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Enweil & Ally vs Riombara

Started by Terises Jr., May 25, 2013, 06:50:38 AM

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Who will win?

Ally of Enweil
6 (14.6%)
Enweil & Ally
6 (14.6%)
1 (2.4%)
27 (65.9%)
7 (17.1%)

Total Members Voted: 41

Terises Jr.

This War seem interesting for me. Enweil and ally; Fronen, nothoi, Old Grekh vs Riombara. 4 vs 1. Anyway, Enweil army is very weak compare to Riombara. And Enweil will be destroy if other realm refused to help them. But, i think Enweil / ally will win in this war..


Don't underestimate the baleful effects of distance and the difficulty of coordinating the efforts of four realms. Riombara is rich, strong and organized (or at least it was when I was there, but I suspect nothing has changed). Enweil is weak. Fronen and Nothoi aren't particularly strong themselves. Old Grehk is strong, but also the most distant. The front line will also be on the opposite side of Enweil from all her allies, so they will have much longer refit times than Riombara will.


Old Grehk's march is a minimum of six days, each way. Possibly longer, depending on unit size, travel delays, wounded troops, etc. They have a very high overall CS, on par with Riombara's, but it is due to a large amount of militia. Old Grehk has few nobles to actually march to help out with a war. (16 nobles, a couple priests, leave a couple home to mind the store, and you're down to what, 8 or 9 noble marching?)

Fronen is closer, but weak. Still, a 4-5 day march to the front lines. They have the potential to be Enweil's biggest help.

Nothoi is very close, but weak, and has a lot of their own open land to cover. If they are getting anything like the monster spawn we have in Caelum, they have their hands full defending themselves. Both of their cities are extremely depopulated (~33% max). Their one townsland is also at half pop. Makes for slow recruits and not a lot of gold.

Enweil's cities are also depopulated. They have a lot of exposed rural land.

Riombara has boatloads of gold. Highly populated cities. Lots of recruits. Lots of protected land. Lots of nobles.

Enweil is gonna get plastered.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


It's going to end just like Melhed vs Thal. The group that has the most nobles on the field is going to win.


Quote from: Indirik on May 25, 2013, 06:24:30 PM
Old Grehk's march is a minimum of six days, each way. Possibly longer, depending on unit size, travel delays, wounded troops, etc. They have a very high overall CS, on par with Riombara's, but it is due to a large amount of militia. Old Grehk has few nobles to actually march to help out with a war. (16 nobles, a couple priests, leave a couple home to mind the store, and you're down to what, 8 or 9 noble marching?)

Fronen is closer, but weak. Still, a 4-5 day march to the front lines. They have the potential to be Enweil's biggest help.

Nothoi is very close, but weak, and has a lot of their own open land to cover. If they are getting anything like the monster spawn we have in Caelum, they have their hands full defending themselves. Both of their cities are extremely depopulated (~33% max). Their one townsland is also at half pop. Makes for slow recruits and not a lot of gold.

Enweil's cities are also depopulated. They have a lot of exposed rural land.

Riombara has boatloads of gold. Highly populated cities. Lots of recruits. Lots of protected land. Lots of nobles.

Enweil is gonna get plastered.

You raise some valid points.

The distance is an issue for Old Grehk, but OG also took a hit from the Shady multi scandal, we lost quite a few nobles from it. We have had some nobles go inactive, including our General. We are having an issue finding someone to fill the role and OG is also suffering from apathy as well. I had hoped the war would assist with that and encourage nobles to be more active, it doesn't seem to be working.

OG may have to pull out simply because we don't have military leadership at present and we don't have many active nobles. The few active we have are the region lords and Dukes who have been dealing with some monster and undead cropping up and tending to our regions :(
Michael (BT) - Marcus (BT) - Antonious (EC) - Claudius (EC)


Hah, you guys had the chance to change that during the war between thals and melhed but did not take it.

Draco Tanos

You mean when being asked not to participate by Thalmarkin?


When being asked to help Melhed. Haha  ;D

Terises Jr.

Fronen army: 9 attacker (7911cs)
Enweil army: 11 attacker (5867cs)
Nothoi army: 5 attacker
Riombara army: 5 defender

25 attackers (522 Inf, 167 MI,
128 Arch, 195 Cav, 216 SF)
5 defenders (70 Inf, 87 Arch, 73
Total combat strengths: 16075
vs. 3142

Micheal Langdon, Viscount of
Rii has been wounded by The
Blood Pack (22).
Tobius Alumaani, Viscount of
Elloranaal has been wounded
by Lion's Pride (15).
Distorted Psych, Knight of
Rines has been wounded by
Laegan's Honor Guard (13).

Total casualties: 6 attackers,
18 defenders
Attacker Victory!

New victory! - First battle.

Congratulations to Fronen. :)


I'll be very happy to oblige and roflstomp Enweil and any ally that arrives to Riombaran land. If this is fought in Riombaran or Enweilian lands, we have already won 8)
D'Espana Family


Quote from: Geronus on May 25, 2013, 06:00:57 PM
Don't underestimate the baleful effects of distance and the difficulty of coordinating the efforts of four realms. Riombara is rich, strong and organized (or at least it was when I was there, but I suspect nothing has changed). Enweil is weak. Fronen and Nothoi aren't particularly strong themselves. Old Grehk is strong, but also the most distant. The front line will also be on the opposite side of Enweil from all her allies, so they will have much longer refit times than Riombara will.

But that's a lot of realms to hoard scrolls to blast onto Rio!
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

Draco Tanos

Quote from: Disturbedyang on May 26, 2013, 07:51:07 AM
When being asked to help Melhed. Haha  ;D
Pretty sure the person you guys selected to be your king single-handedly ended any good will between every other realm and Melhed.

Terises Jr.

Enweil has begin TO of Droxago.
First battle and loot and TO on riombara land..

And still, the core troop from Fronen :)


Rio's forces are being crushed everywhere.

Damn it feels good to see a grand coalition against Rio this time, instead of with them against Enweil. I love Enweil's new ruler, he did a good job.  :D
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Chénier on May 28, 2013, 01:41:23 PM
Rio's forces are being crushed everywhere.

Damn it feels good to see a grand coalition against Rio this time, instead of with them against Enweil. I love Enweil's new ruler, he did a good job.  :D

I have no wish to malign Eridanian, but he's not the one who organized this coalition against Riombara, Chénier. That was done by one person, and one person alone: Folcard Cuvelier.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan