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If your island exploded, would you stop playing?

Started by Azerax, March 03, 2013, 04:51:09 PM

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If your island exploded, would you stop playing or move to another island?

I would stop playing
8 (18.2%)
I would move to another island
36 (81.8%)

Total Members Voted: 44

Voting closed: March 08, 2013, 04:51:09 PM

Draco Tanos

It would depend on the circumstances.  If it was due to our own failings (like BT), then yeah, I'd respect it and have little issue with it.  If it was "this is closed.  *sink*"?  I'd be quite angry and seriously reconsider playing BM. 

Eduardo Almighty

I don't love Dwilight so much to justify closing War Islands :(
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


If dwilight exploded I definetly would. For some reason I am so much more attached to drage than any other character. If BT blew up i would be sad. BT is certainly growing on me but it will take months if it ever gets to the importance of dwilight, and a considerable jump in power.


I realize I love Colonies island too much. If it explode, yes we have to rebuild and start from beginning on other islands. I could stop playing for awhile maybe. For some sentimental reasons, Colonies is the first island I play on, my character family home is there, not withstanding some characters histories are shaped pretty much there. Also the 1 turn per day that make the wars interesting as preparation have to be undertook carefully. I could go on and on about why. Overall, I may stop play for awhile if somehow my island exploded. Call me sentimental, it is obviously in my horoscope sign already 8)
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


I also love Beluaterra. Now I have character in AT, BT and Dwilight.. And dwilight if explode  I will be happy because the island so big.. But I would like to have new island than explode any island we have now.
Nireus D.Natalle (East Island), Arianna Sherry (Beluaterra), Calista Syrenne (Dwilight), Charlotte Ava (Sunken Vur Hagin)


Even if my REAL Island Explodes (Click Link)

I will just move to another one!


I'd cheer if Atamara and/or Colonies bit the bullet, to make way for a better and greater land.  :D
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Quote from: Lefanis on March 06, 2013, 07:06:46 AM
I'd cheer if Atamara and/or Colonies bit the bullet, to make way for a better and greater land.  :D

Nowhere gets better than Colonies. It's perfect BattleMaster!


I would hate to see the Colonies gone and I don't even play that island, I just think having a one turn per day island is a good idea.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


I love the Colonies.  It's a toss up between there and BT as my favorite.  The nice thing about the Colonies is that it's slow paced, so, a little time and planning goes a long way. 
Alowca was the first realm that ever interested me in this game, and the first experience I had other than "Welcome to the game, go to this regions with these line settings.  ThisGuyYouDon'tCareABout is your battle group commander.  Follow the Ruler's Orders, My(Insert General Tittle) orders, and then ThisGuyYouDon'tCareABout's orders.  Failure to do so will result from penalties from fines, banishment, from this realm, or making you watch Brokeback Mountain with a person you'll later come to know as Delvin." 

It was a place where you could get to know the game and some players without the hustle and bustle of rushing to battles twice a day.  I felt I enjoyed it a little more because my first realm I really got into had a religion they RPed, and my character tried to take it on.