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Failed Access

Started by D'Espana, February 28, 2013, 03:35:52 AM

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So, is anyone else having problems when trying to open a character? I can enter normally to the family page, see all my characters and even how many news do I have, but when I click on one of them it takes me to this page:

With this text:

QuoteFailed Access

It seems you have attempted a character access without providing proper credentials. This attempt has been logged and denied.

For all we know, there are four possible reasons:

•You may have bookmarked the wrong page, as for security reasons we can not allow you to get to your characters without identifying yourself first.
Solution: Please bookmark the login page instead and use that to access the game.

•You were on the family page and didn't do anything for at least 20 minutes before you clicked the "play" link. This causes the session to time out.
Solution: Go back to the login page and log in again.

•You could also be a hacker attempting to break into someone else's account. In that case, consider yourself warned. We have logged this attempt and your IP address. Any and all hacking attacks are considered cheating and will be dealt with appropriately.
Solution: Stop hacking a free webgame. Make life difficult for people who are at least paid for their wasted time.

•Finally, there could be something wrong in your proxy, firewall or other security settings, with your browser, the current phase of the moon or the subatomic particle phase-state of the universal wave function as manifested in your spacetime location.
Solution: Check these things, in that order.

If that helps, I was navigating normally when I had a "Server Overload" message, and after refreshing the page and doing some more stuff I got the aforementioned message. I've tried several times, same result. Do I take it to bugtracker, is it a known problem or do I call a physicist to check the subatomic particle phase-state of the universal wave function as manifested in my spacetime location? Input please! :-\

EDIT: Ok, played around with computer settings for a bit AND did the master movement - restarting everything again. Seems that it is solved, so just forget this and I apologize for not trying earlier the final solution.
D'Espana Family


Heh, restart ftw once again. Proven to be the best IT solution.
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


Hell yes it is. Has saved my butt more than once, the restarting.
D'Espana Family