Author Topic: Allison's Eulogies  (Read 33007 times)


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Re: Allison's Eulogies
« Reply #45: April 13, 2013, 12:39:18 AM »
This is made-up, as is most everything you have to say about Terran. I don't even know who you are but I sure am glad I don't play with you anymore.

She had zero impact on the place because she never played. She joined the realm but she refused categorically (not occasionally) to do stuff that two-day old characters could do. She had a total disregard for in-character hierarchy, which was not unusual but she didn't even bother to hide it (which was), and she went around calling everybody by their first name all the time. Plenty of people squeak by on phones and cut corners from time to time. When they meet the minimum standard the rest of the time, I at least don't even notice when it's absent because I can tell the intention is there.

None of that is mutually exclusive with being a good or reliable BM player or mentor on how to get ahead in the game. I never 'got' Allison, though, not as a villain or as anything else. It was a player who knew the ropes who tried to get ahead. But the player was not playing the same BM I play, and certainly not anything like a 'serious medieval' version, but then that's been a joke for a while now.

In other words, all those guides and how-tos not just for SMA but for basic BM conduct? She was a poster child for the 'don't' column, but obviously the player is good at BM and reliable so her characters get a pass on all this because reliable players are a much more valuable commodity today than they used to be.

There are plenty of players who don't really go into a lot of medieval fluff. Every Indirik character I've ever seen comes to mind. They're all business and they're not about to get hung up on social details. That's fine. But that is quite a bit more effort than any Kabrinski I've ever seen.

I suspect your expectations of Allison were a bit unrealistic from the get-go.