
Who will win?

Ally of Enweil
6 (12.8%)
Enweil & Ally
6 (12.8%)
1 (2.1%)
27 (57.4%)
7 (14.9%)

Total Members Voted: 36

Author Topic: Enweil & Ally vs Riombara  (Read 67282 times)


  • Exalted Emperor
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Re: Enweil & Ally vs Riombara
« Reply #60: June 18, 2013, 12:34:35 AM »
So, your contention is that, rather than the simple answer (that the people intending to form a secession from Riombara that opposed its basic principles actually kept it secret from Riombara's leadership), we knew all about the planned secession, chose to allow it, even when it crippled Riombara and led very, very close to our total destruction, and then lied about knowing about it, and continue, five years or more after the fact, to conspire with each other to lie to you about knowing about the planned Meridian secession.

That sounds like it would make perfect sense in the Chénier-verse, but here in the real world, sorry, mate, but that sort of thing is just ridiculous.

You are repeating your own bull!@#$ so often that you have come to actually believe it.

Micro Enweil.png   June 28, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
"For Riombara and the Monsters", take 2
The results are in. 46% of Riombarans wanted an alliance with the monsters in order to destroy Enweil and Avalon. Equally, they rejected the option to wage war on the monsters. If they are a bit shy to commit, we get a clear sense of their values.

Addenda: To add to the hypocrisy, the author of a less-reputable newspaper of the south, Mordred Lefanis the judge of Riombara, has complained about "unwarranted attacks" by this paper on the people of Riombara. It is to be noted that this is the man who wrote up the proposed alliance and who did all he can to make the alliance with the monsters pass.

Micro Enweil.png   June 27, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
"For Riombara and the Monsters"
Or so should the hypocrite in power there start to sign his letters. Riombara is currently voting on a proposed alliance with the monsters in which they would allow the monsters to destroy Enweil and Avalon to give more land to the monster-aligned Dominion. This proposed alliance is brought forth by none other than their great Chamberlain, Mordred Lefanis, a so-called "defender of humanity" who passed most of his days since the last invasion accusing others of collaborating with inhumans and making up evidence. More and more southerners are flocking to Enweil, disgusted by their leaders, to join a land that knows what dignity, honour, and courage are.

You guys freaking VOTED on allying the monsters. And it almost passed. KoA had already submitted to the monsters by then, the terms for which were very much public. Annaej had already joined the monsters herself.

And this was very much so before the secession of Rines. So yea, I call total bull!@#$ when you say that the secession took you by total surprise and that you never could have seen it coming. Some of you may have been clueless, but definitely not not all of you. And those who had no idea were indeed very clueless: it could not have been any more obvious than it was. There might not have been an elaborate plan, and Rines might not have been chosen as the spot to do so until the very end, but the general idea of a colony for the monsters was very public and was circulating since well before you took any of the allurians into your realm, and it was clear even before the secession, thanks to that vote, that a vast portion of your nobles were in favor of fighting against humanity.
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