Author Topic: Manual Government Change - Terran  (Read 30824 times)


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Re: Manual Government Change - Terran
« Reply #30: May 07, 2013, 10:34:09 AM »
I agree.

But let's take stock here. Every single non-Astroist left the realm. Astroists who left have returned. New Astroists have arrived. The ruler is an Astroist priest. The Triunists seceded to form two Triunist realms. Terran has been legally a Triunist/Astroist realm for years. With all the Triunists seceded, it's logical to say we're Astroist (which we've done).

We haven't just changed a label. We've gotten rid of all the republicans and Triunists. We've dropped 90% of the realm. We've brought in new people. We've even had street-fighting between various factions in Terran during Quintus' last days.

The government system of Terran has failed. Everyone in game knows it. It's been renounced by literally everyone who has the ability to do so. I really don't see why we should have to RP a theocracy, as Indirik says, for years to get a change that has clearly already happened now.

See, here's the thing. You're right: government change involves more than the palace. Usually. But Terran does not exist beyond the palace. We're one city (well, just conquered a townsland, but it'll probably starve itself rogue. Literally every single position is held by one man (Hireshmont). Many of the city officials have already been purged due to Quintus' treachery. Others would have fled with the Saffalorons and the Phantarians. We've had bloodshed and messiness: it just didn't have the game label "rebellion."

Damn. We really need a good written history of the split of Terran, 'cause you made it sound really cool.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)