Author Topic: Offtopic  (Read 28002 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Offtopic
« Topic Start: April 30, 2013, 12:30:28 AM »
I can testify that one of the early things Kyle did when he began receiving this absurd OOC harassment was to vent to me on IRC—which I had no problem with; I'm a veteran ventee.

I was frustrated that there didn't seem much that could be done about it, particularly because, at that point (gotta be at least a couple months ago now—right back around the foundation of Swordfell), while it was seriously aggravating, I didn't think it had risen to the level at which it was appropriate for Titans or Magistrates to get involved.

But it's been much more frustrating to see him get reported multiple times for the much rarer occasions when he strikes back, while it seemed clear to me, at least, that the worse offenders were those needling him constantly.

This strikes me as being very much like the classic playground game of "see how far we can taunt the weird kid until he hits one of us and gets sent to detention, while we all get off scott-free, sniggering behind our hands."

I will grant, for the sake of full disclosure, that I do not have the whole story, and have most of it only secondhand through Kyle himself, but given that it's been corroborated by multiple people here, I honestly don't see any reason to suppose that what I have heard is not representative of the whole story.

Anaris, I have always respected you, as a player in BM as well as part of the community. From your words, and those of others, I mean to gather that Kyle is not the real one to blame here. Though I still consider his messages to me to be inappropriate, I'm glad to have heard some context from his side of the story.

Kyle, if you believe I am part of some OOC scheme against you, I can assure you this is untrue. I have no information whatsoever on what is happening in Swordfell. I considered some of the rp you created to be unsuitable for BM, and I let you know - and I don't think I did so in an impolite way. If you are being harrassed continually I can understand you lashed out at me, though I cannot consider that an excuse either.

For the sake of all that is good in BM, let us leave this behind us. If you continue to be annoyed by other players, please step forward and make a public complaint. The kind of atmosphere this bickering creates is bad for all parties involved.