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Favourite Government Position?

Started by Ironsides, April 13, 2013, 06:09:00 AM

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I was thinking today of how I missed being a banker. I had a lot of fun as a banker and am looking forward to to doing it again (hopefully). I can't say the same for judge because I found that position to be very boring/needless, but then again I played a judge way back before the positions changed. I can't speak for the judge position nowadays. Being a General could only be fun if there are wars to fight (monster/undead hunting is more of a chore than a game), or at least if the war is a hot one. I was the General of Aquilegia against Xinhai, but that front was quiet and uneventful. Also General of Westmoor against Caligus but only for a short time. I think I lost the position to being wounded or captured, and just never bothered to campaign for it again. Being a ruler is interesting, I am finding out. I've already learned a lot of downsides to being the ruler but I am hoping to learn more of the positives as time goes on.

So what is everyone's favourite government position and why? What kinds of things did you do in that position, any favourite moments?
Ironsides Family, mainly East Continent and Dwilight. I dip my toe into Atamara here and there


It's good to be ruler if you have a competent general to depend on and vice versa. If either the ruler or the general is bad/inactive, then it is best to be the judge. Judge can function even if the rest of the realm is really lame.

My favourite position was when I was ruler/general hybrid of Assassins on the Colonies. The rest of the realm was very inactive, but through my own initiative, as master of both diplomacy and warfare, I started two wars and won them both. It brought life into the Assassins, and got them involved with the events going on around them. Some may say that the Assassins were better off being a neutral haven for infiltrators, not concerning themselves with the world at large, but I disagree. At the point in time which I did this there were only a few infiltrators yet many warriors with nothing to do. So, for most of the realm, I think it made their lives more exciting and purposeful.


I've always been fond of Judge and I've played it a few ways to keep it interesting. Ender was always more executioner than Judge and his position allowed me to essentially just be incredibly violent and rude to everyone else while still getting away with it. I've also played the fair, minded Judge that presided over complaints, issued warnings, enforced fines, and oversaw the occasional case while writing law. Both have their moments and both can be fun to roleplay.

I'd have to say one of my favorite moments, though, came a long time ago when Ender executed an infiltrator that, if I'm remembering this correctly, was related to the King of Norland. I roleplayed his gruesome death and then roleplayed sending pieces of the body back to Norland one package at a time. I've also roleplayed sending body parts back to other judges who tried to convince Ender to accept prison treatment treaties.

Being Ruler is fun too, though it comes with a little extra stress sometimes. Being at the top almost opens up an entirely new game sometimes and I'm enjoying it even if I don't intend to do it for very much longer.


Personally I like being ruler the most. I just love the debate and the diplomacy. That you have the power to make the realm better in a much higher extent than with any other position.

That being said, General was a lot of fun back in the day when there were no marshals. Exhausting, but fun :D
House of Kain: Silas (Swordfell), Epona (Nivemus)


I love being Judge. It opens you up to so many possibilities since you pretty much are above the law. As long as you don't get caught doing something that the majority of the nobility in the realm will be vehemently opposed to, you can go and do as you please. I usually just end up running huge amounts of intrigue in and out of the realm, and see how I can eliminate my enemies... Then take great pleasure in doing so.

Or there was that time as Executioner of the Netherworld I lured advies to me with awesome items, and then arrested them, stole the items, their gold, tortured them just for fun, and executed them.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Quote from: Stabbity on April 14, 2013, 06:11:17 AM
Or there was that time as Executioner of the Netherworld I lured advies to me with awesome items, and then arrested them, stole the items, their gold, tortured them just for fun, and executed them.

That was a stroke of genius. You killed Novgorod! Then again, he should have known better. Stupid commoner, everyone knows if something is too good to be true it is.
Ironsides Family, mainly East Continent and Dwilight. I dip my toe into Atamara here and there


Quote from: Ironsides on April 14, 2013, 07:17:40 AM
That was a stroke of genius. You killed Novgorod! Then again, he should have known better. Stupid commoner, everyone knows if something is too good to be true it is.

I had fun with it. Any chance you have a copy of the rp floating around?
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Of course!

QuoteThe Feeding

Novgorod is drug from his cell, bound and gagged. He is drug towards the center of town, and brought before Kayne II, dressed in the Old Armor of Kings, now desecrated with damionic runes and grisly trophies. The Executioner strode forward and pulled a knife from its sheath, and quickly cut Novgorod's hamstring, relishing in his cry of pain. Kayne II licked the blade and sheathed it. He turned to a pit, in the bottom of which were starving wild dogs."Throw him in." he commanded, and the guards tossed Novgorod in the hole, and he was devoured quickly by the dogs, his screams ending suddenly with a horrid sound of ripping flesh. Kayne II grinned and walked away.

You can find it logged here: [[Ironsides Family/Novgorod]]

He died in a horrible way; but the dogs had fun. At least the dogs had fun!
Ironsides Family, mainly East Continent and Dwilight. I dip my toe into Atamara here and there


Bwuahahahaa. Those were fun times. A shame the next advy got away. They stopped coming after that, mysteriously.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


In a big realm with internal politics, Duke + Judge is the way to go. You're secure, rich, and everyone who has any kind of beef at all with the ruler or anyone else is likely to confide in you, because you're so impartial!

In a smaller realm, ruler - statesmanship ftw

Banker and General are tough. Banker doesn't do a whole lot and General eats up RL time like mad.


Banker because I'm a huge nerd.
Judge because it seems to be the last refuge of the inactive.
General, but only in Thalmarkin, because they were willing to totally change the way they ran their military. I'd kill myself anywhere else, I think.
I loathe being ruler, for the most part. Many people in Solaria really liked the way I ran the ship, which is very flattering, but rulers have a tremendous amount of responsibility—IC and OOC—and I don't think many people appreciate that. Some rulers included.


I like ruling, now and then, and shadowing the ruler pretty much the rest of the time.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


In a war, any of them. Outside of war, duke none of them


Quote from: Kai on April 22, 2013, 05:36:16 PM
In a war, any of them. Outside of war, duke none of them
Other than general, I do not see how being in a war matters for any of them.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Penchant on April 23, 2013, 01:03:38 AM
Other than general, I do not see how being in a war matters for any of them.

It means everything. Banker has to take extra care to ensure the regions are fed if the enemy burns/steals the food, the judge has to deal with nobles captured in battle and infiltrators, and the Ruler has to balance the sides of the war to try and keep the odds in his favor.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.