build on it. Hell, there is even an ability to look at neighboring regions to help write your own region's description. And yet you continue to waffle between disdain and flattery of me, and later others, picking up and building upon your roleplay.

Besides, Fuinur wasn't even the last King of Old Rancagua, so for all intents and purposes, his lineage was dead and Atanamir's claim reduced, if not even made void, and further reduced when he moved to Perdan whereas the large majority of former Old Rancaguans remained in Sirion.


Quote from: Uzamaki on February 22, 2013, 08:58:32 AM
Atanamir was never a part of Old Rancagua though. By the time his career started, the realm was dead. So what was he the prince of?

As I said before, I don't consider it a backfire. I loved that you picked this reason, because it has solidified the Tribes as a part of Nivemus, whereas before, they were hardly talked about. And also, I continue to point out, if you put it in the region description, you should expect people to build on it. Hell, there is even an ability to look at neighboring regions to help write your own region's description. And yet you continue to waffle between disdain and flattery of me, and later others, picking up and building upon your roleplay.

Besides, Fuinur wasn't even the last King of Old Rancagua, so for all intents and purposes, his lineage was dead and Atanamir's claim reduced, if not even made void, and further reduced when he moved to Perdan whereas the large majority of former Old Rancaguans remained in Sirion.

Ok I will explain it only once again.
a) You don't need a realm to be a Prince. Read history how many exiled rulers etc existed and still exist.
He was part of OR, but as NPC, Fuinur and Ragnell made him in Poitiers.
If you were there, you'd know that.

b) The region description you described is deleted. I quote:
"Pedrera is a land filled with rocks and dirt, but in the middle of those rough lands there are also good parts where humans do live. Several live inside small villages created within the rocks themselves, giving the people of the rocks as they are also called shelter from rain and sandstorms which sometimes occur as well. But there are also a few green places left, very close together, this is where Pedrera's main village lies with several hundred of peasants living there. It is here where Pedrera's Grand Lordly Estate is built, within a huge cave complex unassuming from the outside but beautiful from within.

last updated on 2011-08-25 by Fenris"

For someone like you or your realm that holds so much of its roleplay you have not cared to restore or at least change the descriptions of your regions. The description you say was deleted long before, and when I wrote it, I had not meant that the Haradrim are a tribe but the vassals of the family of Umbar who follow them everywhere they go. Since he was in Pedrera, they settled with him there (as long as he would be there) You can find them on all cotinents in RCs , region descriptions etc. Now fine, according to your wiki, you made them a tribe of Nivemus. I quote:

Quote"The Haradrim

The Haradrim is the oldest(approximately 7 centuries old) and third largest tribe of the North. Dark-skinned, harsh, and war-like, the tribe is entrenched in tradition and resides in the regions of Pedrera and Caqueta. In fact, the Haradrim tribe has lived and died in the badlands for so long that even the meaning of 'Haradrim' has long been forgotten. The influence of the Haradrim tribe's traditions stretches far across the borders of Pedrera and Caqueta, as numerous wars with the Desertulo have left the Haradrim mark in Csopa and Northern Obando. (...)"

All nice - but entirely wrong. First you date them wrong, second the meaning is "Warriors of the South".
Now why should a tribe in the North call themselves warriors of the south?
Then you write something about wars, I don't understand it.
That is what I call raping of RP or simply don't knowing why things are there.

However, I played with you, and continued my RP with Haradrim now being settled there waiting for their noble leader (or his heir) to return.  Cause why should they stay there otherwise? So nobody returned, instead a new realm has been formed, their leader has been not even asked to participate, although he has royal claims and the promise of Sirion was to involve all Old Rancaguans in it.

Which c) leads to your third line of argumentation. In Nivemus you have Talius, you have Monte Cristo, two former Kings. Dekion, the ruler of the decline, is not there anymore and Fuinur is dead. Now without Fuinur, OR's claim would be sole Oroya, that's when Fuinur starting expanding Old Rancagua as it was down to one City. Talius was there but stepped down, Monte Cristo had fled the continent when OR was dead and only came back when OR was an Empire to say that he has a claim to the throne (lol). So Fuinur, and his heirs can always claim that their are the line that made OR so big - and that was pre Charger-rebellion and pre-Dekion corrupcy.

Atanamir however does not do that, he has found his way of life in the south, after being treated so badly from Sirion and been left out in the follow-up state of OR, what eventually became Nivemus. He is surely insulted in his honour, for he and his family have done so much for a realm (OR) and have got nothing in return, but he also acknowledges that he has to look into future. But still, he sees that his loyal vassals have suddenly are being recruited and used as sword fodder for a possible war against him. This comes to a peak when the delegation of the old captain of Fuinur arrives in Perdan. See, that Haradrim are not peasants, they are the personal warrior caste of the Umbar family, which Nivemus tries to use against their leader. What happened afterwards, you know all...Enjoy now the war.