Author Topic: Multi-faith Gathering in Lothruin to Investigate an Abandoned Temple  (Read 2437 times)


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Background roleplay:

Roleplay from Raziella I Himoura Nifelleisca   (14 days, 13 hours ago)
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Raziella walked along the road following people, quite obviously, to their discomfort before changing victim as suited her. Upon one such stalking, headed towards barad gardor, Raziella began feeling the cold sweat return, despite the nighttime chill, as a fire swept the city, in record speeds, eventually weaving through the menedor fields and enveloping Raziella. The last she saw was a maiden's face in the flames, flames that seemed to twirl as if lengthy locks of fiery red hair. Arelian echoed her mind.

But when she shrieked, standing but a foot behind a terrified cooper, and opened her eyes again, there was no fire, nor evidence that any had occurred. The night was as regular as any other. Well, except that there were no stars out tonight. Instead of a clear, starry sky, it was dark.

Looking round at passerbys faces, Raziella caught sight of open graves, as if something rose from the earth. The name Sigund was written upon one tombstone, apparently a local menedorian died some years ago. Hurrying to camp, she began preparing for battle when one of the two hurlers inquired as to who and where combat was to be held. It began to rain along the way to the open graves, but this rain was different.

Behind her, calls of "Hey Lodril, check this out!" and "Coming Mistaren!" floated across the fields, as she let the rain fall upon her hand and inspected it. The rain was mixed with ash. In such large quantities, where could this come from? All three returning, the graves were as they'd always been, occupied. Raziella didn't bother checking to see if the name on the stone was the same.

Ordering the men back to bed, she followed some yards behind, alone in the ashrain , much less observant about her fellows on the road than earlier tonight, when a raspy voice spoke, "Child, do you know where you are?" On Raziella's rightside, a hunched old woman, with a hood similar to hers, continued, "Have you given thought to those of greatest success upon atamara? Empires follow me."

"But you're...a common beggar woman!" gasped Raziella.

"Darkans know this to be true. Tell them that Jordfan would see them punished for their failure to petition his assistance whilst imperials eagerly sought his worship."

When Raziella turned to respond, there was no one. Ordering her men back to her, the three set out inspecting local fields and hills. A young girl stepped out from a cornstalk maze just as the three were preparing to return to the road, and then camp. Teasing and provoking the two hurlers, she challenged them to combat, earning their laughter. But she revealed 2 daggers and began to charge, screaming, "I am the one who ended the Desert God's reign. I destroyed Thor and Odin. The Viking Longbeard has met my blade. And it was I who killed Arelian!"

Readying for combat against this sweet child, she stopped. Or rather, disappeared. And behold, a man in flowing robes, three vikings, and a shining beacon of an angel surrounded them, causing their surrender. Inducting them with rites unknown to their ears, each being seemed to cast their sword, or battleaxe, into their flesh, before leaving them bound and gagged for travellers to discover. Sitting in the rain, they waited, until a group of smiths freed them. Raziella earnestly spent the time warning them of fires and doom, undead, and strange apparitions along the road. When they had finally ushered themselves from her good graces, she commanded a checkpoint set up by the three of them, by their camp, and regaled harried travellers with tales of the doom that was to befall Barad Gardor if change was not had! "Change for Barad Gardor!" was the chant, never mentioning what the change exactly was. Frightened families scurred away under the rain of a dark night accompanied by reports of dead men walking and destroyed lake fortresses.

After this, Raziella inquired of many friends, acquaintances, priests, and religious elders. Her liege, Caleb, thought it be best to investigate an abandoned athonlaurist temple in Lothruin.

Meeting in Lothruin:

Roleplay from Raziella I Himoura Nifelleisca   (4 days, 2 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Lothruin (4 recipients)
Raziella, stopped, ordering her entourage to find a field to have the tents arrived, and to send emissaries to her travelling comrades's entourages that they had arrived. It was pleasant location, with streams for fishing, excellent arable fields, and meadows. She'd followed the instructions from Earl Caleb as to where in Lothruin the temple was in. Now, they awaited his arrival from Shanandoah to guide them to the temple himself.

Roleplay from Caleb Kingsley   (2 days, 12 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Lothruin (6 recipients)
Caleb stood waiting in the government building in Lotha, the provincial capital.  Here is where he would meet Lady Raziella, his knight and fellow Ithilian.  Caleb of course arrived much earlier than the meeting was scheduled for in order to go over the map he made to find the Old Church.  As he waited he amused himself by playing 'Freeman or Landed', a game he made up in which he attempted to determine a commoner's status by his dress and action.  After several minutes, a man walked in who fell into neither category.  Caleb of course recognized the nobleman as Marshal Sharpseare, his longtime friend and countryman.  Caleb stood up and approached the Marshal quizzically.

"Ah!  My Prince, it has been too long, the Darkans have kept me busy this past week..." the Marshal greeted
A bit confused Caleb replied "Indeed, but what are you doing in here in Lothruin?"
Now puzzled as well, Drizztle replied, "Well, we're going to see the Old Church of Athonlaurism are we not?"
"Well, yes," Caleb answered, "But Lady Nifellesca and I made that plan.  I did not know you were wanting to come."
"Oh so she's not here yet?  Well I guess we'll still have to wait for her and the others."

Caleb looked quite confused now.  "The others?  How many others?"
"Well there's the two priests, the Cagilans, the Taran, maybe others as well, I'm not sure."
Shocked by this revelation Caleb replied "Well I suppose we should wait then.  Although Raziella did NOT inform me the entire empire would accompanying us."

Roleplay from Raziella I Himoura Nifelleisca   (2 days, 11 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Lothruin (6 recipients)
Raziella had received word that Earl Caleb had arrived. It seems she had misread the map and they were to meet in Lotha, the chief village of Lothruin, not this field marked with an X on the map. Perhaps the X had other significance. One day she'd have to hire one of those free roaming commoners to see if there was any buried treasure. Well, it made more sense for the temple to be closer to the village. Sending messengers to inform the camps of Margrave Torsaan and Dame Nicotina of where to join them, Raziella penned letters to those not yet arrived, ordered the camp broke down, and hurried towards Lotha, presumably with the cagilans close behind.

Wandering a bit confused as to where to meet, even in such a small location, she was growing conscious of the villagers growing attention as to her and her men. Rereading the letter, she noticed 'government offices' as the meeting location and turned to the crudely marked census office. That must be it. Bounding up the stairs, she entered quietly. The two Head Hurlers who had been with her that peculiar night joined her whilst the others remained at guard outside, mingling with the other units.

Smiling at the marshal, "Sir Drizztle". Though dressed in pants, Raziella half-curtseyed, half bowed one knee, to the earl, "Prince Caleb". Rising again, "I'm certain the others are not far behind".

Roleplay from Drizztle Sharpspeare   (2 days, 11 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Lothruin (6 recipients)
"Ah m'lady Raziella, it is good to see you. I'm glad you have arrive. Can I get you a drink?" Raziella politely declined.

"While we waited, I entertained our good Prince here. He has a good eye. We saw this ridiculous gentleman in this bright green clothes. I'm not talking forest green. I mean BRIGHT green. I didn't even know this color was possible. My Prince, do you remember the hat he was wearing?" Drizztle said chuckling.

Earl Caleb, trying unsuccessfully to to stifle his laughter, said, "Yes, Peacock feathers if I remember correctly." Bursting out laughing Drizztle began "YES! It was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Definitely a well off freeman trying desperately to be landed."

After pouring himself some lemonade, Drizztle turned to Raziella, "Where shall begin? I am eager to visit this lost temple of yours Lady Raziella"

Roleplay from Raziella I Himoura Nifelleisca   (2 days, 10 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Lothruin (6 recipients)
"Ah, but the Prince knows the location, not I. I barely remembered the name athonlaurism, let alone any locations," Raziella said whilst pouring herself a glass of lemonade. "I brought cookies. Peanut butter, oatmeal raisin, and the standard chocolate chip. I figured we'd need snacks while investigating this temple."

Roleplay from Torsaan ka Habb   (2 days, 10 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Lothruin (6 recipients)
Camped in Lothruin near the borders with Lyton and Menedor, a messenger from Dame Raziella arrives to inform the Kargnchha that they are to meet in Lotha, a small administrative centre some distance away. A junior priest leans into Torsaan's tent, relieved to find him not meditating and only quietly sipping wine. After informing His Holyness, they break camp and set off.

It is a sight Lotha hasn't seen before, the patriarch of the desert faith The Word and his full retinue. A rather humble coach surrounded by not so humble guards, flanked by priests of varying seniority and a small retinue of scribes related to his landed title. Passing through the square to the census office, the coach stops and a young priest produces steps for the ancient holy man. Stepping out into the sunlight, Torsaan doesn't squint. His hair is silver and tightly curled against his scalp, his beard is neatly trimmed and silver as well. His robes are a deep royal purple, with accents of red and gold. Perhaps most startling are the old priest's eyes, hazed over with cataracts. A senior priest steps forward to offer a walking stick and a hand to Torsaan as he descends the stairs. Making his way into the census office flanked by guards and guided by the priest, the priest announces to the nobility within "His Holyness Torsaan Kargnchha the First of The Word, Margrave of Vornion, Baron of Laphiragh, on the invitation of Dame Raziella Himoura." he then continues, speaking quietly to Torsaan "There are two men and a woman."

Torsaan clears his throat. His eyes, though whitened by cataracts, were once a deep brown. His age is starting to truly show, wrinkles and blindness betraying his smirk and otherwise youthful demeanour. Bowing deeply, "Greetings Corians! I am here by the invitation of a Dame Raziella to view an ancient temple of Athonlaurism and to provide guidance in a spiritual matter." His voice is gravelly and not particularly deep. Alternating squinting and opening his eyes wide, he turns his head to the side slowly, eyes on the Dame. "Milady?"

Roleplay from Caleb Kingsley   (2 days, 9 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Lothruin (6 recipients)
With the arrival of the Priest the previously jovial attitude of the reunited Ithilians was immediately silenced.  His guard stood stoic, entourage behind them.

The unlikely party stood quietly as Caleb glanced at Raziella awkwardly.  Finally he spoke.

"Erm... actually, I, Prince Caleb of Ithilia, will be leading this expedition.  With Raziella's recent visions, specifically regarding Lady Arelien, I thought perhaps a visit to Master  Anton's Church in Lothruin would help her find clarity."

Again a short silence,

"I was not aware we would be having such a large party, however..."

Roleplay from Nicotina Marlboro   (2 days, 7 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Lothruin (8 recipients)
Dame Nicotina left her retinue behind, riding to the rally point with only her sworn shield Rufus. The former cavalryman looked dapper in black clothing, practically fit for court though barely more than a commoner by most standards. His Lady rode side-saddle to spare her simple dress, purple with a practical black belt to hold her sword in place. Her archers were in good hands, led by Captain Bartolf in her absence; she understood that there were monsters around, and she had given them orders to go hunting with the other forces in the area.

Upon arrival at Lotha, she slipped unassisted from the saddle, skilled enough at riding if not at jousting. She was at the higher end of average height for a lady, though she wore leather sandals instead of the well-heeled boots most nobility enjoyed, which gave the lie to her stature. Adjusting her sword belt, she approached the growing party, which included her spiritual leader, Lord Torsaan. Accordingly, he was the first to be acknowledged. Holding a hand over her heart, she bowed to the man. "Het Hab-yc, Kargnchha," she offered modestly, then, straightening, her eyes sought out Lady Raziella. "I am sorry I kept you waiting, m'lady," the young knight offered with a smile. Her bodyguard remained at a respectful distance, practically a part of the scenery for all his silence.

Roleplay from Raziella I Himoura Nifelleisca   (2 days, 6 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Lothruin (8 recipients)

"Indeed, it is by my invitation, as I wanted many perspectives to enlighten our journey, but knowledge of the temple and its original suggestion for exploration is all Earl Caleb's as a believer in athonlaurism," Raziella finished telling Torsaan. Smiling, Raziella offered cookies to a senior priest to provide to the blind margrave. Turning to the cagilan dame she'd not seen since the tournament, Raziella proclaimed, "Nicotina! It is good to see you! Cookies? I believe Sir Drizztle has lemonade, as well."

Of course, giddy to get to explore an abandoned, overgrown temple (Raziella often enjoyed navigating york's catacombs as a child), she eagerly asked Caleb, "I believe all that I knew in the region have arrived, so shall we set out, my Prince?"