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Phoenix Empire

Started by Dante Silverfire, February 19, 2013, 08:15:46 AM

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Dante Silverfire

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! The Great and Bountiful Phoenix Empire has been founded by the realm of Coria. Merlin Silverfire, King of Coria, has assumed the title of first "Princeps" of this new Empire and asked all realms of Atamara interested in joining his new power-bloc to apply for admission into the empire. Will this new Empire be a force of good or a force of evil? Who will join this empire, is there even any support from the rulers of Atamara? Will this empire manage to provide a balancing force for the CE/Tara Federation and allies? Will this empire actually overpower the CE/Tara Federation? Will conflict occur between Coria and her allies now that Coria has formally demonstrated that it will not simply be a puppet of the Cagilan Empire?

The time of reckoning for Atamara has come. Is this the last chance to prevent the hegemony of CE from consuming all of Atamara? Is it already too late? That my friends, is up to you, the others of Atamara and abroad. If you will support Coria and seek to join this new empire, all are welcome and encouraged to create a character in Coria or to prod their realm into joining this new Empire. Whether or not this empire ends in failure or success, Coria will lead the charge, alone or with supporters.

Below is the announcement to all rulers of Atamara. The charter for the empire can be found here:

QuoteLetter from Merlin Silverfire   (just sent)
Message sent to the Rulers of Atamara (14 recipients)
Assembled Rulers of Atamara,

I request that all nobles of your realm be provided with a transcript of this letter, so that there will not be any confusion as to the purpose and terms of my proposal.

Assembled Rulers, My fellow nobles of Atamara,

Today, I am proud to announce the foundation of the Phoenix Empire. I have included a copy of the charter with this letter: Phoenix_Empire/Phoenix_Charter This Empire will be an institution which will stand up for honorable conduct in wars and inter-realm relations. The purpose of the Empire is to oppose attempts to deny sovereignty to any realm on Atamara, whether they be members of the Empire or not. It is the goal of this empire to unite the continent behind the prevention of any realm seeking to impose hegemony over the realms of Atamara, and the empire will be a force by which those weaker realms may stand together against such action.

The Empire is NOT a political institution which will bind all of its members to perpetual peace and alliance, but instead promote the conduct of honorable wars and conflict for both its members and those who are outside of the empire. When joining the empire, realms agree to conduct their wars in an honorable manner as outlined within the charter. I do expect that membership in the empire will perhaps build new friendships where once there were none, as realms choose to stand together upon certain ideals, but that is not the express purpose of this institution.

With this foundation, Coria will take the forefront in leading Atamara into a new age of greatness and put behind us the times where the strong simply impugned upon the weak without opposition. The Empire will provide a balance and structure that has been needed upon Atamara for some time.

Peaceful joining of the empire will be conducted by application of a realm's leader to the Imperial Senate through the Princeps. By virtue of foundation of the Empire, I hereby assume the duties as first and founding Princeps of the Phoenix Empire. I will carry out my first term immediately and until such time that the Imperial Senate convenes its first meeting and can vote on a princeps. Normally, application to the Phoenix Empire will allow entrance as only a member level realm. However, by virtue of this foundation, I am convening an initial application period for joining Coria as founding members of the Phoenix Empire. Every realm on Atamara is open to apply, and all realms which have been approved to join the Empire by one month from today will begin as "Partner realms" of the Phoenix Empire. All future applicants will begin as "Member realms." In addition, for the next week, I will accept requests for revision of the charter. Any realm whether they apply or not is allowed to make such requests, but the charter will be considered final at the end of a week from today.

Finally, let this be a message of honor and appeal to the nobles of Atamara. Encourage your realms to stand up for what you believe in and join this empire if you believe realms should be treated with respect and their sovereignty not be impugned by other realms. And if you truly believe this and yet are not treated with the respect you deserve, all of those who agree with Coria's ideals in this manner will be accepted within Coria or as allies and friends of Coria going forward.

His Imperial Majesty,

Merlin Silverfire
Princeps Imperatus and King of Coria
Duke of Frekpotis
Margrave of Barad Falas
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


~Violence is always an option!~


From an outsider perspective, I have to say that this looks like the best possible response to the angst about prolonged peace expressed in the "The Future of Atamara (Post-Great Atamaran War)". Congrats!
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Main issue is that as it's put in the op, there are pretty much no reasons to any realm to join it: in order to protect every realm sovereignity Coria seems to be asking them to first renounce it by subsideing to the Corian rule


Quote from: Astinus on February 19, 2013, 12:46:28 PM
Main issue is that as it's put in the op, there are pretty much no reasons to any realm to join it: in order to protect every realm sovereignity Coria seems to be asking them to first renounce it by subsideing to the Corian rule

Which is not different from "The" other Empire...


You misspelled "Princess".  ;)
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

de Aquitane

I appriciate any Duke/Duchess who does something other than trying to sit on the income forever and ever (then again I think there should be a fame point for every hostile seccession), but I have to say I can not see this happening. Way too fast a movement without apparently even securing the change to monarchy first, and when the monarch is asking the Queen of Carelia to speak on his behalf to Strombran and Suville to join in alliance, well..


Yeah I think nothing will come of this.

It's hard to understand what the benefit of it is.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


I can think many good things coming from this :D
~Violence is always an option!~


Quote from: Vellos on February 19, 2013, 04:22:21 PM
Yeah I think nothing will come of this.

It's hard to understand what the benefit of it is.

Depends who you ask. If Darka joins it, will Coria suddenly side against CE/Tara? Immense benefit for Darka right there. The remnants of Eston? If they join they could probably wipe their asses with the treaty CE forced on them.

Caergoth and Suville join? Change sides in the war as a result? Heck, just might make things interesting again. With the charter it's a heck of a lot better than what CE seems to be offering everyone.
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Dante Silverfire

I think what a lot of people fail to grasp is the ability to unite a diverse group of realms that this empire brings to the table. They need not always be friends and allies, but they can unite behind a common cause. After uniting behind a single cause they can unite behind other issues.

I am confident that the Phoenix Empire will be a success as long as Coria remains with full strength behind it. The question is, whether Merlin has the capability to pull together his realm behind his dramatic and fast changes to realm policies. If he can do that, then he'll be able to easily operate as Princeps of the Phoenix Empire.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


I think your success will depend on who else you can bring to the table, and how effectively you can defend the members.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on February 19, 2013, 05:38:01 PM
I think your success will depend on who else you can bring to the table, and how effectively you can defend the members.

Which, considering lots of people still hate the Empire and Coria has probably one of the three best military hierarchies on Atamara, they could be wildly successful


That is possible. Coria hasn't been tested in battle in quite a while, and never on its own. If they have to face down CE/Tara/Tal, it could be quite interesting. At that point it will also depend on who they get to join them.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on February 19, 2013, 06:04:03 PM
That is possible. Coria hasn't been tested in battle in quite a while, and never on its own. If they have to face down CE/Tara/Tal, it could be quite interesting. At that point it will also depend on who they get to join them.

Yes, but as previously mentioned, if they can rally the remains of the North, including Darka and the Barony, things could get interesting. Should they bring in the realms shattered by this war, as well, they can do quite well.

But yes. There is a long way to go before this Empire becomes... Well, an Empire.