Author Topic: 101 Ways to Destabalize the Northern Astroist Federation  (Read 83961 times)


  • Noble Lord
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My best ally wouldn't put my realm in such a position of vulnerability without even consulting me first.

Had Phantaria called your bluff, and Morek been forced to punish either Phantaria or Niselur-Libero, who'd be backing that D'Hara-Luria Nova peace treaty? Alice just learnt that Morek was still pledging to militarily defend D'Hara if Luria Nova chose to break it, which she was getting ready to do...

Yea, my best ally would put us alone against the forces of Aurvandil, Phantaria (kinda), Saffalore, Falkirk (kinda), and Luria Nova. Totally. My best ally would also totally usurp traditional 'moot territory to place a foreign-backed non-republic on our doorstep. He'd also create a useless tension among the realms of the region, when really what we'd truly need to is bring everyone back together to KO the weakened states of Aurvandil and Falkirk.

But yea, sure, go ahead and claim that...

Does Chenier really think the Elders consider things like this when they deliberate? There are many reasons why some Elders have reason to doubt the crusade but D'Hara's secular concerns really aren't one of then- it's not even on Constantine's radar and he's probably the "most D'Haran" Elder there.