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Mendicant Cheating

Started by Revan, March 25, 2013, 09:14:25 AM

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Glaumring the Fox

Sounds like SA in a nutshell..  ::)
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Kwanstein on March 26, 2013, 12:29:19 AM
Positions doled out to loyal supporters? Malcontents punished? A tyrant who reigns supreme? The audacity! It's as if they thought they were playing a medieval sim or something.

Being serious for a moment, those are symptoms of just about every realm.
So you were treated to the same thing that you claim every realm experiences, yet also claim that you deserve to be compensated because of it... ???
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Chénier on March 25, 2013, 11:20:07 PM
It doesn't take an hour a day to sense something is fishy.

Irrelevant. The onus is not on the players.

And heck, I never called for these players to be punished.


Time to burn Aurvandil from the ground, and let the honest players try to redo their rep and rebuild their realm.

Seems an awful lot like punishment.
When Thalmarkans walked through the Sint land, castles went up for sale.


Quote from: dustole on March 26, 2013, 12:13:22 AM
The GM's investigated Aurvandil a few times from my understanding.  It took me some time in Aurvandil watching what was happening and talking to the nobles to begin to make some connections.  Finally I had enough of a suspicion to go to Tom.  I told him about 2 specific characters and why I thought they were multi's they were able to use that to pinpoint the multi accounts.  If the GM's didn't find them before, how can you expect average players to do so.  Even now characters/players are saying how great Mendicant is/was.  They are going to name him High Sovereign in perpetuity and create a Regency so that if Mendicant comes back or his "heir" shows up he can take the throne. 

I'm leaving Aurvandil.  It is a really wierd mentality in that realm.  With the 11 accounts locked and the 1 or 2 other accounts that weren't locked but auto paused at the same time they have lost 12-14 nobles.  I'm leaving and there will be about 10 of us.  I'm sure a few others will leave as well.   In the end they will have 30-40 nobles in a realm with 1 city.  I don't think things are going to go as well for them as Chenier thinks. 

Yea, it sucks that they get to keep all their ill gotten gains.  But look at Asylon.  Mendicant got them into the war and now they will be hung out to dry. 

When there is a bug in the game and people lose gold or some such you don't get it back.  This is just a similar !@#$ty situation.  RP it as best you can and deal with it as best you can.

Voice of reason here.

And, Chénier, about "collaborators," note that the very person you were wailing on as being one such collaborator a few days ago was, unbeknownst to you, the person who filed the initial report.

You have no ability to determine the innocent and the guilty.

Though seriously Kwanstein, that's ludicrous that Aurvandil should be compensated. That's practically Mendicant-level nonsense.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


I say we thank the GM that some multi-abusers are gone and continue to armchair general about some Marrocidenian warfare.
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)


May we have an official statement by a GM informed on the facts about how deep and influencial was the Mendicant multicheating thing? Was it done all by one person who proceed to roleplay interactions between many of his multy? Or there were more people involved in a web of multies?
Is there a way to tell roughly how much gold did he obtained in such a way?

I'm asking this because I'm a recently new Aurvandil player (joined around december or something like that) and hearing that "Having the Zume raze Aurvandil would be a good compensation" trouble me as a legit player.

Knowing how much of the Ourvandoux strenght depended on cheated resource would probably help us left to rebuild the realm and maybe would help stopping the exaggerations (if there are any) going on about such matter


One thing to note is that although Mendicant cheated, the resources he conjured weren't achieved due to cheating but merely by playing competently. The same resources could have been achieved by any realm, potentially. The main victims of his cheating, and those that I feel have the most right to complain, are the nobles of his own realms who were denied any power, due to his and his puppet accounts hoarding it for themselves. Those nobles were most assuredly being cheated and lied to. That would include Aurvandilians, Barcans and Madinianites, as far as I'm aware. Realms that didn't host him or any of his multis weren't abused in the same manner; in fact they were hardly abused at all. All they had to put up with was an enemy that was more competent than usual, which is a possible scenario for any realm to find itself in, cheaters or not.


It's my understanding that all those accounts funneled gold to the characters in Aurvandil. So no, Aurvandil's resources weren't merely conjured by playing competently. And nobles are a resource too.

So yeah, we'll see how they fare without him and that'll tell us how much their previous ownage was deserved. Though whether it was deserved or not... !@#$ happens and everyone will just have to deal with it and not do the same to others as Mendickant did to you.


Quote from: Kwanstein on March 26, 2013, 12:44:37 PM
One thing to note is that although Mendicant cheated, the resources he conjured weren't achieved due to cheating but merely by playing competently. The same resources could have been achieved by any realm, potentially. The main victims of his cheating, and those that I feel have the most right to complain, are the nobles of his own realms who were denied any power, due to his and his puppet accounts hoarding it for themselves. Those nobles were most assuredly being cheated and lied to. That would include Aurvandilians, Barcans and Madinianites, as far as I'm aware. Realms that didn't host him or any of his multis weren't abused in the same manner; in fact they were hardly abused at all. All they had to put up with was an enemy that was more competent than usual, which is a possible scenario for any realm to find itself in, cheaters or not.

Actually, from what's been said in this thread, Mendicant also used characters that defected from Barca to Aurvandil (which is the recognized reason for the start of the Marrociden War), and a character in D'Hara that attacked Luria (which inflamed the D'Hara-Luria War, and hindered Luria from joining the campaign against Aurvandil).


Quote from: Kwanstein on March 26, 2013, 12:08:48 AM
Your argument hinges on the idea that the players of Aurvandil benefited from the cheating. Can you really say that they benefited, when nearly all positions of power were held out of their reach? When they had virtually no say in how things were run? If anything the players of Aurvandil suffered the most, for, unbeknownst to them, they were merely pawns in the mad schemes of one man. If anything, they should recieve compensation.

Oh, you mean those positions that they now get to inherit, along with all that nice land?

Quote from: Kwanstein on March 26, 2013, 01:11:00 AM
Compensated, because they were tricked.

Yeah, they were tricked into many glorious victories and growing into a great realm. Ok, yes, they were deceived. But they are better off for the results in terms of character gains. Compare that to other realms that Aurvandil has "influenced".

Quote from: Astinus on March 26, 2013, 12:14:22 PM
I'm asking this because I'm a recently new Aurvandil player (joined around december or something like that) and hearing that "Having the Zume raze Aurvandil would be a good compensation" trouble me as a legit player.

Well, as a legitimate player, it also troubled me greatly when I witnessed the level 5 walls in Barca being torn down to nothing. That is literally thousands of gold and many, many months of RL work. And Barca is and always has been poor, so that was the major achievement of the realm.

Not to mention the starvation that decimated the Barcan capital down to about 1/3 or less of its prior population after Barca lost three of its most productive farming regions to Aurvandil. Again, many, many months of RL work.

And now the same has happened to the walls of the Terran Capital, so I hear (excluding everything else, that has already been mentioned).


Quote from: Bael on March 26, 2013, 03:59:14 PM
Oh, you mean those positions that they now get to inherit, along with all that nice land?

Yeah, they were tricked into many glorious victories and growing into a great realm. Ok, yes, they were deceived. But they are better off for the results in terms of character gains. Compare that to other realms that Aurvandil has "influenced".

Well, as a legitimate player, it also troubled me greatly when I witnessed the level 5 walls in Barca being torn down to nothing. That is literally thousands of gold and many, many months of RL work. And Barca is and always has been poor, so that was the major achievement of the realm.

Not to mention the starvation that decimated the Barcan capital down to about 1/3 or less of its prior population after Barca lost three of its most productive farming regions to Aurvandil. Again, many, many months of RL work.

And now the same has happened to the walls of the Terran Capital, so I hear (excluding everything else, that has already been mentioned).

They waited years for what could be achieved by malingering a few months in any other realm.


Quote from: Kwanstein on March 26, 2013, 04:23:01 PM
They waited years for what could be achieved by malingering a few months in any other realm.

Nobody forced them too.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner



Quote from: Kwanstein on March 26, 2013, 04:50:46 PM
That is not relevant.
Yeah, it's really the entire point. No one forced you to stay in a realm in which you were not getting promoted, positions, or influence. You're choice. There will be no "compensation", or whatever euphemism you wish to use. Deal with it, just like every single one of the other players, in each and realm that got screwed over by those who decided to abuse the game and cheat.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on March 26, 2013, 05:11:49 PM
Yeah, it's really the entire point. No one forced you to stay in a realm in which you were not getting promoted, positions, or influence. You're choice. There will be no "compensation", or whatever euphemism you wish to use. Deal with it, just like every single one of the other players, in each and realm that got screwed over by those who decided to abuse the game and cheat.

Firstly, I am not in Aurvandil. Secondly, I did not propose compensation, Chenier did. Thirdly, whether or not people were forced to suffer ill-consequences or tricked is of no importance -- it's the fact that they suffered ill-consequence at all that is. Nobody forced anyone to invest in Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme, just like no one was forced to serve Mendicant, but that doesn't change the fact that the investors were abused by his trickery all the same.