Author Topic: 101 Ways to Destabalize the Northern Astroist Federation  (Read 83902 times)


  • Noble Lord
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That's not what my character said. He said that that his loyalty ultimately lay with the Prophet, and he hadn't broke any laws as Niselur was bound as a theocracy to uphold the words of the Prophet when he called for support for the crusade.

Unfortunately, that is what it seemed like(and I will admit that the king took full advantage of it-who wouldn't?), and by the time you brought the relevant letters to light the damage had been done to your reputation and many nobles seemed to tuned you out as a traitor.

There's only so many priests to go around. Despite the fact that SA has a lot of priests, Dwilight is a HUGE area to cover. If Niselur wants a priest in their area, why don't they either ask a priest to come, or have one of their own nobles become a priest? But, really, you *had* one of the highest ranking members of the church as your ruler, and you kicked him to the curb.

He *is* a high ranking member of the church, but in my few weeks there I did not see any messages or attempts to engage the realm-unlike the King.  Perhaps there was a lot of engagement going on inside the church but as my character is not a part of SA she did not see it-thus the disconnect.

Niselur should not have to ask for a priest-you have to work to keep a realm as a ruler-it is the same with priests and religion.  If the Catholic Church were to withdraw its priests would it be as popular.  It would be the same if a ruler spent all of his time in another realm-how fast would disconnect and rebellion begin to foster.

If SA wants to rule like a realm then it has to act like it too.

Except that it never happened. No one was ever punished for speaking out against the crusade. Two nobles were demoted to a penitent rank for sending rude and offensive messages, after everyone in the church was warned to keep the discussion civil.

No one in the entire church was ever punished for speaking out against the crusade, or refusing to comply with it. If someone told your character they were punished for speaking out against the crusade they are lying or intentionally misrepresenting the facts.
My character is new to the political field and takes words at face value, and no attempt was made to refute them until after Leopold made his case to the realm.  In fact it wasn't until a day ago that Mordaunt said that there were no charges-almost 8 DAYS* after Leopold started his argument.

*If I am wrong forgive me Lefanis-you can bust out a long speech like no other, but it makes your character seem a little.... wordy, and may put the simpler nobles of the realm to sleep(who care nothing for the church), so your message might have been lost.

Characters:Lain Frostwood, Ghostfire Frostwood, Talia(commoner)