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Mendicant Cheating

Started by Revan, March 25, 2013, 09:14:25 AM

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Quote from: Chénier on March 28, 2013, 12:55:04 AM
Chenier rant #5070

Your pointless grudge against the unwitting cohorts of a banned cheater is disgusting and I'm very surprised you're still in any sort of position of authority at this point.
When Thalmarkans walked through the Sint land, castles went up for sale.


Quote from: Indirik on March 28, 2013, 12:33:48 AM
None of the locked accounts have autopaused yet. That takes 14 days. Once that happens the bonds from those characters will be sent to the realm, and, I am fairly sure,  be delivered to the ruler.

Believe it or not, the vast majority of their wealth is in gold...
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Cheating never had this level of impact in BM before.

And yet, it was much more strongly reprimanded by Tom in past occasions. The Black Hand comes to mind, but I may be thinking of something else. Wasn't a realm destroyed and the realm name banned, way back?
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This whole discussion is absolutely ridiculous. The bottom line is that Mendicant is not Aurvandil- the other nobles there invested a lot of time and effort into that realm and destroying the whole thing because of the actions of one cheater is ludicrous. And yes, this means that overall they "benefit" from the cheating but that's not their fault and they should not be punished for it.


Quote from: BarticaBoat on March 28, 2013, 12:43:01 AM
You're sounding pretty upset, you should probably calm down.
As I said, the Eternal treasury is going to be distributed to the nobles of Aurvandil. Combined with some very scary RCs they have the nobles of Aurvandil are sitting in their own personal sandbox. How would Aurvandilian positions go to nobles from other realms...? Todd, Knight of D'Hara, High Sovereign of Aurvandil? Or is someone who sat around in Aurvandil now going to gain control of the mightiest power in Dwilight?

By dismantling Aurvandil, no one gains from it. That's what you don't understand. By allowing Aurvandil to remain, the Poor Victims of Mendicant's Tyranny™ get to pick up the pieces they haven't earned and play with them.

From my perspective, it is you, Chenier and all of the others who sound upset. I did not benefit or lose from this ordeal, nor am I particularly concerned. I am discussing this on a whim, if you must know.

If you wished to erase Mendicant's inheritance gold, that would be simple feat, no doubt. It would not even require transgressing on any single character, as the sum could be deleted before it is even collected. So, because it is not a punishment and is rather easy to implement I see no reason to dissuade anyone from holding the opinion.

Recruitment centres are something that I've never been able to appreciate. It seems as though every realm has a million of them, far exceeding what is needed and with similar distributions in quality. For this reason, I do not see a point in deleting them, regardless of whether or not they were built by a cheater, as they are simply a non-issue.

So, there you have. The elaborations of my opinions are yours at last. Have a cookie...

Quote from: IndirikThat you play in Aurvandil or not is meaningless, you speak in their favor. As for your reasoning, it assumes that justice requires that the entity being punished understands it. Both this claim and the claim that a realm, as a collective entity, cannot understand punishment are highly questionnable. If a fire is burning a neighborhood because of arson, and you have water to put it out, do you ask yourself "well, if the fire isn't sentient, then we can't get justice by putting it out". You just put out the damn fire. As for a realm's "sentience", it really is of no importance whatsoever. If your neighbor steals a car and gives it to you, then he gets arrested for it, do you think you are in any way entitled to keeping the car?

People are accusing me of playing in Aurvandil and seeking to further my own ends by defending it. Understandably, I wished to correct them.

As for your analogy, it is important to define the sort of punishment that we are discussing here. Punishing a fire is different from punishing a man. The meanings of the word are different, I mean. Chenier's calls for punishment in this instance are meant to reprimand the transgressor for it's crime, the transgressor supposedly being Aurvandil. But, that would be futile, as the transgressor can't react to the punishment, as it lacks the ability to comprehend the punishment in the first place. Thus, when you punish Aurvandil you aren't really punishing Aurvandil. Sure, you can harm the thing called Aurvandil, but you cannot punish it, not in the way that we are talking about, not in the way that you'd punish a man for a crime.

As I stated before, someone (whoever Aurvandil's regions go to; doesn't matter what realm(s) they belong to) is going to be benefiting from Mendicant's crime spree. The only way to avoid this would be to either delete the regions altogether or else manually determine which characters owned the regions to begin with and then return them. Neither case is actually being proposed, so it's meaningless to discuss their merit. What is being proposed is that the regions either be arbitrarily trashed by the Zuma, or that they be returned to the realms which used to own them. Neither of those proposals actually achieve justice, for reasons which I think are self-evident.

There could indeed be a collective understanding gained from punishing a 'realm' (realm, in this case meaning it's collective members rather than itself as an entity), however since the entirety of Aurvandil didn't transgress it isn't a relevant thing to bring up.


Quote from: Kwanstein on March 28, 2013, 01:14:27 AM
From my perspective, it is you, Chenier and all of the others who sound upset. I did not benefit or lose from this ordeal, nor am I particularly concerned. I am discussing this on a whim, if you must know.
So if you don't care... why are you here? You're just making yourself sound like more and more of an idiot. If you're weighing in simply to disagree or have your own super-edgy-totally-original opinion, you probably need something more exciting in life.

Have you seen the RCs in Aurvandil? They're incredible.

Quote from: Kwanstein on March 28, 2013, 01:14:27 AM
So, there you have. The elaborations of my opinions are yours at last. Have a cookie...
How condescending. I'm crushed. I'm abject, desolate, undone. I'm going to quit BM forever and cry. Your words, so powerful in their utmost perfection and wisdom, have shattered my feeble image of the world and proven to me my own ignorance. Oh the shame...


Quote from: Chénier on March 28, 2013, 01:05:26 AM
Cheating never had this level of impact in BM before.

And yet, it was much more strongly reprimanded by Tom in past occasions. The Black Hand comes to mind, but I may be thinking of something else. Wasn't a realm destroyed and the realm name banned, way back?

That was Avamar. It was not, however, destroyed by Tom. It was also in about 2005.

Indirik has already told you, Chénier, nothing is going to be done to redress whatever balance you feel has been thrown off. Not now, not in the future.

Please stop beating this dead horse, or it will be time for the moderators to get involved.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


All hail our glorious High Sovereign, may he rise from the grave and strike upon those who have wronged him. On a serious note devs said punishment was done now stop bitching about it. Move on or if it bothers you that much play on another world.

Gustav Kuriga

I'm going to have to say that for once, I agree with Chenier. The examples of players getting to keep thousands in gold or regions from bugs doesn't apply because THIS ISN'T A BUG. Those regions that were a part of Barca would have never gone over if Mendicant hadn't used multiple accounts. I do believe that in instances of cheating, the direct results of the cheating, namely region changes and bonds in the convicted accounts, should be gotten rid of. regions should be changed to rogue and bonds in locked accounts erased.


May as well rename Dwilight to "Mendicontinent" then. Seems like a more fitting name.
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Quote from: Chénier on March 28, 2013, 11:49:53 AM
May as well rename Dwilight to "Mendicontinent" then. Seems like a more fitting name.

There already is a Chénier's Coast. You really want to be followed by cheaters?
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: Sir Grimrog Bjarnson on March 31, 2013, 07:20:17 PM
And Perth,

Since Asylon are getting more and more new Knights, I might need to promote some Knights to Lords, but I dont have land... You had land you wanted us to take, right? ;)

Mendicant again, or did one of yours decide to follow his example? After all, he seems to be recreating some of his accounts in Aurvandil.

And bull!@#$ to those saying that it's "good RP" to glory Mendicant. Shame on everyone who doesn't condemn him fully. Good RP would be to declare him cursed by the gods and to forsaken him. Glorifying the cheater and awaiting his "return" is just being !@#$%^&s. But then again, who knows what proportion of the multi accounts were locked anyways, and who knows if Mendicant didn't have OOC friends doing the same thing he was. But hey, it's fine to let the cheaters' nest prosper. Who cares if they can just go on as if they never did anything wrong. It doesn't affect northern Mendicontinent, so it doesn't matter.
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Quote from: Chénier on March 31, 2013, 08:53:20 PM
And bull!@#$ to those saying that it's "good RP" to glory Mendicant. Shame on everyone who doesn't condemn him fully. Good RP would be to declare him cursed by the gods and to forsaken him. Glorifying the cheater and awaiting his "return" is just being !@#$%^&s. But then again, who knows what proportion of the multi accounts were locked anyways, and who knows if Mendicant didn't have OOC friends doing the same thing he was. But hey, it's fine to let the cheaters' nest prosper. Who cares if they can just go on as if they never did anything wrong. It doesn't affect northern Mendicontinent, so it doesn't matter.

Why should Aurvandil as a whole start to forsake Mendicant IC? It makes perfectly sense for many characters in Aurvandil to keep regarding him highly, it was a part of the "chevalier" roleplay that's going on there for a long while.

I despite his actions as a players, but a big part of my character devolpment in Aurvandil was releted on the admiration he had to the High Sovereign: keeping on his IC legacy is a good way to roleplay his disappearance as it could be to feel betrayed and turning on the whole "Noblesse Oblige" culture devolped in Aurvandil.

I hope that someone in Aurvandil will take this path of playing cause it will be fun to partecipate in the clash of those parties.

As for "having OOC to keep the web of multies going on", well we players can't do much and actually, for what we can know, there could be such kind of cheaters in every realm. I put my trust on the GMs who hopefully would be able to prevent this cheating to happen again.


Quote from: Astinus on March 31, 2013, 10:52:12 PM
Why should Aurvandil as a whole start to forsake Mendicant IC? It makes perfectly sense for many characters in Aurvandil to keep regarding him highly, it was a part of the "chevalier" roleplay that's going on there for a long while.

I despite his actions as a players, but a big part of my character devolpment in Aurvandil was releted on the admiration he had to the High Sovereign: keeping on his IC legacy is a good way to roleplay his disappearance as it could be to feel betrayed and turning on the whole "Noblesse Oblige" culture devolped in Aurvandil.

I hope that someone in Aurvandil will take this path of playing cause it will be fun to partecipate in the clash of those parties.

As for "having OOC to keep the web of multies going on", well we players can't do much and actually, for what we can know, there could be such kind of cheaters in every realm. I put my trust on the GMs who hopefully would be able to prevent this cheating to happen again.

You are shameless and you disgust me.
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Quote from: Phellan on March 31, 2013, 09:20:45 PM
I too find it odd, that during a time when most Realms are suffering low activity due to the DNS issue a Realm would be getting "lots" of new knights.

Just saying, it seems a bit weird.

As one of those new knights I'm not going to even try to explain how insulting those comments are.

If either of you in your paranoid frenzy of confusion between IC and OOC worlds would take the 5 minutes of ethical behaviour required to message any single one of us newcomers and, you know, actually chat with us like fellow gamers then you could spare us all the ill-thought, grubby-spirited discourse you count as valuable additions to this conversation.