Author Topic: Allison's Eulogies  (Read 33019 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Allison's Eulogies
« Reply #45: April 13, 2013, 02:14:23 AM »
So instead of being an ass over titles you could complement Allison on being the most medieval noble in BM there is

'Medieval' doesn't mean 'helped me out that one time.' I don't even care about being the 'most medieval' and the bar to satisfy anybody I play with has never been very high. There's no two ways about 'I don't care about this title stuff, it's not important,' though.

Mistakes and slips of the tongue were commonplace. Purposeful disregard of station was not.

I suspect your expectations of Allison were a bit unrealistic from the get-go.

My expectations for BM RP have been in the toilet since 2007 when most of the RPers left. This thread is a perfect example of why. Just like most of the threads on the Dwilight board.

This isn't a case of 'poor player doesn't meet some jerk's high expectations,' by the way. I have seen a lot of what Allison has done and the player is clearly dedicated and intelligent. This is not about lack of ability. It's lack of giving a !@#$, which is not compatible with the label 'serious.'

Players are the most scarce resource in BM, especially on Dwilight. Someone with organizational ability and knowledge of BM, both of which Allison's player has, is invaluable from a gameplay point of view. You (Penchant) and others are so caught up in winning that you don't care about what used to bring people to BM: not where you're going but how you get there.

So sure, I'm an ass about titles.  Labels and words are important, and what Dwilight says it is and what it actually is are largely unrelated. Not even talking about the Zuma here. I don't even know why there is still a 'report an SMA violation' button.

when I checker the RP primer

I have a pretty good idea about what it says. I wrote it.