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[Forum Game] The Thing: Survives!

Started by Fury, March 11, 2013, 03:15:42 PM

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Who is the Most Valuable Player in this game?

3 (25%)
1 (8.3%)
6 (50%)
0 (0%)
2 (16.7%)
1 (8.3%)
4 (33.3%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
3 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: March 27, 2013, 03:28:33 AM


*He starts moaning again, awakened by all the commotion* Why is everyone... being so loud? Anyway, we need... to catch the Thing... before it attacks again... I feel that I will die tonight... *His finger dramatically rises, pointing to Sonya* I VOTE SONYA! *He grips his wounds, moaning again* And where is... the godforsaken medic?
D'Espana Family


Well this one goes for Survival.

Unvote Lefanis

Vote Cren




4 VOTES Cren - Stabbity #97, Penchant #102, Disturbedyang #104, Sonya #121
5 VOTES Sonya - Lefanis #105, Cren #106, Ketchum #113, Dishman #119, D'Espana #120

Agent Sonya was just too disbelievable. Agents Lefanis, Cren, Ketchum, Dishman, and with moral support from D'Espana, confront the femme fatale.

Bad RP #94

"Скажи Привет моему маленькому другу, MИ-6! Потрясенный тем не менее, дураков? Hahahaha!"

The lynching committee was stunned at the sudden outpouring of foreign words but it galvanized them into action and a flamethrower was no match for 5 Walter PPKs in action and she went down like vodka. Going through her stuff, they find the following note in code form. After deciphering it, it read:

QuoteАгент Соня,

Это последний раз, когда мы приносим вам вернуться живым. Есть только так много Ботокс, которую мы можем придерживаться в вас. Либо принести что вещь вернуться ЖИВЫМ или не на всех.

Директор, КГБ.

NOTE: Bad RP is usually a small disadvantage - unless you die then we go for the whole shebang. Dying will also not reveal your role - unless you die with a Bad RP.

Right on cue, D'Espana's moans turn into a scream of terror as the Thing pays him a visit but D'Espana was lucid enough to jump off his make-shift bed and high-tail it out of there - faster than the Thing could chase him which made the Thing wonder if he should go for the easier prey - and there were at least 2 solitary individuals hiding somewhere in the Pit.

At the same time, another voice started screaming in the dark. Agent Thomasgriff had finally appeared and he collapsed in the main hall where people could see that something had scraped the following unfinished sentence into the back of his head:
"Send my regards to M or is it your other..."

Then Agent Ketchum suddenly nonchalantly strolls in completely healed - more or less! When asked about it, all he knew was that someone had bandaged him up and gave him some shots while he was asleep.

Sonya is lynched.
Thomasgriff is wounded.
D'Espana is still wounded.
Ketchum is healed and cannot be healed again.


Blehhh  :P

You got lucky my boss was all day yesterday, my plan was to bury you all!

You just got lucky!

Я только сожалею, что у меня есть только одна жизнь, чтобы потерять для моей страны


KGB down, huzzah!

So what can be gathered. Our doctor is back or at least doing his job now. The previous votes being split may be indicative of allegiance differences. Does anyone know if there are likely to be multiple foreign agents and if they know each other? If so, then we can assume that Stabbity/Penchant/Disturbedyang are not to be trusted (unless Sonya's hypothetical partner decided to throw her under the bus).

For now, I'm leaning toward Penchant. I was sure Stabbity was the foreign agent, but people have said he is erratic so I'm less sure of his guilt. Either way, it'll do us better to catch the thing because I assume it is now capable of making kills rather than wounds. Therefore, I'm voting Penchant for general 'active but trying to stay hidden'. I'm willing to switch to Stabbity, but I'm less fond of lynching Disturbedyang. I trust Cren and Lefanis.

Vote: Penchant
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)


That's the NKVD agent down! I guess she only lived twice!  8)
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Those PPKs were great. Thanks M, you atleast gave us something better than pitchforks to fight with.. Now over to the real job.. KGB infiltrator is dead and Thing is running around.

5 years from now, people are gonna ask what were you doing when the Thing wreaked havoc on the world.. We are gonna say, we just sit back and lynched each other. So stop acting like headless chickens and use some analysis. Now where is that psychic and speech therapist M recruited?
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


Bloody good job everyone, Uncle Putnov will be put off by this. Now, who's the American mole? Time to plug our leaks.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


It's kinda suspicious that i have mentioned Sonya will get a bad RP but some of you guys still decides to lynch her instead of Cren. I would like to hear why you guys think Cren is a good guy. He is the most suspicious guy i have right now. It also seems now that there are probably TWO THINGs around here with the two attacks. I would suspect one of them to be either Telrunya or Arrandal. Since the attack came when they are back.

And lynching is the only way to go, Cren. Your reluctance to lynch is really anti-town. Without lynching, we will slowly being picked off one by one. We seems to established that on previous games when you weren't around.

Lastly, personally, i don't think there's partner for any of the foreign agents. There might be two different factions, but not two agents for each. Like i said, i look at this from a balance point of view. If there are 4 foreign agents, we will never win the game as soon as we lynch one town guy. Of course they can fight each other but imo its imbalanced. Especially if it's true if there are two things.

I will VOTE: Cren again on the basis that he did not even try to tell us properly he is not the Thing. If you convince me by stating clearly that you, Cren is not the Thing. I will trust you on the basis that someone will scan you and exposed you eventually.

Quote from: Cren on March 18, 2013, 07:59:25 PM

This is to certify that Agent C is ready with a defibrilator, double barrel shotgun and tasty mead. He has a thing for killing Things and often invites abominations to take him on. He has worked with the MI6 for a long time and is one of our best field agents. Things Beware! He is waiting for YOU!

This statement has nothing to do with you whatsoever. Agent C can be anyone. And your reluctance to tell us you are not is the same as Sonya. You are on the bad side.

And my analysis on everyone else.

Telrunya and Arrandal - One of them is the Thing! Seems that way with 2 attacks last turn when they were back.
Cren - as stated above
Lefanis - Most likely an agent. Eventhough he leads everyone into stating the statement, it seems like he is just saying a statement himself instead of really meant it.
Stabbity - less erratic as he seems to be. Maybe he's holding a good guy position. The last time he was on a bad guy position, he just went havoc. The thing is he has been bandwagoning since the start. 3rd on my list.

Dishman - Comes in and out all of a sudden. And this time leading a lynch again. Goes up my suspicious list right below Cren.
Penchant - I think he is the safest. Reason being he was the only one apart from me that said he is not the Thing like he really meant it. Without meanings behind like what Sonya and Cren is doing.

Thomasgriff, D'Espana, Ketchum - I think they are safe for now but irregardless, if one of them is the thing, that confirms that there are TWO. And if it's true if there are two, we will let them kill themselves, as one needs to kill the other to win.

Did i miss anyone? Hmm. But if you are really on the good side, what's the harm of telling others you are not the Thing nor Foreign agent? And actually meant it of course.

p/s-sorry for the long post


That is solid analysis. Excepting myself of course. There is a difference between bandwagoning and agreeing. So once again I VOTE CREN .
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Quote from: Disturbedyang on March 20, 2013, 12:52:08 AM
I would like to hear why you guys think Cren is a good guy. He is the most suspicious guy i have right now. It also seems now that there are probably TWO THINGs around here with the two attacks. I would suspect one of them to be either Telrunya or Arrandal. Since the attack came when they are back.

I trust Cren mostly on intuition. He placed pretty high on my suspicions early on for throwing votes around, but it seems like he was doing what I was doing...getting reactions.

As to inactive thing...I hadn't noticed that. I figured it was rp flavor, but D'Espana and Thomasgriff screamed 'at the same time' now it does seem like we have two attacks (one failed?). My Penchant vote was mostly a shot in the dark (and to get him to put a little more forward), but if we did have an inactive thing...a 1/2 shot is our best bet. For now I'll take the 1/2 shot unless I'm convinced otherwise.

Unvote: Penchant, Vote: Telrunya
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)


Quote from: Disturbedyang on March 20, 2013, 12:52:08 AMIt also seems now that there are probably TWO THINGs around here with the two attacks. I would suspect one of them to be either Telrunya or Arrandal. Since the attack came when they are back.
Not true. I was also attacked yesterday, when these two were still missing.

Quote from: Fury on March 18, 2013, 06:05:10 PM
While Lefanis was in the midst of getting people to proclaim their innocence, it was still rather chaotic after all with the Pit a complete mess, a low menacing growl appeared from somewhere and seemed directed towards Lefanis. To his credit, he had after all experienced this first-hand before, the moment the growl started and people around him started screaming like little girls, Lefanis turned and ran without looking back, even pushing people and things behind him to block the advance of the Thing who started howling in dismay as after D'Espana's misfortune, Lefanis was smart enough to plant himself in the middle of people - as an early warning system.

Quote from: Disturbedyang on March 20, 2013, 12:52:08 AM
Lefanis - Most likely an agent. Eventhough he leads everyone into stating the statement, it seems like he is just saying a statement himself instead of really meant it.

LOL, I wonder how saying something three separate times makes me not mean it. Anyway, I AM AN Agent. I just work for MI6 and not a foreign agency. If you are a townie, you are an MI6 agent too.

Too lazy for analysis right now, (watching game of thrones :P ), but I'll come back in a while. Meanwhile, I'd like Stabbity to confirm that he doesn't work for any foreign agency, not just the CIA or KGB. There are literally hundreds of agencies to be named, CIA, CHEKA, IMF, ISI... It's better to have a blanket statement.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


I was so happy with the death of the pesky infiltrator that I had shot after shot of the vodka I got from her room. . . My head's heavy at the moment so I'm unable to give a logical analysis of who is the Thing. . . Those who are considering me as one, I implore you to backup your accusations and don't forget that I have been helping you to get rid of worldly as well as otherworldly threats. VOTE PENCHANT, the silent stalker.
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


Quote from: Lefanis on March 20, 2013, 04:11:41 AM
Not true. I was also attacked yesterday, when these two were still missing.

LOL, I wonder how saying something three separate times makes me not mean it. Anyway, I AM AN Agent. I just work for MI6 and not a foreign agency. If you are a townie, you are an MI6 agent too.

Too lazy for analysis right now, (watching game of thrones :P ), but I'll come back in a while. Meanwhile, I'd like Stabbity to confirm that he doesn't work for any foreign agency, not just the CIA or KGB. There are literally hundreds of agencies to be named, CIA, CHEKA, IMF, ISI... It's better to have a blanket statement.

okay, i rephrase - foreign agent. Lolz. Btw, Game of thrones is awesome!!! But it seems that they are going to scrap the whole thing, hence no season 3 :(

Quote from: Dishman on March 20, 2013, 02:47:58 AM
I trust Cren mostly on intuition. He placed pretty high on my suspicions early on for throwing votes around, but it seems like he was doing what I was doing...getting reactions.

As to inactive thing...I hadn't noticed that. I figured it was rp flavor, but D'Espana and Thomasgriff screamed 'at the same time' now it does seem like we have two attacks (one failed?). My Penchant vote was mostly a shot in the dark (and to get him to put a little more forward), but if we did have an inactive thing...a 1/2 shot is our best bet. For now I'll take the 1/2 shot unless I'm convinced otherwise.

Unvote: Penchant, Vote: Telrunya

I agree with you partially. We were all trying to get reactions...initially. But some of the things he is doing now, just seems to convince me more that he is the Thing.

Quote from: Cren on March 20, 2013, 07:17:26 AM
I was so happy with the death of the pesky infiltrator that I had shot after shot of the vodka I got from her room. . . My head's heavy at the moment so I'm unable to give a logical analysis of who is the Thing. . . Those who are considering me as one, I implore you to backup your accusations and don't forget that I have been helping you to get rid of worldly as well as otherworldly threats. VOTE PENCHANT, the silent stalker.

Like i said again and again. I am asking you now, are you the Thing?


Quote from: Cren on March 18, 2013, 10:15:07 AM
I don't take orders from you, but I'll still say it: "I am not the Thing. I am not working for Foreign Intelligence." Is that okay?

Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.