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Allison's Eulogies

Started by vonGenf, April 11, 2013, 05:14:47 PM

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Quote from: Scarlett on April 13, 2013, 02:14:23 AM
I have a pretty good idea about what it says. I wrote it.

Well played, sir, well played.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Well I am not going to quote your entire thing, but thats what I am replying to. As to Allison, beyond titles, I have no idea what you are bitching about as Allison seems to fit to every other category where most do not go beyond a few. As for the titles, it is my understanding that dustole was basically only or primarily using his phone during the time he was in Terran so its a case of it being a bit of pain to do any typing so whats really not needed, is left out when you need to send several messages to people. As to what Von Genf said, it was not about using titles but the fact the you are all like Allison sucks and is not at all like people make her sound when she isn't a god, just somebody doing plenty of intrigue and such which means private conversations you don't become a part of unless there is a reason.

To you accusing me and "others" as being too caught up in winning, I vastly disagree. I play all my characters with roleplays defining how the character will act in general and I specifically go out of the way to not offer advice on things I know about because I don't want my characters to all feel like they are the same. The only character of mine that really cares about his realm is on AT, of which I am very apathetic on the forum board. I don't play BM to somehow win. To accent my point, while doing the alpha test I refuse to make characters to aid my existing characters even though basically everyone else does, which greatly pisses me off and is a reason I likely won't play the game when it is finished. (The other players seem to only play to win instead of actually roleplaying/caring about there characters in the least.)

Lastly, thank you for your contribution to the game by making the RP Primer, which is very well made/organized.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Yeah, I don't buy the phone thing. I do almost all my playing, and forum posting, from my phone. It's not hard to toss a title or two in every now and then.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I could never figure out whether you were supposed to call people by their first or family names for a while but everyone I ran into used first names. There's no Lord Donghaiwei or whatever, just Lord Bob. If Terran has a completely different way of doing things compared to pretty much every other realm in the game then that's cool, and might explain my dude's lack of success in palling around with Kale Perth, but you have to understand that pretty much everywhere else is a lot more laid back about it, and someone who has been in the game a long time will have more difficulty adapting to that while somebody who is brand new you can mold and shape.
When Thalmarkans walked through the Sint land, castles went up for sale.


Quote from: Indirik on April 13, 2013, 02:50:26 AM
Yeah, I don't buy the phone thing. I do almost all my playing, and forum posting, from my phone. It's not hard to toss a title or two in every now and then.
Ok well thats rather true I suppose. Nonetheless no need to hate the character OOC just because of a lack of titles. Plenty more annoying stuff, like Tarajist, who I think I might try and get banned. What grounds other than being the most annoying/idiotic !@#$ ever I can't say I know yet/ they need to be thought of. But pretty much all the leaders of D'hara hate him so it can't be too hard to get him banned.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton

Glaumring the Fox

Allison was a good friend and a great enemy.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


QuoteNonetheless no need to hate the character OOC just because of a lack of titles

I don't hate the player at all. The player is clearly pretty smart.

During the brief time Allison was in Terran, her one and only explanation when she was called on not using titles ICly was that she used her phone. If it had been 'just for now' or 'I usually have more time' or really any statement other than 'I don't care' I doubt anybody would have held it against her.

Even so, it's not like she was marginalized on that account. She didn't try to make many inroads in Terran, and that may well have been for unrelated strategic reasons in that she'd made several enemies there by the time she arrived. My character wasn't one of them though.

QuoteI play all my characters with roleplays defining how the character will act in general and I specifically go out of the way to not offer advice on things I know about because I don't want my characters to all feel like they are the same

That's very good, and hard to do.

BM is all amateurs (in the non-pejorative sense - I include myself here as I am an armchair medievalist but not credentialed in it). All of the guides and mentoring that's done should and usually does keep that in mind. I am a little bit bitter because I learned a lot when I first came here. There were lots of very creative people. Some were good writers, some knew their history, some were both of those things. It's been the case for a while now that that's more the exception than the rule, but that is absolutely not Allison's fault so I apologize for hijacking the thread. It's just a reminder of it, for me anyway, to see a character so disinterested in what made BM great for me held up as an example of what makes it great now.

Maybe she is. I'm in the minority these days anyway.


Quote from: Marlboro on April 13, 2013, 02:53:40 AM
I could never figure out whether you were supposed to call people by their first or family names for a while but everyone I ran into used first names. There's no Lord Donghaiwei or whatever, just Lord Bob. If Terran has a completely different way of doing things compared to pretty much every other realm in the game then that's cool, and might explain my dude's lack of success in palling around with Kale Perth, but you have to understand that pretty much everywhere else is a lot more laid back about it, and someone who has been in the game a long time will have more difficulty adapting to that while somebody who is brand new you can mold and shape.

She was refusing to even use the title "Lord" or even family names.

She was just calling people by first names, politely asked in private to use titles, refused to do so ICly, was asked in public, refused ICly, got angry responses in public, and, as I recall, then gave IC reasons, and also the OOC phone playing reason.

Let's be honest though: many nobles of Terran really hated Allison. All they needed was an excuse.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Indirik on April 13, 2013, 02:50:26 AM
Yeah, I don't buy the phone thing. I do almost all my playing, and forum posting, from my phone. It's not hard to toss a title or two in every now and then.

I don't usually use my phone, but when I do, I don't skip titles in formal address. In private letters, to avoid using a familiar tone of "Hey Bob" instead of "Lord Bob", I just write the message without mentioning the guy's name at all, therefore removing the need for using his title in most cases.

Quote from: Marlboro on April 13, 2013, 02:53:40 AM
I could never figure out whether you were supposed to call people by their first or family names for a while but everyone I ran into used first names. There's no Lord Donghaiwei or whatever, just Lord Bob. If Terran has a completely different way of doing things compared to pretty much every other realm in the game then that's cool, and might explain my dude's lack of success in palling around with Kale Perth, but you have to understand that pretty much everywhere else is a lot more laid back about it, and someone who has been in the game a long time will have more difficulty adapting to that while somebody who is brand new you can mold and shape.

Family names are a relatively recent thing. In the early middle ages, they just didn't exist as we know them today, and use them in IG. "Lord Paisland" works, but it's just awkward to say. "Lord Chénier" works, but it's kinda anachronistic. "Lord Machiavel" is what I most commonly see, and what seems most fitting. I don't think anyone expects everyone to write the such of "Machiavel Chénier, Knight of the Temple and Priest of Sanguis Astroism, Margrave of Paisland, Duke of Paisly, Ambassador and Dragon King of D'Hara" in every single reference to the character in letters.

My understanding is not that Allison was scorned for saying "Lord Bob" instead of "Lord Bobtown", but rather for saying "Bob" instead of "Lord Bob". A disrespect that would not have been tolerated in D'Hara either, because this isn't some brat who doesn't know any better, it's a scornful enemy that intentionally choses to forego common courtesy.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


The part I remember was when I responded to a letter to the realm and included no name or titles.  Then I had all these people harping on me. 
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Come on, people, this is a eulogy thread. I don't know about you, but I don't go along to a funeral and give a eulogy about how the dead guy was a dick to me one time at work or how I hated the way he spoke.


You might not, but it seems to me there are plenty of people who would do just that.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Scarlett on April 13, 2013, 02:14:23 AM
This isn't a case of 'poor player doesn't meet some jerk's high expectations,' by the way. I have seen a lot of what Allison has done and the player is clearly dedicated and intelligent. This is not about lack of ability. It's lack of giving a !@#$, which is not compatible with the label 'serious.'

dustole was, when I had cause to interact with him regularly, online for a large chunk of any given day. Allison herself was a prolific message sender and micro-manager who spent huge amounts of time and effort on furthering her plots and intrigues. This is not about a player not giving a !@#$. This is about a player not giving a !@#$ about the things that you give a !@#$ about, so yeah, I kind of think it is about not meeting your expectations. Which, if your lamentations are to be believed, are basically out of sync with a large part of the current player base anyway.


BM characters are not analogues for real people any more than an Internet forum is an analogue for a funeral.  What a sanctimonious thing to say.


I'm being the sanctimonious one in this thread?