Author Topic: Year 23  (Read 24949 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Year 23
« Reply #45: April 05, 2013, 11:08:06 PM »
Oh I see, you didnt want to destroy us just whittle away slowly at our kingdom keeping it in a submissive state...

I dont know how standing up for my kingdom against SA hegemony , and being left out of the moot so we had to fend for ourselves equals crass opportunistic... I call it surviving against the odds , building a strong kingdom in a desert , surrounded by schemeing kingdoms that only want our lands.

I don't know what you're talking about. Asylon is the realm with the persecution complex here, that feels it has something to prove at Astrum's expense. Don't project your realm's insecurities on Astrum. When I was there, we could have cared less about Asylon except for the fact that you kept insulting us and talking a big game about how Astrum was in decline and Asylon was the big kid on the block now. Glaumring was obviously spoiling for a fight, just to prove that he was right about Asylon being a Great Power.

Don't get me wrong, it's a good thing that you're out there stoking conflict and making interesting things happen, I just wish you'd stop ascribing false motivations to Astrum on the forum. Astrum probably doesn't care about Asylon at all except insofar as you keep picking fights with them to prove that Asylon is better. Asylon is not and never has been a victim of anything other than its own insecurity since Caerwyn was destroyed. You're Welcome for that, by the way.