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Year 23

Started by Sypher, April 05, 2013, 09:12:24 AM

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Quote from: Glaumring on April 05, 2013, 10:53:32 PM
Oh I see, you didnt want to destroy us just whittle away slowly at our kingdom keeping it in a submissive state...

Quote from: Glaumring on April 05, 2013, 10:57:10 PM
I dont know how standing up for my kingdom against SA hegemony , and being left out of the moot so we had to fend for ourselves equals crass opportunistic... I call it surviving against the odds , building a strong kingdom in a desert , surrounded by schemeing kingdoms that only want our lands.

I don't know what you're talking about. Asylon is the realm with the persecution complex here, that feels it has something to prove at Astrum's expense. Don't project your realm's insecurities on Astrum. When I was there, we could have cared less about Asylon except for the fact that you kept insulting us and talking a big game about how Astrum was in decline and Asylon was the big kid on the block now. Glaumring was obviously spoiling for a fight, just to prove that he was right about Asylon being a Great Power.

Don't get me wrong, it's a good thing that you're out there stoking conflict and making interesting things happen, I just wish you'd stop ascribing false motivations to Astrum on the forum. Astrum probably doesn't care about Asylon at all except insofar as you keep picking fights with them to prove that Asylon is better. Asylon is not and never has been a victim of anything other than its own insecurity since Caerwyn was destroyed. You're Welcome for that, by the way.

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Indirik on April 05, 2013, 10:41:11 PM
No, actually, you weren't. No one ever had any intentions of destroying Asylon.

Weren't ever any intentions? So when Asylon is attacked by the huge SA alliance it was never intended to destroy us? Just like now? You just want to whittle us down to little bits right? If Asylon ever even managed to grab one piece of land from Astrum it'd be our death knell... Dont you see it is SA that has created this fight to the death, massive alliances , alliances that make no sense like Asylon and Aurvandiil, or the Moot so scared they wont even fight eachother. SA hasnt attacked SA in years, your huge federation/alliance  has created  this fear. When Asylon attacked Kabrinskia it was out of complete fear, our choices were made out of complete fear, fear because Astrum the killer of Caerwyn, of Averoth of Everguard and slayer of Saxon Thulsoma, Virovene I think was setting up a realm next to us that from day one was threatening us and setting up to kill us, to wipe us out and you try to twist this around that Asylon is out to kill all of you? All I have heard since day one of these conflicts is ' oh we will take Itau and let wimpy king turin rule it, Chenier boasting of setting up kingdoms in Kosht, talk of giving Itau to FR... And then you wonder when a kingdom on the edge of the world with no allies acts bellicose and says tough things. If we didnt at least put on a tough face you'd !@#$ all over us. Who is Asylon going to call to help , Terran? What a waste of time that was. D'Hara? They couldnt even be bothered to help the Moot, the Zuma? Oh c'mon there is so many rules involved to get their help its painful. Asylon stands alone against Astrum, Iashular, Corsanctum and Morek... And you say you want small border wars and smaller conflicts... Astrum, come at us alone you cowards. We'll drop our alliances. You wouldnt dare drop yours because you cant stand on your own two feet.
We live lives in beautiful lies...

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Geronus on April 05, 2013, 11:08:06 PM
I don't know what you're talking about. Asylon is the realm with the persecution complex here, that feels it has something to prove at Astrum's expense. Don't project your realm's insecurities on Astrum. When I was there, we could have cared less about Asylon except for the fact that you kept insulting us and talking a big game about how Astrum was in decline and Asylon was the big kid on the block now. Glaumring was obviously spoiling for a fight, just to prove that he was right about Asylon being a Great Power.

Don't get me wrong, it's a good thing that you're out there stoking conflict and making interesting things happen, I just wish you'd stop ascribing false motivations to Astrum on the forum. Astrum probably doesn't care about Asylon at all except insofar as you keep picking fights with them to prove that Asylon is better. Asylon is not and never has been a victim of anything other than its own insecurity since Caerwyn was destroyed. You're Welcome for that, by the way.

When did Asylon pick any fights with Astrum? We attacked Kabrinskia and Astrum dragged in its huge alliance, we attacked Terran and Astrum once again drags in its huge alliance. So what we are allied with Aurvandiil, like they can help us. Or Falkirk for that matter, to see Terran go down for their silly choices was good enough.

We get in trouble for allying with Aurvandiil because no one else will ally with us.
We live lives in beautiful lies...

Glaumring the Fox

Anyways I am not going to rant about this. Your OOG opinion of me and your IG opinion makes anything I say some point of contention, or some point to dispute. I understand none of you can do wrong and the state of Dwilight is totally Asylons fault. If Asylons actions are so extreme it isbecause unlike the cabal of alliances around us we have had to fend for ourselves since our kingdoms foundation. We have no allies. Its not what we wanted its how we ended up. Just a kingdom inbetween other kingdoms who want to expand. And we get blamed for fighting so hard to survive...
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Yep we are about to find out how far Kharis loyalty to Allison will go.
Kye Family: Khari (Farronite Republic), Kalidor (Tara), Astridicus (Astrum)


Nothing says springtime romance like a good ol excommunication.


Astrum tried as hard as it could to ignore Asylon at every turn. We didn't care about Asylon. No one cared about Asylon. You could have stayed there in Echiur for all of time, and never sent a single letter, and no one would have cared. You never would have come into conflict with anyone. The only wars you ever got in were wars you stuck your nose in. And, like Geronus says, there's nothing wrong with that, and it's all good.

Stop blaming the results of your own paranoia on everyone else. You want war? Great. We all do. But at least here on the forum, you could do everyone the common courtesy of not accusing us all of lying to you and metagaming our asses off. At least Grimrog has the balls to take responsibility, and credit, for what he does, and not blame everyone else.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Glaumring, whats your problem with Allison going to Farronite?
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


I don't mean to interrupt the fussing, but according to Brainy Farf it's still only 22 YD. 23 begins in Summer, not Spring!!

...unless this post is speculation for next year? In which case I foresee Swordfell crowned Undisputed Empire of Toprak? Hm? All hail the UET? Maybe a little applause? Groveling? Tribute?

Ironsides Family, mainly East Continent and Dwilight. I dip my toe into Atamara here and there


Quote from: Geronus on April 05, 2013, 08:39:24 PM
??? Didn't you ally Asylon with Aurvandil? I haven't been on Dwilight in a while, but IMO that's all the casus belli Astrum would ever need, to be honest.

Maybe it is all they need, but Astrum stated that they declared war on Asylon to aid their Ally Terran, who Asylon no longer are at war with. Nor do we hold any Terranese land. So I was kinda expecting them stop their war on Asylon after we signed peace treatys with Terran.
(No, I have not sent any ic letters to Sergio demanding peace, but we withdrew from Astrum land and they got lucky crushing our stragglers, cant send a letter now and look weak ;). Need to refit our army head to the border and look big and mean so we can start talking diplomacy :D )

Corsanctum on the other hand, they declared war on us because our alliance with Aurvandil. So I am expecting them to fight us until we declare ourselves enemies of Aurvandil or atleast withdraw our alliance with them.

Quote from: Indirik on April 06, 2013, 01:22:13 AM
At least Grimrog has the balls to take responsibility, and credit, for what he does, and not blame everyone else.

Thank you, I do take responsibility for the actions I have taken and events I have caused. Even though some of thoose actions isnt appreciated by everyone.
King Grimrog Bjarnson of Asylon.


Quote from: Sir Grimrog Bjarnson on April 06, 2013, 02:38:01 AM
Maybe it is all they need, but Astrum stated that they declared war on Asylon to aid their Ally Terran, who Asylon no longer are at war with. Nor do we hold any Terranese land. So I was kinda expecting them stop their war on Asylon after we signed peace treatys with Terran.
(No, I have not sent any ic letters to Sergio demanding peace, but we withdrew from Astrum land and they got lucky crushing our stragglers, cant send a letter now and look weak ;). Need to refit our army head to the border and look big and mean so we can start talking diplomacy :D )
Yeah, I' not really sure where to go with this war. Does it really need to be fought anymore? OOC it's fun, and Astrum needed a war. But IC, the reason for the war has mostly evaporated with the exception of that pesky Asylon/Aurvandil alliance.

Thank you, I do take responsibility for the actions I have taken and events I have caused. Even though some of thoose actions isnt appreciated by everyone.
Well, I can't say that, IC, my character appreciates the actions. But OOC as a player, I appreciate the honesty that you approach things with, and don't try to tell me that I'm a lying, metagaming ass when I try to explain the position of our realm with complete OOC honesty.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: dustole on April 06, 2013, 01:39:47 AM
Glaumring, whats your problem with Allison going to Farronite?

There is nothing wrong with Allison going to the Farronites. I just wonder what reason. I believed that Allison and Glaumring could work together but I know ypu really want back in SA and I dont know to what means youll go to achieve that. Considering Asylons stature right now everyone and their dog is plotting against us.
We live lives in beautiful lies...

Glaumring the Fox

Quote from: Indirik on April 06, 2013, 01:22:13 AM
Astrum tried as hard as it could to ignore Asylon at every turn. We didn't care about Asylon. No one cared about Asylon. You could have stayed there in Echiur for all of time, and never sent a single letter, and no one would have cared. You never would have come into conflict with anyone. The only wars you ever got in were wars you stuck your nose in. And, like Geronus says, there's nothing wrong with that, and it's all good.

Stop blaming the results of your own paranoia on everyone else. You want war? Great. We all do. But at least here on the forum, you could do everyone the common courtesy of not accusing us all of lying to you and metagaming our asses off. At least Grimrog has the balls to take responsibility, and credit, for what he does, and not blame everyone else.

We have no problem fighting you ever so often. We have problems fighting your uber-alliance every time you fight us. We have NEVER attacked you but everytime we get involved in something you gotta come along. Its because you are allied to absolutely everyone and SA holds onto every mew theocracy for years and years and defends them every time they are attacked. Basically fight one SA fight all. And now attack the moot = fight all of SA , ally with Aurvandiil = fight all of SA . Dude if you stop coming to every time Asylon has a fight you'd never see us because no one in Asylon gives a care for Astrum, we just know you cant keep your nose out of others business.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Sir Grimrog Bjarnson on April 06, 2013, 02:38:01 AM
Thank you, I do take responsibility for the actions I have taken and events I have caused. Even though some of thoose actions isnt appreciated by everyone.

*grumbles about still not understanding why Asylon attacked Terran*
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Allison isn't getting back in AS
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)