Author Topic: Mendicant Cheating  (Read 73282 times)


  • Exalted Emperor
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Re: Mendicant Cheating
« Reply #75: March 28, 2013, 12:55:04 AM »
Then I think we can say that Aurvandil gets no credit for destroying Barca (come on, we're talking about Barca here, how tough was that?) or Terran (they could have had peace any time they wanted.)
If it ever happens, you'll find out. After all, he's let realms keep tens of thousands of gold that they have stumbled upon, completely by accident, through various bugs.

Surprise for you, maybe, 'cause they all happened before Aurvandil seceded. Nice try though, to retort to "what did Astrum and Morek do since Aurvandil was founded" by naming almost only things wich happened before Aurvandil was founded.

Aurvandil started the war, and thus it gets credit. Barca, Terran, and D'Hara didn't throw themselves at Aurvandil begging for a war, quite the opposite actually, unlike Caerwyn and Thulsoma who basically begged to be destroyed. As for the daimons, when Sint's general assigned daimon militia units to player characters, I don't recall it lasting very long. Gold can only do so much, you still need nobles who have limited recruitment capacities and whose's CS per man worsens by unit size. Even "tens of thousands of gold" is in no way comparable to what Aurvandil inherits. D'Hara funded realms with tens of thousands of gold in the past, and the results never were all that spectacular.

Both of you are making the mistake of assuming that I play in Aurvandil.

I've already stated my case on this issue, your attacks don't reveal any flaws in my reasoning nor bring up anything I might have overlooked, so I will simply refer you to my previous post. However, because I know that you either won't look or bother to understand it, I will emphasize a single point which I will state here. Chenier: you cannot punish a realm with any effect, because a realm is not sentient. It cannot understand that it's being punished, nor can it fathom why.

That you play in Aurvandil or not is meaningless, you speak in their favor. As for your reasoning, it assumes that justice requires that the entity being punished understands it. Both this claim and the claim that a realm, as a collective entity, cannot understand punishment are highly questionnable. If a fire is burning a neighborhood because of arson, and you have water to put it out, do you ask yourself "well, if the fire isn't sentient, then we can't get justice by putting it out". You just put out the damn fire. As for a realm's "sentience", it really is of no importance whatsoever. If your neighbor steals a car and gives it to you, then he gets arrested for it, do you think you are in any way entitled to keeping the car?

Discussing the Butterfly effect till no end will bring us so much closer to put this behind us and try to play the game again, I am sure the right persons will do the right actions.

Which is why I don't speak of restitution. Damage that would not have occured is impossible to calculate. However, gains facilitated, if not enabled by cheating, are much easier to evaluate.

If those positions which Mendicant left behind weren't to go to the nobles of Aurvandil, whom would they go to? Nobles of other realms, of course. In the case that Aurvandil couldn't keep those regions, they would simply be redistributed and some other hapless saps would end up benefiting from them. So, you see, one way or another someone is going to end up benefiting from Mendicant's cheating. That is why your position makes no sense. Also, I said this in the very post that you're quoting: I am not in Aurvandil, stop assuming that I'm only interested in furthering my own gain.

This is stupid. If the legitimate players of Aurvandil can't hold onto any given regions, then, would there not have been cheating, other realms would have taken them long ago. Taking a few regions now would nowhere near compensate for the strife created.

Once more, everyone quit your bitching and move on with the game. Chenier, it doesn't matter how much you whine, there isn't going to be a Zuma Invasion of Aurvandil because of this.

Yes, let's all just go back to playing PawnMaster, because who cares for politics, cheaters will do all of it for us anyways. Why convince anyone of anything when you can just multi your way to victory. Cheating pays, after all.
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