Author Topic: Religious freedom?  (Read 39377 times)


  • Exalted Emperor
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Re: Religious freedom?
« Reply #45: July 31, 2011, 08:58:25 PM »
We were discussing and comparing the BM setting to medieval history. You can't just take a random fact of medieval history or culture and slap it onto BM as if that was the norm in Europe, and must therefore be the norm in BM. This is basically what was being discussed here: most of Europe was a religious monolith, intolerant, whereas the fringe regions were more diverse and tolerant. In BM, we simply don't have any monoliths because of, namely, geography. Islands and realms are so small compared to their RL counterparts that they almost always find themselves in a situation comparable to fringe kingdoms. What was most abundant is Europe is therefore a tiny minority in BM, while remaining historically accurate as realms of BM are acting as the comparable kingdoms of Europe, even if on the big picture it is all swapped.
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