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Changing duchy assignment for region

Started by Eirikr, March 17, 2013, 07:56:49 AM

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Where is the option to change duchies for a region? I expected it to be on the Command or Politics pages, but I don't see it.

Currently, I am ruler, duke (of a regionless duchy) and lord of a region. I also picked up an estate there. I want to move my region out of another duchy and into mine.

I found a workaround, only available to me as ruler: Dissolve my current duchy and create a new one, using my region as the base.

Now, something else to note: I wasn't kicked out of the lordship, despite being under another duchy. Does this mean that the hierarchy chain doesn't have to be a direct link? I can be a lord in someone else's duchy, as long as I am also a duke?

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Eirikr on March 17, 2013, 07:56:49 AM
Where is the option to change duchies for a region? I expected it to be on the Command or Politics pages, but I don't see it.

Currently, I am ruler, duke (of a regionless duchy) and lord of a region. I also picked up an estate there. I want to move my region out of another duchy and into mine.

I found a workaround, only available to me as ruler: Dissolve my current duchy and create a new one, using my region as the base.

Now, something else to note: I wasn't kicked out of the lordship, despite being under another duchy. Does this mean that the hierarchy chain doesn't have to be a direct link? I can be a lord in someone else's duchy, as long as I am also a duke?

This is a bug.

You can't owe fealty to someone who owes fealty to you.

"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


How can you both be a duke and be in someone else's duchy? That doesn't make sense...
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


As Silverfire says, this is a bug. This situation should not exist.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Please describe exactly the order of events that led to this situation (ie, when you became ruler, duke, and lord, and by what means).
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Anaris on March 17, 2013, 03:12:52 PM
Please describe exactly the order of events that led to this situation (ie, when you became ruler, duke, and lord, and by what means).

Here or in a bug report?

I'll do it here since I have to wait for an answer anyway.

  • 2013-02-15 Appointed as Earl of Anost
  • 2013-02-18 Elected as Earl of Anost (results from the triggered election that started before I was appointed; just a reaffirmation as I didn't lose the position in the meantime)
  • 2013-02-25 Duchy created, promoted to Duke of Anost
  • 2013-02-27 Anost taken over by Darka, lordship lost
  • 2013-02-28 Elected as Ruler of Coria
  • 2013-03-08 Anost taken over by Coria.
  • 2013-03-14 Elected as Earl of Anost
  • 2013-03-17 Duchy of Primapares dissolved, title lost
  • 2013-03-17 Duchy of Primapares reformed in Anost, title gained

As you can see, in the three days between being elected and figuring out the workaround, I was not removed as Earl of Anost. I held a Duke title at the time, as well as Ruler. I expected the code to kick me out of the lordship the same day, so I was freaking out that I couldn't change Anost's allegiance to the Duchy of Primapares (empty at the time). I thought the option might be available only when I am physically in the region, so I traveled there, hoping to beat the script. I still didn't see the option, so I dissolved my duchy, hoping to reform my duchy with Anost (after all, I know you should be able to change duchies). Originally, Anost didn't appear as an option, but refreshing the page a few times made it reappear. Anost is now the only region under the Duchy of Primapares.

Is this adequate detail? Should I be including anything else?

I still don't know where I'm supposed to change to which duchy the region belongs. Is it in the "Change Allegiance..." link? It gives me a message that I can't do that due to being a ruler. (Which would make sense in all situations I can think of, except ones like this where you need to move a region you lord over into your duchy. Unless, of course, we're now trying to make it nearly impossible for a ruler to also be a duke, unless he was already.)

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Eirikr on March 17, 2013, 08:35:15 PM
Here or in a bug report?

  • 2013-02-15 Appointed as Earl of Anost
  • 2013-02-18 Elected as Earl of Anost (results from the triggered election that started before I was appointed; just a reaffirmation as I didn't lose the position in the meantime)
  • 2013-02-25 Duchy created, promoted to Duke of Anost
  • 2013-02-27 Anost taken over by Darka, lordship lost
  • 2013-02-28 Elected as Ruler of Coria
  • 2013-03-08 Anost taken over by Coria.
ANOST put in a duchy he's not Duke of
  • 2013-03-14 Elected as Earl of Anost
ANOST still in a duchy he's not duke of
  • 2013-03-17 Duchy of Primapares dissolved, title lost
  • 2013-03-17 Duchy of Primapares reformed in Anost, title gained

See RED additions.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


OK. So it looks like the error occurred when you were elected as Earl of Anost, as a Duke, and Anost was not automatically put into your Duchy.

Please verify that this sounds correct, and if it does, please put all this information into a bug report.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


As ruler and duke, you don't have the option to change allegiance, so you shouldn't find one, even if your allegiance weren't bugged to hell and back. Since it is bugged, anything you do see could very well be bugged, too.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Anaris on March 17, 2013, 09:09:31 PM
OK. So it looks like the error occurred when you were elected as Earl of Anost, as a Duke, and Anost was not automatically put into your Duchy.

Please verify that this sounds correct, and if it does, please put all this information into a bug report.
(Thanks Merlin!)

That is correct. However, it might be important to note that Anost was automatically assigned to the duchy of Shanandoah (despite Frekpotis being much closer?) when it was taken over. Should it switch when a duke is elected lord? It seems like the game is more biased that the duke would already hold a lordship. (Proceeding from knight upwards, I don't think it's possible for this bug to occur. It's the top down method that is fubar'd.)

Indirik, that makes sense. If everything's working properly, I suppose there shouldn't really be a conflict. Either a lord who becomes ruler forms his own duchy or loses his lordship to avoid hierarchy conflicts. In the top-down case, it should be moving a lordship into your duchy. Though, aren't duchies able to defect to another realm, provided they do not hold the capital city? (I might have this mixed up with secession, which I know works like that.)


Yes, duchies can defect to other realms. However, you are the ruler so this option should not be available to you.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Oh, I think I misunderstood you, you specified "ruler and duke" not "ruler or duke". I was going to argue that it may make sense for the error to pop up down the pipeline rather than right off the top-level link. Though, that said, why isn't the link just grayed out?

Anyway, the report is up:


Some links just don't appear, particularly if such a thing simply is not an option for your character at all. If you're a police unit and have no hours left, the Police Work option is shown but gray/disabled. If you're not a police unit, the option doesn't even show up. Likewise, if you're a ruler you simply cannot swap allegiance, ever. Therefore there is no reason to show the link and then disable it. Why bother? For you it will ever be possible. (And having said that, I know this is not always consistent. That's the problem with the long, incremental dev style of BattleMaster. Plus, there are some links that are intentionally only shown when you can actually do them.)
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on March 18, 2013, 02:51:23 AM
Some links just don't appear, particularly if such a thing simply is not an option for your character at all. If you're a police unit and have no hours left, the Police Work option is shown but gray/disabled. If you're not a police unit, the option doesn't even show up. Likewise, if you're a ruler you simply cannot swap allegiance, ever. Therefore there is no reason to show the link and then disable it. Why bother? For you it will ever be possible. (And having said that, I know this is not always consistent. That's the problem with the long, incremental dev style of BattleMaster. Plus, there are some links that are intentionally only shown when you can actually do them.)
Oh, I'm fully aware that links are sometimes just not shown. For me, this link is entirely clickable. I (perhaps wrongly) assumed that it would be visible and clickable by all rulers, given the error message.

To me, this link makes more sense to just be grayed out. It's a feature you may need to use later, especially if you are in a realm with regular elections. Grayed out links are great for knowing what something is for and why you can't do it right now.


A region can't join a regionless duchy. You'll need to disband/delete your current duchy, and then if your region is a city or townsland, you might be able to make yourself duke.