Author Topic: Manual Government Change - Terran  (Read 31586 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Manual Government Change - Terran
« Reply #45: May 08, 2013, 11:00:20 PM »
Maybe, but why would a ruler with absolute power risk destabilising the establishment and tradition that supports him in the first place.

Also, for all the power afforded to the ruler by institution, he is still reliant on others co-operating with him.

The establishment in this scenario is the nobility as represented by player characters.  Your fictional "every other person in Terran" is a game design lever that can and should serve specific, intentional purposes, but it is not a catch-all to dispel criticism. Otherwise you end up in a scenario where in realms with, say, 20 people, you are comfortable anointing a majority of those twenty with the power to pull every lever in the game, but in realms with five people they are suddenly at the mercy of ... the butler?

You are trying to ascribe to in-character functionaries non-existent power to explain away limitations of the current game mechanics. It's bad history and irrelevant game design. Servants' capacity to poison somebody has got nothing to do with political systems in the real universe or the BM universe.

The only thing that can be achieved here is for the developers to consider scenarios like this the next time they revisit the relevant systems.  There isn't a quick fix here.

Speak up, or you're not going to get heard.

This is a convenient dodge. You're a developer. You need players right now more than players need you, or else so many of them would not have voted with their feet. You can rely on accounts from those of us who have reason to know what at least a couple dozen people here or there think, or you can plug your ears. I certainly don't have a stake in which you choose, but BM would be better served if the developers treated criticism in the same way you'd treat a customer criticizing your company's product (i.e. you have a connection to it but it's not like they're insulting your family) rather than adopting the defensive stance that is all over these forums and was all over the d-list before that. You are obviously doing your constituents a favor by investing your time into a volunteer role, but they are doing you a favor by investing their time into talking about it. If they didn't very much approve of the job you were doing on the whole, they wouldn't bother to do those things. Yes it's an unfair double standard. If everybody thinks I'm a jerk, nothing happens. If they think you're a jerk, your product suffers. No two ways about it.