Author Topic: The Resistance  (Read 35548 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: The Resistance
« Reply #90: March 07, 2013, 04:00:33 AM »
The Imperial Spies are made aware of each other without the Resistance members knowing - the only thing the Resistance members know is how many spies exist, not who they are.
The problem with your analysis on Dishman is there is no coordination. The spies can't be frightened into "allowing" Dishman to be exposed. To repeat myself, it is more than likely that one of the original three waited until the second turn to sabotage, faking their allegiance in the first mission while having the ability to pin it on Dishman afterwards. If Dishman was a spy, and the spies were afraid in general, then I am more than certain that two votes would have surfaced instead of one.

They don't have to coordinate, but they know who their teammates are. The same principle holds true, if they are already 1 down, all individual spies would risk exposing their neck so that they don't go 2 down.

You sound awfully convinced Dishman is innocent. I wonder why.

No, I'm obviously not stupid. The point of my plan is to force the spies into a corner. They'll have to take one of the two options presented to them, risking their identities if they try to fight off said choice. The fact that I've possibly put you in a corner resonates in your immediate reversal against me. You either feel threatened, you want the plan to fail, or you want to shift suspicion my way, which are all reactions of a typical spy. You're also not absolved of guilt just because you "lead the first team to victory." The running suspicion, as stated above, is that one of the original three faked allegiance to the rebels. You are one of the original three, hence you are suspected.

Or maybe, just maybe, your gross oversimplification of the facts made me realise something fishy. You are convinced one of the original three is a spy. This may be true, but it also may not be. Perhaps the spies are counting on the fact that we won't blame Dishman and blame one of those on the first team instead. Perhaps you are counting on it, and you seem far too sure of yourself.

I will vote against Arundel's team. He, along with Dishman, are potential spies and I would like leadership to pass to ThomasGriff.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell