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Family origins a bit less random

Started by Bhranthan, May 02, 2013, 02:23:19 PM

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As a newbie I don't know best, that was my point.  The discussion did ramble on a bit to what was newbie friendly and I wanted to comment. I didn't know that the location of a family estate could have advantages, but I take it you know the game and I believe you. My other point is that as a new player, choice is irrelevant as I had no clue what to choose to get an advantage. I might have a better idea by now, but without advice, I still couldn't make the best choice.

I understood, as a new player, that I needed an estate.  I agree that this was a confusing and stressful process and any change or help given to a new player to do this would be wonderful. But again, choosing a region was hard as I knew nothing. It was luck based on how I liked the name. So choosing an estate as a first step instead or region would be based on luck (in my case on a name?) or do I misunderstand the suggestion? At least after randomly choosing a region, I could see what estates were available. None were free and I tried to roleplay. I asked for one with a lame introduction. (Hey I was worried to say too much) In the end I just took one and hoped to live. I chose well after a look around and got a rather good income. My second Noble was in a different realm and had a different experience, being welcomed and directed to an estate. There was more talk and I felt more comfortable.

Quote from Penchant "With an estate, you can a liege, someone who can give you advice on things and boss you around some which will help you understand the game, you will be able to put in an army which  gives you something to do and has you interacting with players, and you get gold so you can pay your men so if you weren't doing things in your army at least you can still do some other things with your unit. "
This was not my experience with either Noble. Second did get the army and the help and gold etc, but the source is not the liege. I must say it would have been nice to get some of this with my first Noble as I was completely at sea.
Ain't no man can avoid being born average, but there ain't no man got to be common.
Satchel Paige


QuoteThis was not my experience with either Noble. Second did get the army and the help and gold etc, but the source is not the liege. I must say it would have been nice to get some of this with my first Noble as I was completely at sea.
Well I am not saying the liege is always going to be helpful and talkative but they can be. Mine wasn't super helpful per say but he did tell some things to do that helped me understand the game. Btw, gold from estate but estate is considered liege's and liege is the one who assigns you to army, although I just meant with an estate. My apologies for the poor writing on my part.

Family estate has a few advantages as I said but its really not important. If you cared that much about it, it is possible to change by having a character with hero subclass.

Estate, while there are certainly some better than others its generally not important which you choose, simply that you do. Lastly, I do think some info should be gave up front to new characters. I haven't ever actually checked any of the tutorials but possibly requiring it at sign up would be good. (Just having it where they can click through quickly if they really don't care but the existence isn't obvious and while they might not voluntarily decide to go read it, it doesn't mean they wouldn't be happy they did if it was a part of the sign up process.)
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton