
What is your greatest fear on Dwilight?

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Author Topic: What is your greatest fear on Dwilight?  (Read 23449 times)


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Re: What is your greatest fear on Dwilight?
« Reply #30: April 28, 2011, 02:15:32 PM »
However, many small realms is almost certainly the most efficient use of resources. Higher taxes, shorter travel times, easier group cohesion, and numerous other factors would indicate that small realms are the best return. They need big realms somewhere behind them to funnel resources, but small realms manage the land more effectively.

Time only will be the final judge, but if the past is any indication, with the quenching of realms like Viridian, Melodia, Virovene, Raivan Empire, Aquilegia, Myern, Tulsoma, Ordenstaat, due to reasons both due to man and nature, then there is not a very promising future for the current small realms. Their military strength is negligible, and would require the assistance of strong military to keep them alive for any amount of time. I expect that Barca has been enjoying consistent aid from Terran or D'Hara. Aurvandil fighting Madina is a rather bad sign for both of them, but that's human conflict for you.

My big assumption here is that there are too many egos trying to strike out their own names, but in the process that only spreads resources, and leads to the perpetuation of Dwilight as mostly concentrated in only certain areas. While the stories that could arise from it are great, it would be a constant frustration for those who sought fame and glory. Well, perhaps fighting monsters does earn some "glory".