Author Topic: Mendicant Cheating  (Read 75367 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Mendicant Cheating
« Reply #30: March 26, 2013, 05:17:06 PM »
Yeah, it's really the entire point. No one forced you to stay in a realm in which you were not getting promoted, positions, or influence. You're choice. There will be no "compensation", or whatever euphemism you wish to use. Deal with it, just like every single one of the other players, in each and realm that got screwed over by those who decided to abuse the game and cheat.

Firstly, I am not in Aurvandil. Secondly, I did not propose compensation, Chenier did. Thirdly, whether or not people were forced to suffer ill-consequences or tricked is of no importance -- it's the fact that they suffered ill-consequence at all that is. Nobody forced anyone to invest in Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme, just like no one was forced to serve Mendicant, but that doesn't change the fact that the investors were abused by his trickery all the same.