Author Topic: I Hate Food  (Read 65971 times)


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Re: I Hate Food
« Reply #75: February 27, 2013, 02:42:43 PM »
My frustration with the system is the constant attention it requires. It shouldn't need that. Yes, food should eb important, I get that. But it shouldn't be a constant fight for the people that need the food to convince the people that have the food to sell it. They should want to sell it, to get the money.

Perhaps what we need is to make rural regions produce less gold, and thus give the lords more incentive to want to sell their food. That way their apathy toward selling their food would hit them in the wallet.

So, this issue is the amount of micro managing it takes.  I just stocked up 30 days worth of food for Hawthorne, it took building another granary and buying food at 50 gold per, but it was easy.