Author Topic: 101 Ways to Destabalize the Northern Astroist Federation  (Read 83965 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Mathurin's letter to the full members regarding the crusade wasn't sent until after the crusade was declared. Nowhere, elders or full members, did Mathurin ever say "We should call a crusade" or "A crusade is a really good idea". What he said was: "Indeed, I am closer to considering this matter to be worthy of a crusade than that of Aurvandil." After the crusade was called, Mathurin sent a letter to all members of the church explaining the reason for the Crusade, and said "I expect all pious members of Sanguis Astroism to offer what assistance they can." Again, not a ringing endorsement of the Crusade, merely "I expect you all to do your duty".

I'm pretty sure Medugnatos said he had got the Prophet's blessing in person before he called the crusade, and the Prophet explicitly mentioned this when he said to the full members "I do not give my blessing lightly". I can understand why as a non-Elder it might seem like the whole thing was cooked up by Hireshmont, but from within the Elders Council it seemed pretty clear to me that several Elders supported it, Mathurin endorsed it, and most of the rest didn't think it was too bad (well at least that's how it seemed before several Elders later declared they always thought it was terrible.)

Of course everyone knew the Farronites hated the idea, but I'm surprised at the level of theocratic backlash considering so few spoke either in full members or in the Council on the issue. It's pretty hard to gauge theocratic opinion when the majority of active Church members are not theocrats.