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[Forum Game] The Thing: Survives!

Started by Fury, March 11, 2013, 03:15:42 PM

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Who is the Most Valuable Player in this game?

3 (25%)
1 (8.3%)
6 (50%)
0 (0%)
2 (16.7%)
1 (8.3%)
4 (33.3%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
3 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: March 27, 2013, 03:28:33 AM



VOTE Sonya - Lefanis #57

Agent Cren was the first to take action and control of the situation while Agent Penchant and Agent Ketchum tried to help him by calming everybody down and setting off to gather some intel like they used to. Agent Stabbity, however, made for the exit mashing the open button repeatedly until it fell off the door. Agent Dishman was calm and collected and tried to get a consensus going but no one was listening. Agent Disturbedyang wanted to know who hadn't reported in but no was was replying.

Agent Lefanis was moaning in a corner that he lived to die another day while Agent Sonya dared him to repeat some comment made before the explosion and immediately Lefanis voted to have her lynched but he didn't meet the minimum requirement. Then they started arguing. Apparently, there was still residual sparks from the blast.

Then Agent D'Espana's scream of terror down the hall had everyone rushing to him. D'Espana had come face to face with the Thing! "Haha, you are dead", shrilled a chilling alien voice with an eerily familiar phrase but when everyone got there, the Thing was gone.

Long before the arrival of the Thing to the Pit, D'Espana was heard talking about planting a bomb in someone's donkey. It didn't make sense and everyone thought he was bonkers but it wasn't right the way he was cut up by what seemed to be razor sharp claws. "Where was security?" someone yelled.

It was probably his own fault for being a loner. If he had been with others it was unlikely he would have been attacked. Still, he was alive but another attack like this and it would certainly be his last.

D'Espana has been wounded.


OK, now we have some information to work with.

We can make several assumptions. That A. D'Espana is trustworthy. B. There is either only one Thing or a bodyguard was successful. C. D'Espana will need both bodyguards and doctors to survive.

From here, things look good. We can block the thing's actions, protecting ourselves for more time. We can likely afford a mislynch, for more information, but that may be a needless sacrifice. For now, what we really need is finger pointing for

VOTE: Stabbity

Lefanis, explain why the vote for Sonya. Sonya, explain why no rebuttal to Lefanis's accusations. Stabbity, sweat for me.
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)


As of now, 3 are still not around. Arrandal, Telrunya and Thomasgriff.

But you are right Dishman, so VOTE: Dishman. Reason from my previous post.



I hope this is the response you were hoping to elicit Agent Dishman.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Quote from: Stabbity on March 17, 2013, 10:18:24 PM

I hope this is the response you were hoping to elicit Agent Dishman.
An 'Oh My God, You Suck" vote is usually a pretty good way of gauging how town oriented a person is. It says you don't care if a person is acting good or bad, just you want anyone pointing fingers at you gone. Not a complete indication that a person is the thing, but a good indication that their votes might not be town-friendly. All responses are useful, some more than others.
Quote from: Disturbedyang on March 17, 2013, 07:27:36 PM
But you are right Dishman, so VOTE: Dishman. Reason from my previous post.
How so?
Quote from: Disturbedyang on March 17, 2013, 07:50:34 AM
Ahh, my bad. It was your game. Not you. Sonya and D'Espana died together as the finale. Haha.

Back to the game, who else hasn't reported back yet?
This doesn't seem to give a reason toward voting me.

So far no one has really tried to lead the discussion. It may bring more attention to me, but I'm trying to put forward plans that can help us flush out the thing. The attention that does get focused on someone trying to orient the town may be a better indication of thingyness.
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)


Quote from: Dishman on March 17, 2013, 10:31:17 PM
An 'Oh My God, You Suck" vote is usually a pretty good way of gauging how town oriented a person is. It says you don't care if a person is acting good or bad, just you want anyone pointing fingers at you gone. Not a complete indication that a person is the thing, but a good indication that their votes might not be town-friendly. All responses are useful, some more than others.How so? This doesn't seem to give a reason toward voting me.

So far no one has really tried to lead the discussion. It may bring more attention to me, but I'm trying to put forward plans that can help us flush out the thing. The attention that does get focused on someone trying to orient the town may be a better indication of thingyness.

Its not an "Oh you suck vote." It's a "you voted for me randomly, I'm town, I'd prefer to survive, and you voting me (the townie) is distinctly anti-town."

A great man once said "Lynching Town is anti-Town."
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Quote from: Stabbity on March 17, 2013, 10:41:17 PM
I'm town, I'd prefer to survive, and you voting me (the townie) is distinctly anti-town."
A great man once said "Lynching Town is anti-Town."

Another good quote is 'The lady doth protest too much, methinks". Calling yourself town and voting for another person (because you are town) for voting for you is still an OMGUS vote. It all comes down to how/why they voted. Granted, my vote was mostly random, but when the bomb went off everyone tried to keep their cool except for you...who tried to run off like you had been kept in a cage for months. I had to start somewhere, because without any reactions we sit quietly while the thing picks us off.

So far, the only clear we really have is D'Espana. Stabbity is a reactionary and Arrandal, Telrunya and Thomasgriff are quiet. I'm still looking at DisturbedYang for reasoning on his vote, and there are still several who have yet to put any theories out. We have the advantage right now, and we should use it to find information.

Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)


Quote from: Lefanis on March 17, 2013, 05:50:49 PM
Uhh, I caught the Thing in Thule and brought it here for further investigation. Our task is to bring the escaped Thing back into our control, and keep it from the KGB/CIA, who are also the bad guys, which I think you know.

And I'm voting you because you got jumpy about the foreign agents bit, so you may be one of the foreign agents.

This is the most idiotic Sentence EVER some one could say!

You talk about random things (Front A to D, i got against somethings (A and B~) and you vote me because i an against C and D?


Our task is not to bring the thing under control, out task  NOW is to kill the Thing, We win if the Thing Dies! I win if the Thing die, and i want the Thing to die.

And you jumped and Vote me, what are you scare of? I m not accusing you, i am just simply talking to you, why are you so defensive?


Quote from: Dishman on March 17, 2013, 11:08:16 PM
Another good quote is 'The lady doth protest too much, methinks". Calling yourself town and voting for another person (because you are town) for voting for you is still an OMGUS vote. It all comes down to how/why they voted. Granted, my vote was mostly random, but when the bomb went off everyone tried to keep their cool except for you...who tried to run off like you had been kept in a cage for months. I had to start somewhere, because without any reactions we sit quietly while the thing picks us off.

So far, the only clear we really have is D'Espana. Stabbity is a reactionary and Arrandal, Telrunya and Thomasgriff are quiet. I'm still looking at DisturbedYang for reasoning on his vote, and there are still several who have yet to put any theories out. We have the advantage right now, and we should use it to find information.

Dishman - haha. I am going to say something that sounds absurdly stupid. I thought i did post my reasoning because it was all playing in my mind but i don't have time to post it. hahahaha :p Okay, the reason was because i have not actually played with you and it seems to me you were too "enthusiastic" as if someone that got a good character to play with. Simple as that. Not a good reason but something good to start with i guess.

Also, Sonya, i think Lefanis is an agent himself. Somehow something tells me that he is trying to flush out the other so that he can get rid of him.

As of Stabbity, his play has always been erratic, and that actually makes it kinda hard to judge. You know we always try to get rid of erratic behaviour and yet you do the same when you are a townie. So....DOH!

I have no idea-yet what Sonya is.

And i agreed that D'Espana is a high chance townie. Of course pending there's no two "Thing"s alive. But he is not much of a worry because if that's the case, he will be dead fast enough anyway.

Ketchum seems to be playing a behind the scene game nowadays. Are you afraid we know your reaction, Ketchum? Haha.

There are still a few that remained quiet. Please be reminded you are the TARGET unless you start talking. Unless of course you are the THING! So i think our best chance now lies in getting rid of the quiets one....

Hence, UNVOTE: Dishman VOTE: Cren - simply because i have never played with him and i want to see his reactions.


Hmm, first of all. Let us start off.

We should continue talking. The Thing has a considerable success chance to attack those quiet Agents, professionals, etc. If you are quiet, you are in danger of being attacked. If you the quiet ones have any Power Role, you are not helping the Townie either. If you are Thing, er, sorry we talk to the wrong guys  :P

On another note, yes. I have to agree Lefanis has higher chance to become Agent/Foreign Agent. He acts too gung-ho on this  ;)

Disturbedyang, my reaction is simple. Staying alive of course ::)
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Quote from: Disturbedyang on March 18, 2013, 01:09:39 AM
As of Stabbity, his play has always been erratic, and that actually makes it kinda hard to judge. You know we always try to get rid of erratic behaviour and yet you do the same when you are a townie. So....DOH!

This I did not know. Perhaps his vote means less than I thought. Maybe it would be better to spread the vote across mutes. This way we take away potential victims (and lurking things).

UNVOTE: Stabbity, VOTE: Thomasgriff.
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)


*He moans in his recovery sleep, unheard nightmares terrorizing his dreams*

(OOC: Sorry guys, I've got me a busy weekend, as usual. Also, can the wounded vote?)
D'Espana Family


Quote from: D'Espana on March 18, 2013, 03:37:38 AM
*He moans in his recovery sleep, unheard nightmares terrorizing his dreams*

(OOC: Sorry guys, I've got me a busy weekend, as usual. Also, can the wounded vote?)

I believe so D'Espana. But if you are attacked one more time, you will be dead. Fury made it so we sort of have 2 lives. Presumably the game isn't as easy...especially since we all choose our own characters(or not).


Quote from: Ketchum on March 18, 2013, 01:22:34 AM
On another note, yes. I have to agree Lefanis has higher chance to become Agent/Foreign Agent. He acts too gung-ho on this  ;)
Quote from: Disturbedyang on March 18, 2013, 01:09:39 AM
Also, Sonya, i think Lefanis is an agent himself. Somehow something tells me that he is trying to flush out the other so that he can get rid of him.
Did you two even read the rules? Didja? Of course I'm an agent. Of course I'm trying to flush out the foreign agents. Everyone here are agents, unless you're the Thing. Did you miss the fact that we're buried deep inside MI6 HQ? All townies are agents. That's why we are supposed to catch the Thing, that's the win condition for agents, always has been. A pertinent question to ask, is who you are working for, and I can attest that I've been a 00 agent, and I'm on Her Majesty's Secret Sevice. Suck on that, you behavioural agents.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Experience tells me voting the inactives is going to bite us in the ass. And those who are so eager to do so need to be investigated.

So, I vote Dishman. He hurriedly tries to vote an inactive after other people vote him. Could be nothing, but I've got nothing much for now to go on.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell