Author Topic: Player targetted abuse for in-game actions  (Read 25911 times)

Dante Silverfire

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Re: Player targetted abuse for in-game actions
« Topic Start: February 27, 2013, 06:26:17 AM »
Have any comments you deem as harassing been made on an OOC basis within the game?

Written with an "OOC" letterhead? No.

Clearly tinted against me as a player? Yes.

When my character tried to suggest that a portion of a letter sent to Elegant's character in game was a forgery, he claimed in multiple IC responses that he had "proof" that such letters were real and genuine and that any attempt by me to claim otherwise was just another lie and shambles. All of this was through "IC" responses.

In addition he sent an "IC? letter" which follows with regards to an RP sent to all nobles of Coria and all rulers of Atamara:
Letter from Jason Elegant   (2 days, 17 hours ago)
Message sent to all elder members of "League of the Eagle" (14 recipients)

I have received confirmation from three honorable people of Coria that Coria is interested in helping us against Darka (and BoM I presume). I express my gratitude to such allies. Your help is much appreciated.

On an unrelated matter, today, one of my scribes informed me that a very honorable man, whose word is his life, wanted to end his life and was looking for methods to kill himself. If you come across any such person trying to do so, please help him find the correct method. And don't forget to show sympathies towards him, because that's the real purpose of this whole suicide drama.

Jason Elegant
Prime Minister of Cagilan Empire

Note: The underlining and bold was made by him not me. I am just reproducing the letter here as received. His claim to "show sympathies towards him" is also similar to a forum post claiming much the same thing about my reasons for doing RP's in-game. In addition, the RP reproduced below had no clear indication to be full IC character knowledge, but I'm not going to really go into the separation of IC/OOC anymore than that. The RP was meant to be the start of an RP chain for others to join in on, but was taken and made into an additional accusation against me as a player through an IC msg in game.

Roleplay from Merlin Silverfire   (3 days, 2 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients)
Merlin sat in the bedroom of the Royal Palace in Barad Gardor trying to figure out how all of this had gotten so far out of hand. Everything had been going well, and now he was having to make the worst of possible decisions.

The short-reigned King of Coria turned back to the table that had been placed in front of him. Many various items had been placed upon the table and a somewhat small man was pointing to and describing each one. Their various properties, and pros and cons. Yet, the King wasn't paying much attention. King Silverfire glanced again at those he had to choose from. There was the strong, sturdy, coil of rope. Two finely carved daggers with rubies in each hilt. A locket of heartsbane. An enclosed bucket through which one could see the moving patterns of a viper. A locket of nightblossom, which the small man was now describing:

"...slow, yet painless. Reports say that its results are indiscernible from sleep for the first hours."

...A small clear vial, and a few vials with some greenish liquid. Merlin's own sword, that he had commissioned upon becoming Duke of Barad Falas, was laid out as the last item at the end of the table. Merlin's eyes rested for some time on this jewel of Coria, before finally closing slowly. Minutes passed...hours perhaps, yet no one dared leave the room who had been invited to this very private meeting. Only his closest and most loyal servants were here.

In the end, Merlin looked up once again, and spoke quietly but assertively to his oldest and most loyal servant:

"Bring me the Royal Assassin. I know you don't know his identity, but if you seek him out, he will find you. I will await him here."
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."