Author Topic: KRB What do you think about this?  (Read 21245 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: KRB What do you think about this?
« Reply #30: April 24, 2013, 06:20:04 AM »
I have to agree with Norrel here.

I see BM as a collaborative story. A story that has heroes and villains. A story that depicts horrible acts and honorable ones.

Some players might take this too far and get too personal and that might prove problematic but I have not had such issues here. Heck, I have personally written a few RPs that might be considered borderline. I like to think they were tasteful, but others might disagree. Generally, such RPs are just contributions to the story in my opinion. They add flavor and depth to this collaborative work we all enjoy.

Additionally, I have no problem with works of fiction depicting rape, so I have no problem seeing it depicted in character, in game. Just as I do not automatically consider an author who writes a rape scene as a twisted freak, I will likewise not assume the same of a player that writes a RP about rape.

If i feel that someone is getting out of line, I will talk to them OOC, report it, ignore them or all of the above. There are ways of dealing with this both in character and out of character.