Author Topic: Mendicant Cheating  (Read 73303 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Mendicant Cheating
« Reply #45: March 26, 2013, 06:08:25 PM »
Fact: (etc.)

My character's city and realm are falling down around him because of Aurvandil. But none of your facts lend themselves to an easy conclusion.

The principle here is not 'what degree of remedy is necessary' but 'why should the developers, whose job is development, intercede?'

So the Zuma invade Aurvandil. Aurvandil nobles all get on ships and sail to, I don't know, what used to be Terran. New realms, easy pickings. They take some regions. Then the players whose regions they took complain about how this wouldn't have happened if the developers hadn't 'fixed' everything.

Or the devs try to 'reset' the place to how it was a year ago. How would this even work? Pages and pages of bitching about how this or that detail is wrong. What about all the politics since then? Pretend it never happened?

Not only would this be an impossible task, it would be an awful precedent. I'm grateful that these guys were caught. I expect that nothing with the name 'Aurvandil' will have an easy time of it going forward, however damaged non-Aurvandil realms are because of them. But we're the players and we've got to figure out the way forward. Not pray for lightning bolts.