Author Topic: I Hate Food  (Read 65965 times)


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Re: I Hate Food
« Reply #75: February 27, 2013, 01:59:26 PM »
Future trades could take care of that similarly to auto-trade. "Put 100 bushels on the market every week" and be done with it for a long time, unless something happens to your region to make your average surplus change significantly. I just wish "a long time" would be more than once a month.

And then a drought hits and your region puts its last 100 bushels on the market? It needs to be "above X threshold".

I can understand that the caravans were awful code, and that it's desired that it work more at the lord's level than at the region level now... but I have not seen one soul say "aye, thank god offers now never last more than 14 days, gosh I hated it when we could set it and forget it forever". While I see the rest of the changes as being rather neutral (the system is different, but neither better nor worse), the inability to set it and forget it I definitely consider to be a downgrade.

Being able to set offers in advance doesn't fix the problem. It still requires one to create a spam of offers, and it still limits one to the reserves (be it gold or food) one has on hand at any given time. It just makes things less bad than they are now, but not as good as they used to be.

And because of the current noble:region ratio, we can't reasonably say at the moment, "Well, they accepted the Lordship, they need to accept the duties that come with it."

They'd rather just say "screw it" and let the food rot and the cities starve, because it doesn't affect them in any way.

Indeed, 'cause often that'd basically mean not having a lord for that rural region, and thus losing it. And even if you manage to get them replaced, there's no guarantee the other guy will do any better.

Were the food surpluses on Dwilight really that much of a bad thing? That they needed to be decimated, and the surplus production radically reduced? Hoarded just had more rot, but at least those willing to give a damn put reasonable amounts on the market.
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